Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Common Post Waxing Woes

With any hair removal, there is a chance that you might experience something that didn’t go quite according to plan. Even as I type this, these are things that Estheticians just don’t want to talk about. Real talk. But I think that it’s important to acknowledge that sometimes, things don’t go as we expect.

So what happens when you receive a wax and a problem arises? The very first and most important thing to do is to let your waxer know. They need to document the problem so that they can change it for the next time. They also will give you advice on what to do .

Here are a couple of common post waxing woes and general recommendations. (Again, make sure that you seek professional advice from YOUR personal waxer.)

Not all hair is removed

Yes, this happens where not all of the hair is able to be removed. Some may be too short, or it just didn’t come out with the wax. The subsequent waxes usually will yield better results. But if there is a certain spot where hair is left behind, be sure to speak up before your next wax.


Bruising can also occur when strips are pulled off the skin. The most common area for this to happen is the tendon over the thigh. Helping your waxer to hold the skin taut in this area may help it to be better next time. Also, if you are on blood thinners, this is more common as it is the nature of the beast.

Lifted Skin

Certain medications will cause the skin to be more fragile and it could lift. Lifting means that the top layer of skin is removed. The waxer can use a different prepping product for the skin … and can double check to make sure that the wax is not too hot. Use aquaphor or neosporin for a few days on the area until it feels/looks better.

Red Bumps

Red bumps are generally a histamine reaction. This is your body’s way of saying, “Hey! Something happened here today.” Most of the time, it goes away within 24 hours (sometimes 48.) This is very common for a first time waxer, but generally your body’s response will minimize each time.

White Bumps

This generally means that something got into the follicle after waxing. Remember it is very important to avoid heat, friction, sweat and sex for the first 24 hours. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and clean, cotton underwear.


Perhaps the most frustrating waxing woe is ingrowns. These occur when hairs get trapped under the surface of the skin. They can be red, inflammed and uncomfortable. My recommendation is to exfoliate twice a week and use an aftercare product that is specific to the intimate areas. Ask your Esthetician what he/she recommends so they can get you taking care of the area BEFORE you have problems. Aftercare with this is key.

If you have questions, always ask! Your Esthetician is there to help and make your waxing experience the best ever!!!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Three Products That Makes Estheticians Shake Their Head

I know so many estheticians and we have so many differing opinions. Some of us are more natural and holistic while others love chemicals and everything that’s tested. There are three products though that every esthetician shakes their head about. In a bad way. Want to know what they are and why they aren’t good for the face? Let’s dive in!

#1 - St. Ives Apricot Scrub

You know it. Friends don’t let friends use St. Ives Scrub. Those jagged pieces of nut seeds can reek havoc on your skin, creating microtears. Since our skin’s first and most important job is to protect the body, this is no bueno. There has been lawsuits and more … but let’s just say, it’s best to avoid all together!

What to use instead?

There are oodles of exfoliation products … some have a scrub and some work like a mask. I have TWO amazing options for scrubs and would love to show you!

#2 - Peel Off Masks

These masks have been so popular on InstaGram and TikTok. They go on like a cream and then dry. Once dry, you literally will peel off the mask, and whatever is underneath will peel off with it. These masks are painful to remove and the skin will lift up slightly when pulling away. Long term, these masks can cause problems with broken blood vessels and the integrity of our skin. AND, you know that our skin will always give us clues. It’s our job to listen.

What to use instead?

There are many cream masks and sheet masks that don’t adhere to your skin. These are best. I have TWO amazing sheet masks right now that I am in love with and would love to show you!

#3 - Bar Soap for the body

Here’s the skinny on a traditional soap for the face. You need to check out the pH of the product and avoid ones that are too high. They will remove dirt, grime and oils so well … even making you feel squeaky clean. But you don’t want to strip the facial skin too much or create a film on the face.

What to use instead?

If you aren’t wanting to use a cleanser, my recommendation is to use a microfiber cloth that will grab all the bad stuff off. Follow with a prep solution and all the finishing products. (P.S. Don’t forget that you need an organic laundry detergent without fillers if you are going to use a cloth.)

Which one shocked you the most? Remember that knowledge is power. If you have additional questions on what is right for your skin, see your local Esthetician. They are SO excited to help you and your skin!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Top 5 Things You Should Know Pre Waxing

If you are anything like me, you want to know what to expect with anything new. Knowledge is power, right?

