Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Skin Care Trend - Brow Lamination

One popular trend in the last couple years has been Brow Lamination. This process is similar to the Lash Lifting where you use a chemical solution to spread the brows up and out. It creates a fuller looking brow that lasts 4 to 6 weeks. Here’s what I offer for brows and what I think about Brow Lamination.

I love helping clients achieve a beautiful, natural looking brow through Brow Design. This technique was created by Regina Felix, who has been designing brows for 20 years. The technique is called Design Brows Naturally and works to give every client great brows through seeing where the hairs are coming through. It also creates a lift, much like you can receive through Botox. I received training and course certification in 2018 and have been changing brows in South East Idaho ever since.

The main points of this technique really focus on a natural, flowing brow, which makes you look younger! And who doesn’t want that?! I have loved helping clients receive the best brow possible for them. We work around scars, cowlicks, and other issues.

Because I love and appreciate everything about a natural brow, I do not offer, nor will I offer Brow Lamination. When the brow hairs and pushed in a direction, it stops them from flowing into other brow hairs. You can tell that they’ve done something to their brows. I like people to even wonder how you achieve such a stunning brow shape!

Have you tried Brow Lamination before? Do you love it or hate it? I can’t wait to help you with natural brows that get better with each appointment. Thank you for always trusting your Esthetician! See you in the treatment room!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Bite Sized - Why Sugar and Salt Scrubs Should Be Avoided

99% of estheticians agree… please avoid sugar and salt scrubs. Specifically in the intimate areas of the body. Let’s discuss why.

You’ve just had your first Brazilian and you are SO happy. But remember that for the first day, your skin is more sensitive. For this reason, you really do want to avoid heat, sweat and sex. For 72 hours, you should also avoid exfoliating the skin.

Your skin desperately needs exfoliation though. When the hair is waxed, it is at a finer point of the hair. The dead skin cells are still the same; that doesn’t change. So you need to help remove dead skin cells so that that finer hair can pop up through the skin and not get trapped underneath.

Sugar and salt scrubs are aggressive and disruptive to the pf of the skin. One of my skin care philosophies is “More is not always better.” The same is true with this. These scrubs are sometimes just too much for such a gentle area. Many clients that end up with ingrowns mistakenly are using a scrub.

Sugar can also throw off the pH in the intimate areas and cause infection (particularly yeast since they love sugar.) It can also spread bacteria and create microtears in the skin.

Also, please note, that the direction with which you exfoliate also matters. Exfoliate in the direction that the hair is growing and not in a circular motion.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

How Does a Lash Growth Serum Work

Everyone loves gorgeous eyelashes. We are into extensions and lifting them up so everyone can notice. While eyelash extensions have been hugely popular over the years, there are many who want to just highlight and enhance their natural beauty. Adding in a lash growth serum is an easy, at home process that you do nightly. Here’s how it works.

Every hair on our body goes through three different cycles of hair growth. These cycles are growing, resting, and falling out. When one hair falls out, there is another to replace it (kind of like baby teeth and adult teeth.) That process for an eyelash is on average 90 days. Of course, we don’t lose all of our lashes at the same time.

A lash growth serum works by extending your natural growing cycle. So it will grow longer than it would on it’s own. The product looks like a mascara tube and the brush is usually one that looks like a liquid eyeliner brush. You also apply it just like you would liquid eyeliner … right on the lash line of your top lashes. When you blink,, the product will transfer. On average, it will take 6 to 8 weeks before you notice, and you’ll reach your full potential after about one bottle. Once you stop using the serum, your lashes will revert back to their ‘natural’ state.

Word of caution here. Make sure that you purchase from a reputable source as eye health should be number one. This is one thing I absolutely would purchase from your Esthetician or beauty professional.

If you’ve been intrigued, I’d love to show you my very favorite one. It works so well and does not cause irritation of the eyes. Let’s get your lashes to reach their full potential!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Confessions of An Esthetician - My First Shave

Shaving intimate areas wasn’t something I was taught growing up or after I was married. While I can’t remember my first wax experience, I can remember my first shave experience. Why? Because it happens to coincide with birth of baby #2.

I ended up in the hospital almost 3 weeks early with a breech baby. A footling breech. I ‘thought’ that I might be in labor and that’s why I showed up there. The nurse checks me, runs out in the hall, and sticks me with a shot to stop labor because guess what? I was dilated to an 8. Yikes!

From there, it was a whirwind where I signed a bunch of papers, the OBGYN, anesthesiologist, surgical team, etc was called in. The husband was lost in the hospital, but baby was born less than 40 minutes after arriving from the hospital. One of the things that was done was my belly and top was shaved. And to top that off (no pun intended), it was a very quick, dry shave.

I might not remember all of the details 18 years later, but the thing I remember most about the whole experience wasn’t the shave itself. It was what happened afterwards. My skin was irritated and sensitive. And then the hair started to grow back. Can we just talk about the itching?! Hahaha!

A few years later, I learned about Brazilian waxing. And the difference between the skin irritation, itching and growing process was night and day difference. Cannot or will not ever go back! If you haven’t tried intimate waxing before, I’d like to personally invite you to try it this year. 2022 is the year of the Brazilian.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Should I Apply Numbing Cream Before Waxing?

I know that there is a big hype out there to use a numbing cream (or even a numbing spray) before waxing. It ‘can’ work. But let me add … for most people, it may not be all that it’s cracked up to be. Here’s why.

First and foremost, getting your timing right. You need to put it on early, but not too early. I would say 30-45 minutes (in general - but always follow directions for your specific product) before your waxing appointment.

When you numb the area, you can make it more sensitive to hot and cold. What does that mean? With waxing, the wax needs to be heated up. Your mind will definitely tell you that the wax is too hot. The #1 thing with Brazilian waxing is that it is a mind game. You need to just relax and tell yourself that it’s over before it even begins.

Others can experience other side effects of the cream/gel/spray. These can be unpleasant at best.

I’m not alone on this … as almost all waxers prefer that you do not apply a numbing product before your waxing service. The best news is that waxing does get easier as you continue to come in for appointments.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Skin Care Trend - Slugging

If you’ve been near TikTok or InstaGram in the last 6 months, chances are you’ve seen something on there called slugging. These videos claim that slugging has helped them to have perfect skin. This skin care trend originated in South Korea and has recently taken the United States by storm. Today, let’s talk a little bit about what it is, how it works for the skin, and if it causes breakouts.

What is slugging?

After washing your face for the night, you coat your skin with a thin layer of vaseline. When you do this, your skin will have a shine to it … that looks a little like a slug. (Yes, the bug.) Which is why it is called slugging. You can leave it on overnight OR do it just like you would a mask. Apply for a short period of time (up to 2-3 hours) and gently wash off.

How does it work for the skin?

Vaseline will help trap the moisture in the skin, preventing it from escaping. If you are dry, or you’ve tried over correcting your skin by using too many ingredients (you’ll know because your skin could feel more sensitive), this trend could definitely work for you and it’s worth a shot.

Will rubbing Vaseline all over my face make me break out?

For most clients, the simple answer is no. The molecule size of Vaseline is too big to enter the pores.

But if you are oily, you might want to rethink this one. You need the oil to be able to have a way out of your skin and not irritate the follicles underneath.

Bottom line. If you are seeing your Esthetician regularly, the number one goal for them is to make sure that your skin is working properly … the natural barrier function. The main job of the skin is to hold a secure barrier with lipids and prevent any bad guys from entering (ie - free radicals, UV radiation, bacteria, toxins, you name it!) If your skin is struggling to do that job, it cannot work on the other things you’d like to accomplish.

Do NOT over process your skin by using too many acids. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing.

If your skin is dry and you’d like to have a go at this new and popular trend, I say, why not.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Are You Listening To What Your Skin Is Telling You?

Did you know that your skin leaves you little cues and reminders of exactly what it needs? You’d be surprised and shocked to know how many clients don’t know that your skin tells you it’s concerns and what needs changed. If you are aware that little tips are left, then you will be waiting to hear what you should be doing next.

Here are a couple of things I hear from clients. Maybe you’ll recognize your voice in there too.

“My skin feels fine after I wash, but by noon, it’s so greasy!”