So with that in mind, are you ready for the top 5 things that you should know before your first Brazilian Wax?

#5 - Grow your hair to the length of a grain of rice

Length of hair matters. If you shave, you’ll want a minimum of 2 weeks of growth, but 3 is preferred. If you normally trim, please just leave the hairs until your appointment.

#4 - Exfoliate the day of your appointment

You can exfoliated by using a warm washcloth in the shower the morning of your scheduled wax. Be gentle, yet thorough.

#3 - Avoid caffeine before your appointment

Caffeine (and alcohol) actually stimulate your nerve endings and you feel more pain. So, try to go without or minimize the amount that you are choosing to have that day.

#2 - Wear loose, comfortable clothing that day

Comfy clothes are best … and you’ll also want to wear clean, cotton underwear too. Think breathable and not too tight.

#1 - Just remember to breathe

This is my #1 tip!!! If you will just breathe and tell yourself it’s not that bad, you’ll be right. It will go pretty fast, and by the time that you are checking out, you’ll be ready to schedule wax #2.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #9 - Waxing is Too Expensive

So maybe by now, you might be thinking that you are ready to try Brazilian Waxing for the first time … or to start doing it more consistently. But … there is a cost with waxing.

Yes, you do pay a price for waxing. And while it may seem like a lot, you are only going to do it about every 4-5 weeks.

While those that decide to shave may be shaving quite a bit more than that. In fact, many will shave every day or every other day to keep the stubble down. It is recommended that you should change out your razor every 5-7 uses. Add in the shaving cream and aftercare products, you are still spending money to remove the hair. It’s just camouflaged into your grocery bill or toiletries budget.

So what are the benefits of shaving? Well, you remove the hair for a day.

Next day, you’ll need to start all over again.

The benefits of waxing will help the hairs become finer and more sparse over time. The hair becomes more manageable, and when it starts to grow back in, it’s not all at once. Clients love the results of waxing, which is why they come back month after month.

I’d love to invite you to experience the difference! Put down the razor and give the hair a minimum of 2 weeks growth (3 is preferred.) Let’s set up an appointment today!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #8 - It's Okay To Try This At Home

If I had a dollar for every time someone started a story by saying, “I got wax and tried to do it myself,” I’d be rich! That story never goes well and I always tell clients that they don’t even need to finish the story. There’s a reason they are now on the table.

Let’s save you the trouble in the first place and get you only GREAT stories to tell your friends.

Here are the top 2 reasons why this is never a great idea:

#1 - Home wax isn’t like professional wax.

Don’t be fooled. The quality of wax DOES matter. And it matters a lot. You want something that will effectively and efficiently pull the hair out. This wax is not cheap, and rarely can clients purchase it for home use. You’ll also need a pre cleanse, post product, sticks, strips, wax pots, etc. The cost really adds up.

#2 - The technician and angles matter.

I’ve spent years learning and perfecting my technique to make sure that we do the best waxing possible for you. And guess what? I still can’t manage to wax myself well for one reason… and that is angles! It’s hard to pull the right directions on yourself. This can cause bruising and more pain. All reasons to leave it to the professional.

The horror stories should be left to the make believe world online. Schedule your appointment with a Brazilian Wax Expert today! These professionals do mostly this service and are great at making sure that every appointment is simply the best!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #7 - Shaving In Between Appointments Will Make It Easier

Alrighty there beautiful. Have you ever heard that shaving in between waxing appointments will make it easier? This couldn’t be further from the truth … and probably the worst myth that we’ve uncovered so far. Let’s discuss why.

Every hair on the body goes through 3 different cycles … the hair will grow, rest and fall out. When the hair falls out, there is another hair that will come through, similar to baby teeth and the adult one. The goal is to get all of the hair on the same cycle … and guess what? If you shave in between appointments, this will NEVER happen.

In addition to NOT getting you to smoother for a longer point of time, it will hurt more. No one wants more pain! Most likely, not all of the exposed hair will be able to be pulled out by waxing. So there are 2 options… leave the hair to grow out (my preferred option) or to tweeze. With tweezing, we may not be able to remove the hair without breaking some of it … which is simply a recipe for ingrowns.