First thing I would be checking is your moisturizer. Many of these clients feel like their skin is oily, so they skip that step. But if your skin feels dry, what will your cells signal to happen? Dry —-> must mean I need to produce more oil! All skin types should moisturize. It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you! It can be done!

“My skin is dry but oily and combo. I don’t know what’s happening.”

My recommendation here is to evaluate your exfoliants. A - Are you exfoliating? B - How often are you exfoliating? C - Are you using the right type of exfoliation?

Examining this just a little further.

A - Are you exfoliating?

Every skin needs to be exfoliated. As we age, we might need to step up our intensity. Also, if you are an acne prone person, you definitely need to make sure you are on this step.

B - How often are you exfoliating?

In general, most types of exfoliation should be used 1-3 times a week. Check with your esthetician to know how often you should be using yours.

C - Are you using the right type of exfoliation?

Acne and aging clients should (in general) be avoided harsh scrubs. Sometimes enzymes and chemical exfoliants are just as effective or more so than the mechanical (scrubbies).

“My skin just feels red and sensitive all the time.”

If this is you, are you over doing it with home skin care? Seriously, take a look at the products you are using and how frequently you are using them. If you are feeling red and sensitive, I would back off retinols and very active products. Let’s go back and make sure that the barrier of your skin (which is the most important job for your skin) is working properly and then add in the active ingredients that you so desperately want to be using for anti-aging.

So … what is your skin telling you? Are you listening or ignoring these simple cues that could get you the best skin of your life? Go see your Esthetician for a facial and the home care to set yourself up for success!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

How To Know If You Are Receiving An Exceptional Brazilian Wax

When choosing a waxer, you want to find someone who is specializing in that type of waxing. There are many ways to select the right person. You can read reviews on Google, FaceBook or even Yelp. You can also ask friends, co-workers or others who you know receive beauty treatments.

Once you’ve found someone, how do you know if you are experiencing an exceptional Brazilian wax and an okay wax? In addition to using high quality product and seeing that waxing expert, here are the top 3 reasons.

#1 - The education

When we wax, I am letting you know about the hair growth cycles, the do's and don't's of waxing, and explaining aftercare. Because knowledge is power! When you know what is happening and why, it makes it easier to take care of everything and to know what to expect for the next wax. (Because we all know the magic happens at wax #2.)

#2 - Touch up strips

You may have heard this term ... or maybe not. A touch up strip is where we go over the areas again to get any remaining hairs (going in different directions or the baby fine hairs.) We do this to give you a better and longer lasting wax.

#3 - The aftercare

This part is all on you!!! Because what happens AFTER the wax matters just as much (or more) as what we do in the wax. That's why we do the education. Be sure to follow the instructions and grab the aftercare products recommended.

If you've never been waxed at Essential Esthetics by Zoey before, I invite you to experience the difference. This year is the year of the Brazilian and there is no better time! We’ll see you soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Dispelling Self Care Myths

One of my missions at Essential Esthetics by Zoey is to teach self care, while following it myself. The definition of self care on Google is:

“The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.”

My definition of self care is to do things and to be in places that keep your body and mind happy and peaceful. This doesn’t mean eliminating stress, but what it does mean is that when those stressful moments come, you’ll be better equipped to deal with those stressors.

I talk about self care a lot … but what I want you to know is that I don’t just talk about it. I DO it! I’m not going to ask any client to do something that I, myself, am not doing.

Today I’m going to dispel 3 self care myths.

#1 - I can’t afford self care.

Self care does not have to be something you buy. You can read, go on a walk, do yoga, meditate, etc. Find activities, places and things that make you feel good and then be intentional about doing them. Let me suggest that you cannot afford NOT to do self care.

#2 - Self care is for ‘older’ people.

Self care knows no age. I recently had a client tell me that she wished someone had shared self care with her in her 20s. Building a great physique doesn’t happen overnight, but it also happens by taking that first action step. Start today.

#3 - Self care is selfish.

This one hits me right at the core. I hear it all the time. Adults that will do anything for their kids, but nothing for themselves. You can give more of yourself if there’s more to give. Let’s recharge your battery. Start this very moment taking care of yourself so that you can take better care of those around you.