It may be necessary to shave a bikini line on a rare occasion, but I do ask clients to trust the process if possible and to never shave in between appointments. The hair is very manageable unlike shaving (much finer and more sparse).

2022 is the year of the Brazilian. If you’ve ever though about it, I’d love to help you experience the best waxing service. Let’s schedule your appointment and help you experience the difference!

And please … no shaving in between appointments!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #6 - I'm Too Old For Intimate Waxing

I’ve heard it time and time again. I’m too old for this. This is just not true! You can wax at any age. I work to always protect the skin and make it as comfortable as I possibly can.

So, what’s too young and what’s too old for intimate waxing? Well, I don’t do brazilians on clients underage. And there truly is no cap on the upper end. I’ve waxed ladies in their 70s before. Yes, you read that correctly.

So, if you are a mature client, is there anything that needs to be done differently? The answer is no. Here is what you need to do before coming in.

#1 - Grow out hair to at least a 1/4 of an inch (length of grain of rice.)

#2 - Exfoliate in the shower before your appointment. Wear lose, comfortable clothing and cotton underwear.

#3 - Avoid stimulants like caffeine.

#4 - Remember to breathe and just relax as much as possible during your appointment.

That’s it! So, if you are ready to experience a wax for the first time, or you’ve neglected coming in for awhile, I’d love to help you with your service. Let’s schedule your appointment today!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #5 - You Can't Get Waxed On Your Period

You might be reading the title of this one and thinking … wow! Is this really a thing? I’m here to assure you that, not only does it happen, but it is more common than you thinking, especially for women that have unpredictable schedules.

But Zoey, that would mean that it would hurt more. Ahhh, this is usually not the case. After waxing hundreds of women and many of them being on their cycle when they come in for their appointment, the consensus is clear. “That wasn’t any worse than normal” is a common phrase that is used in the treatment room.

So if it happens to start the day you are set to see me, here’s how to feel comfortable coming in.

#1 - Shower and exfoliate like you normal would before your appointment.

#2 - Wear a tampon, cup, or disk to your appointment.

#3 - Take a pain reliever if you have cramping and would normally do so.

If you were expecting a long list, you are probably disappointed. It’ll take the same amount of time and be the same for your comfort level.

If you have additional questions, feel free to ask! That’s what I’m here for.

2022 is the year of the Brazilian and I’d love for you to experience this phenomenal service. Feel clean, confident and empowered. See you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #4 - The Second Wax Wasn't As Good

Did you know that every hair on your body goes through a cycle? The hair grows, rest, and then falls out. Like a baby tooth, when that hair falls out, there’s another hair ready to come through behind it.

At your first wax appointment, most of that hair has been in the growing cycle. What that means is when we remove it, this wax will be exceptional (especially because we do those touch up strips.) It’ll take awhile for the next hairs to pop through.

Unlike shaving, these hairs will come through the surface of the skin one at a time and at different rates. One hair on the right, one on the left a day later, etc. You get the point. These hairs are at a finer point and much easier to deal with.

So, you’ve had a first great wax appointment and you’ve come back in at 4 weeks (which is the ideal point to come back.) Your wax is going to be half as painful as the first for a few reasons, one of which is that not all of the hair has grown back yet. Half the hair means half the pain, right?

So fast forward in a couple days. You will probably see a hair here and a hair there start popping through. Why? Well, because we weren’t able to wax those off when you were in at your last appointment. Your wax was just as thorough as the first, but you simply can’t wax hairs that are under the skin.

The key is to be very consistent (especially the first 3 waxes) so that we can try and fake out these hairs to all puff through right before your wax appointment, creating a smoother, longer lasting wax for you!

Let’s get started in helping you reduce irritation and ingrowns that shaving often causes. Today is the day to make that appointment with a Brazilian Wax expert. I can’t wait to meet you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #3 - Shorter Hair Hurts Less

Maybe you’ve felt like the hair is a little too long and that you want to ‘help’ the process when you receive your Brazilian Wax. The most common response is to take personal trimmers and tame that jungle. But does that really help?

Imagine a tug of war rope where you have equal force on each side. What if the hair underneath is longer than the hair on top? If that is the case, the hair underneath will have more ‘pull’ than the hair on top, creating a little extra tug and a little extra pain.

I ask that all clients leave whatever hair that they have and do not trim before their appointment. If needed, we’ll do a couple of scissor cuts, but most of the time, it’ll remove out with ease.

If you have been a shaver, it’s important to have a minimum of 2 weeks of growth from the date of your last shave before your appointment. 3 weeks is preferred and will actually give you a better, longer lasting wax and will remove easier. Definitely a win-win. Every client thinks that their hair grows faster, but I’m here to share with you a little secret. It does not. You want the 2-3 weeks of growth or you’ll have other hairs pop through from underneath the skin sooner.

2022 is the year of the Brazilian. If you’ve been wanting to try a waxing service, the time is now. I can’t wait to help you with an exceptional wax. Come experience the difference.!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #2 - Nervous About Someone Looking At Me

This Instagram Story had me really thinking about what I can do to make you as a client feel more comfortable. I posted it months ago, but it still surprises me. The #1 reason why clients weren’t scheduling a wax? They thought it was going to hurt.

The #2 reason was nervous about someone looking at me.

“Letting other people see the va-jay-jay”

“Having someone all up in my goods!”

Being nervous is very common. I often tell new clients that if they weren’t nervous, that I would be worried that they weren’t human! Haha!!! Some nerves may come from the thought of pain … and the others are the thought of someone looking.

This service is my number one requested and performed service. I do Brazilian waxing more than any other treatment that I offer. I am a master conversationalist AND have refined the art of making people feel comfortable in every situation. I am always making sure that I am using the highest quality wax and the best technique to bettering this service for you.

Just like a doctor or nurse, I’m not here to ‘look.’ I am simply looking at the hair growth pattern and applying the wax to remove hair in the easiest and most comfortable way possible. This is key to go from full 70’s bush to bare and smooth.

Not weird. Not awkward.

Are you feeling more comfortable about waxing? I’m here to answer your questions and provide you with an exceptional Brazilian wax!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Brazilian Wax Misconceptions #1 - It's Going To Hurt

I asked all of my InstaGram followers what their biggest hang up of getting a Brazilian wax was. Your answers were not surprising. The #1 response in the question box was that it was going to hurt.

“The pain!”


“Before my first time, I thought it was going to be super painful.”

While hair is being removed, experienced waxers know how to minimize the pain while balancing the speed of the treatment. It’s about the right wax with the right technique. Each waxer will find their favorite waxes and get in their groove to make their service one that works for them. Which really means that it works for you.

Is this a walk in the park? Well, no. But it really goes much quicker than you think.

Almost every single new client that I have serviced says that it didn’t hurt as much as they thought it would.

Almost every single new client wishes that they had come in sooner.

Almost every single new client is texting, messaging, or snapchatting their friends to tell them to book their appointment today.

And almost every single new client rebooks their next wax because they know the next time is half the pain or less.

If this is the thought that is holding you back, I invite you to discover an exceptional Brazilian wax here at Essential Esthetics by Zoey. 2022 is the year of the Brazilian. I can’t wait to meet you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

My Favorite Sun Tips for Summer

Did you know that May is skin cancer awareness month? It’s the most common cancer diagnosed in the US. Sun protection year round is truly important. Many clients will tell me that they will wear SPF if they are going out for the day. But, if you can grow a plant inside your house, you really need to wear it every day. Period.

Here are four of my favorite sun tips for summer.

Sun Tip #1 - Apply sunscreen as your last layer of protection daily.

Sunscreen should always be the last step that you put on your skin so that it can reflect the rays and/or absorb and scatter the rays (depending on the sunscreen that you are using.) Make sure that you spread it thoroughly and evenly on the face. Don’t forget the ears, neck, and decollete. 

If you are wearing foundation that includes SPF, this is just a bonus and not a substitute for wearing actual sunscreen. Why? Because you need 9 to 11 pumps of foundation to get what is shown on the bottle.

Sun Tip #2 - Pay attention to your skin! 

Skin cancer is easier to treat when caught early, so get to know your skin and watch for changes. Look for new skin markings, like moles, bumps, scaly spots, or places where your skin has changed color. Watch for any changes in moles or if you have areas that the skin just won’t heal, bleeds or looks differently. 