I hope you will evaluate what you can do a little better. Don’t wait for big, giant moments or times that are stressful. Small, daily and weekly actions will keep you happy and healthy!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax,

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Bite Sized - Is It Okay To Shave In Between Wax Appointments?

Bite Sized Question

Is it okay to shave in between wax appointments?

The answer is no.

You make a lot of progress by removing the root of the hair through waxing, creating fine, thinner hair coming through the skin. The art of shaving will promote quicker growth and not allow the hairs to be at the right length (the length of a grain of rice) at your return wax appointment.

Trust me on this one!

The one exception I allow is the outside of the bikini line when swimming. When you come back, we might just need to leave those hairs there if they are too short, but before you know it, we’ll be back on track.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

Self Care in 2022

Each year, I chose a word of the year. In years past, some of the ones I’ve chosen are intention, brave, embrace, and resilience. This year, I have chosen JOY.

Yes, I do laugh a little, because I think I’m going to Marie Kondo my life. Does this thing bring me JOY? Does this activity bring me JOY? I want to feel lighter, happier, and more joyful.

When I think about self care in the new year, I’m really thinking of evaluating what that means for each of us. What thing/activity/people/places bring you JOY? Where are you most happy? Envision who you are with, what you are doing and more. These answers will bring you to your bucket list of 2022. You self care and battery rechargers.

I can’t tell you what that looks like for you. But if you are anything like me, that looks like having a spa day once a month, reading for business and pleasure, spending time with family, building new relationships, visiting a couple of State Capitols (or heck - some sort of travel), and of course, having lots of baths.

Take some time this month to really figure out what you are wanting and needing this year to have JOY. If it seems out of reach, still write it down, print out pictures, and put it on your vision board. I believe in manifesting your future. If you want it bad enough, you can also make it happen … with some action and love.

This year, fill your cup. Resolve to be better than you were yesterday. Don’t strive for perfection. Strive to take small baby steps of action and find JOY. I hope to see you with self care goals in the treatment room soon!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

The Year of The Brazilian

When I started taking inventory of the last year and thinking about goals I had for 2022, I seriously thought, “I think this year is going to be the year of the Brazilian.” What exactly does that mean??

First, what is a Brazilian Wax?

A Brazilian Wax is a wax of the intimate area and includes bikini (outside of the panty line), the labia and the booty crack. Anything that removes hair from the labia is considered a Brazilian. Sometimes a little bit of hair is left in a rectangle, square or triangle shape at the top.

Second, why do women wax instead of shave?

Shaving is very hard on the skin (and hair) and when the hair grows back, the irritation leads to itching, irritation, and for many, ingrown hairs. Hair removal by waxing can be easier on the skin and reduce ingrowns when following the proper aftercare.

So, most importantly, why is this year the year of the Brazilian?

Well, it’s not necessarily whether your preference is to have hair or to not have hair. (Another debated topic we can discuss for another day.) If you ask most women, the reasons for wanting to get a Brazilian is feeling cleaner/hygienic and … (drumroll please) added confidence. Yes, you walk a little taller as you exit the treatment room. (At least I do!!!)

I’m out to share confidence with women and to do it in a way that you feel comfortable. There may be jokes as we share a little laughter too. I continue to improve techniques and sometimes try a new wax (if you know, you know - haha) always making sure that the service provided is top notch.

If you haven’t tried a Brazilian before, this is the year to do! And if you have, I can’t wait to see you back each month … as the more you wax, the better the results.

Here’s to 2022 and The Year of The Brazilian!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Zoey Jolley Zoey Jolley

What is Facial Cupping?

Facial cupping might be new to my treatment room, but it’s been around in ancient medicine in the Eastern world. This technique helps to relax and tone muscles, stimulates collagen production, improves lymphatic drainage, and (maybe most importantly) increases blood flow to the area.

Did you know that our faces have 43 different muscles? Crazy, right? If you are like me, we tend to use the same muscles over and over again … and neglect others.

Facial cupping is a massage technique that will help to sculpt and smooth the skin by suction of mini cups. When you apply suction, you are encourage the blood flow to increase in that area which signals to create new blood vessels. Done correctly, this incredible service creates a mini trauma in the skin that leaves your skin feeling plump, healthy and youthful. I love adding it into the facials where we marry results with relaxation. It feels very stimulating … but at the same time, alleviates stress in the skin and facial muscles.