Sun Tip #3 - Wear protective clothing plus a hat and sunglasses!

Wear protective clothing (cover your arms and legs when possible), wear a hat, and sport your favorite sun glasses. Darker colors versus white offer more UV protection. Hats protect your scalp, which is a hard spot to apply SPF. A wide brim is best, but any hat will be better than none. And sun glasses can help prevent cataracts and other eye problems later in life. Look for glasses that offer 99-100% protection.

Sun Tip #4 - Ditch the Vitamin D excuse.

Tanning isn’t a safe way to get your Vitamin D. If you know you are low in your levels, please visit with your doctor on his/her suggestions for you to get those levels up!

So now that you know better, you can do better. Were there any that surprised you? Can’t wait to hear!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Protecting the Barrier of the Skin

Americans are very best at thinking more is better. Supersize it? Yes please! The Tesla is more expensive than a Camry, so I'll take the Tesla. Even with skin care, I see this all the time. If a client doesn't feel something like a tingle on the skin, they don't think it's working. This is one of the most common ways that the barrier of the skin is compromised. You may use very harsh products for your skin or you may be over using products. One of my skin care philosophies is that more is not always better.


Americans are very best at thinking more is better. Supersize it? Yes please! The Tesla is more expensive than a Camry, so I'll take the Tesla. Even with skin care, I see this all the time. If a client doesn't feel something like a tingle on the skin, they don't think it's working. This is one of the most common ways that the barrier of the skin is compromised. You may use very harsh products for your skin or you may be over using products. One of my skin care philosophies is that more is not always better. But what does that mean? Because we are conditioned to wanting more, bigger, better, it's hard to believe that if you don't feel it working that it's not.

I've been known to say that I wouldn't sell you the most expensive serum for your skin if you aren't cleansing your skin. If your skin isn't properly prepared to handle very active ingredients, not only would you be wasting your money, but you could also cause your skin to be more sensitive. The ingredients will not be able to do their job 100%. You always need to build your house starting at the foundation. The first items to address with your skin care would be the hydration and sensitivity. From there, we move on to your specific concerns such as acne, redness, hyperpigmentation (sun spots), or wrinkles.

There are two main functions of the skin as a barrier.

#1 - The skin barrier blocks the loss of fluid being lost from inside, including water and lipids which keep the skin looking beautiful and young.

#2 - The skin barrier protects against outside pollutants and irritants from getting into the skin, including exposure to the elements and free radicals. 

So how to protect your skin barrier? Here are my favorites (keeping it short and sweet here)!

Make sure that you are using a moisturizer which will lock and seal in all of the nutrients that are in the skin.

Choose the right exfoliant for your skin and do not overuse.

Wear SPF and reapply. It’s really that simple.

And… one that is so underrated, balance your pH. This means that you want to use a mist/prep solution to prepare the skin for all of the yummy ingredients that stay on the skin.

Need help repairing your barrier or reduce sensitivities? Let’s get you in the treatment room and create a plan just for you! Can’t wait to see you there!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Freshen Up Your Summer Skin Care


Summer is right around the corner. It’s not uncommon to switch up your routine to go with the seasons. Here are a couple of my favorite tips to help keep you in line with the warmer temperatures ahead!

#1 SPF baby

Wear your sunscreen. Reapply. Just do it! SPF is important all year round, but as we get more daylight hours and it gets warmer, it’s even more important. Want to slow the aging clock and prevent wrinkles, fine lines and sun spots? SPF baby!

#2 Vitamin C serum

One of my favorite serums is vitamin c (my favorite product of 2021) because of the antioxidant properties. AND because it helps to boost your skin natural ability to fight off the sun’s rays. Who wouldn’t want better immunity?! If you’ve never tried one before, just know that vitamin c in skin care is not all created equal. Vitamin C oxidizes easily. So trust me on this one. This is one product that you are going to want to spend this money on to deliver the goods!

#3 Lighter moisturizer

You may want to switch to a light weight moisturizer, just like you would switch your coat for a jacket. Moisturizer helps to seal in the nutrients in our skin and balance out the top layers. You still need to moisturize, so don’t skip this step.

#4 Exfoliate regularly

If you feel like you’ve been sun kissed (which, let’s face it … we all do by some point in the summer), it’s extra important to exfoliate the skin. Your skin can build up dead skin cells easily in the summer. If you are acne prone, you definitely don’t want to miss this step as this is key to keeping acne at bay. Choose an exfoliation that you really like and then make sure you are following your Esthetician’s recommendations on how often he/she wants you to use it!

Do these simply steps and I’m sure you’ll notice better results this summer! And bonus if you do at least a quarterly facial … which will only boost what you are doing at home!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Interview - Melanoma Survivor Mariena Browning

I love sharing about local, small businesses. Mariena Browning is SO SWEET … and I just knew that I had to share her story because she is also a Melanoma Survivor. May is Skin Cancer Awareness month. I recommend getting checked once a year by a dermatologist. I’ve been twice now and each time is a great experience. Without further ado, here is Mariena’s story.

My name is Mariena Browning and I am 26 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma in September of 2018 at 22 years old and my scans in January 2022 showed NED (no evidence of disease) I’ve been married to my husband Trevor for almost 6 years, we live in Pocatello with our mini labradoodle Coop. I work for Farm Bureau and own Browning Bakery specializing in gourmet cupcakes. (@browningbakery on Instagram and Facebook!)

I noticed a lump in my left groin that was growing and multiplying quickly, after an ultrasound and biopsy I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma. I was referred to the Hunstman cancer Institute in Salt Lake City where they did a full skin check and removed any moles. All the biopsies came back benign meaning that my cancer had no primary source.

About two weeks after I was diagnosed I started noticing more lumps showing up throughout my body like on my stomach and the back of my neck. My doctors recommended that I start Target therapy which is an oral chemo pill that you take daily, that worked for about seven months before the side effects became too severe leaving me in the hospital multiple times and the cancer spread to my brain.

After the cancer spread to my brain I had brain radiation and started combination immunotherapy drugs. The side effects of those drugs were also too severe leaving me hospitalized with a toxic liver. After that hospitalization I had to quit treatment and was put on prednisone for about six months to help heal my liver. After that six months I was able to start a single immunotherapy drug which worked well for me.

I had my last treatment of that in October 20 21 and now I have follow-up scans every three months along with skin checks to make sure nothing is showing up. I’ve always been fairly cautious in the sun I never really went tanning beds or anything like that but since being diagnosed I definitely make sure that I am using sunscreen and replying every 80 minutes when I’m outside, I use facial sunscreen every day (not just the sunscreen in your make up because that is completely different) I also try by best to stay out of the sun and wear protective clothing. If I want a tan I will get a spray tan or use self tanning mousse. I share a lot of my favorite self tanners and sun protective products on my personal Instagram @marienabrowning.

Even though my cancer wasn’t from the sun, I still do my best to spread melanoma awareness. I would love everyone to be more aware of the damage the sun can do, I tan from the sun or a tanning bed is not worth melanoma. I also always suggest to get anything suspicious looked at, it’s better to be safe than sorry and catching it early on is key! If I can help even one person from getting melanoma I’d be so happy!

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Top 3 Tips To Healing Acne Faster

In modern day living, we are always trying to expedite results and processes. We want things now (or even yesterday.) For those suffering from acne, I feel your pain. I have seen the way you won’t make eye contact with others, the lack of confidence as you walk down the street, or the impulsive cutting bangs to cover up these unsightly blemishes.

Acne can take 90 days to reach the surface of the skin. Does that feel like forever? Well, I want to give you 3 of my favorite tips for working on acne that will speed up the process of healing. And guess what?! They are absolutely free.

#1 - No Picking

No picking. Did you know that when you touch your skin or try popping zits, it can actually spread the bacteria? It’s true. Not only that. When I offer my clients a 7 days no pick challenge, guess what happens when they follow through on the 7 days? 100% of the time, their skin will start clearing.

#2 - Icing

Icing the skin removes the inflammation in the acne. Since this is one of the key factors of acne, by removing it, you are helping to start the healing process. My favorite way to ice is to put an ice cube in a baggie and move it from spot to spot until the ice cube has melted. Do this twice a day and see the acne go down.

#3 - No Makeup

Wearing makeup is often like adding poison into your diet. Even foundation that states it is acne safe, can perpetuate acne. I know you want to hide it … but if you can go without, it will help everything start to clear up better and faster. You can do it!

My top 3 free tips for healing acne faster are here - no picking, icing, and no makeup. Let’s get you on the path for clear skin with a bigger smile. Don’t wait to make these changes. If you are looking for even more tips, I can’t wait to share them with you in the treatment room.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Bite Sized - Daily Use of SPF

When I ask clients if they use SPF daily, they often will say, I wear it when I go out. But here’s the thing. If there’s enough light in your home to grow a plant, there’s enough UV rays to still age your skin. And because the sun is the #1 external stressor, it’s important to be mindful and take action against the aging and burning rays.

The easiest thing to do is to create a morning skin care routine that includes sunscreen. Decide that you are always going use it whether you decide you are going out or staying in. If you are going outside, it’s important that you remember to reapply, wear a hat, seek shade, etc. Especially when it’s cloudy (these are the days where you are even more likely to burn.)

I also am a huge believer in finding an SPF that YOU love! Any product that you have that you aren’t in love with, you aren’t going to use properly and consistently.

Your skin doesn’t change over night (with getting better or getting worse) but the accumulative results will be shocking. I want you to be happy and to look at your skin years later and feel better, while showing off beautiful, healthy skin.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

My Beauty Secrets

I recently saw a picture of from 2016. I have to say… as a new Esthetician, I thought my skin was really good. I had a routine, I was trucking along, making sure that I was doing all the steps. Or so I thought.

You see, as it popped up in my feed, I thought … wow! I think that I have made a big difference in my skin. 6 years later, I think my skin looks better than it did then. I’m definitely aging better. Slowing down that every aging clock. Here’s a few of my beauty secrets so that you can skip that learning curve.

#1 - Washing before bed

Yes, you’d think this is a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how many go to bed without washing. I want to let you know that this does make a difference! A huge difference! (Makeup wipes are not cleansing. If you use them, be sure to use a cleanser after.)

TIP = Cleanse your face before you are tired and headed for bed.

#2 - Professional products

There is also a huge difference in the quality of ingredients AND the order of ingredients. Professional products that you purchase from an Esthetician really are the bomb dot com. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back to drugstore products.

TIP = Spend money on exfoliants and serums first.

#3 - Elevating my home care routine

Remember the home run hitters are exfoliation and serums. I got more consistent on my exfoliation (and masking - HELLO Sundays!) No more of this once in a blue moon. And I found a serum that seriously does it for my skin. Let’s get you using a serum!!! And then if you don’t feel like it’s “the one”, when you finish that bottle, let’s try another one. I have many options, and I promise you it’s worth trying another one.

TIP = Regular use of exfoliating and a serum that is addressing the areas of concern that you want to change.

#4 - Regular facials

Did you know that I receive regular facials? Once a month. No, I don’t give them to myself even though I can. I love to receive from other estheticians. I love supporting those who also do what I do. If I am asking a client to do something, you know that I am personally doing it myself.

TIP = Schedule regular facials! (And if you only come in once a year, try to do twice!)

P.S. This is not a race. This is about being consistent. Set up a routine that you are in love with and you’ll never miss a cleanse. Aim for just a little better! Can’t wait to see you in the treatment room.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

The Push Back Movement of Self Care

“Self-care is never a selfish act - it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” - Palmer Parker

This last month, I turned on a podcast of someone I follow and I about gasped aloud. She talked about how tired she was of hearing the word self care and everything that is associated, especially spa treatments. And then I heard her message: Self care should be a regular occurrence and is showing yourself self love.

If you’ve ever heard me talk about self care or read the blog posts here about it … you know that this is EXACTLY what I talk about. For me, part of self care IS spa treatments. I do this once a month (both a facial and massage) and love this. During the month, I also do MANY other things … moving my body, drinking water, reading, spending time doing whatever fills up my battery.

Each person has their favorite things to do that recharges them. The key is finding what those are and then actually DOING those things. If coming to the spa once a month or every quarter isn’t your thing, that is okay. I want you to know that! I also want you to know that if it is your thing, and you love visiting with your Esthetician or simply chilling while you are getting a facial or massage, then make sure that you prioritize this and schedule your appointments.

Now it’s time for you to weigh in. What type of things are your favorite for self care? How do you show yourself love on a regular basis? I can’t wait to read your thoughts!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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