This is also a treatment that works much like the trainer and gym. Go once and it will feel nice (or maybe not if your trainer loves on you!). But long lasting results occurs from consistent time showing up in the treatment room with your Esthetician. Cups are also retailed for those committed to doing this at home. Just 5-15 minutes for several weeks and you will also be a believer.

Other massage techniques that my clients have loved are the Gua Sha massage with rose quartz stones, soothing Cryosticks, the fresh pearls by GM Collin, and the Jade Stone roller (mine is in amethyst.) All of these provide great benefits in the skin. I can’t wait for you to try this one! I have a feeling that you’ll be asking me to add it in your facial time and time again.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Beauty Winter Essentials

Since winter is THEE hardest season on skin, it’s important to stay in tune with your skin and your skin’s needs. The cold air and heat forced air combined are a special kind of … something. Haha! If you find that you have dry skin or you are seeing more acne appear, let’s address them. These are my current favorites for beauty winter essentials. (You’ll catch a theme here … they are all serums!)

Optimal Serum

This one from My Favorites Collection is from 2016 … and is still my favorite in adding hydration to every skin type. Yes, even those with acne. If you are feeling dry, I highly recommend this one. It has different weights of hyaluronic acid to give immediate as well as long lasting relief to the skin.

Daily Ceramide Comfort

These golden nuggets are my client’s favorites. They are so much packed into one small capsule and considered a 911 product. Great for travel, to boost any skin care routine, or to just spoil your skin … these ceramides are full of nutrients that are sure to make your skin feel better. Use them once a day or once a week or somewhere in between. P.S. Yes, they are for all skin types!

Fulvic Elixir

If you are struggling with dryness AND acne, this is my go to for both. I have felt the power and magic inside this serum that helps to clear stubborn acne while hydrating the skin. This one smells like citrus and was added to My Favorites Collection in 2020.

Blemish Clarifying Complex

If you feel like your acne will not go away, you are going to want to grab this bad boy and keep it in your collection. You can use this as a moisturizer in the summer if you are oily, and a spot treatment in the winter. Remember to spot treatment more than what you are seeing as acne takes its sweet time reaching the top of the skin’s surface. Willow bark extract is a highlight ingredient that calms and soothes acne.

Yes… in case you are wondering, I do use ALL THREE products during the winter as needed. I like the mix and match approach with my own skin, but other times, it’s good to stick with just one and see if it’s working. Which one are you most excited to try? Let’s get this home with you today!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Gift Giving in 2021

Have you been watching the latest issues including supply and demand plus shipping? For many retailers, this has been a unique set of challenges unlike previous years. But for many shoppers, the gift giving will still commence … but may look different in 2021.

So without further ado, here are FIVE of my favorite ideas for Christmas.

#1 - Give the gift of an experience. This doesn’t have to be a concert or something with an event ticket. You can take your loved one out to lunch, make a craft together or any activity where you can spend time together. Life is better because of our people that are in it!

#2 - Gift certificates to your favorite massage therapist or for a pedicure or facial. I’ve found that many people love these relaxing services in a world full of stress, but they rarely make time or pay for those things on their own.

#3 - Anything consumable! Marie Kondo has definitely flipped the world upside with decluttering spaces and helping energy flow. Instead of collectable decor that you have to dust weekly, what about getting their favorite chocolate or deluxe toilet paper. Haha! I’m kidding about the toilet paper (maybe.)

#4 - Car detailing. A friend suggested this and I literally got giddie. As adults, we love things like boxes and clean cars. I don’t know about you, but this is something I would really enjoy.

#5 - Gift cards or gift certificates to local businesses. It’s always fun to be able to do some shopping after the holidays end. You can choose their favorite places or maybe somewhere new in town for them to check out.

I hope this helped you get the ideas flowing for those on your Christmas list. The season of giving is one of my very favorites. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How to Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter

Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Raise your hand if you would like clear, beautiful skin. (I sure hope all hands went up!) I sure do! Did you know that skin care is very seasonal? South East Idaho has all four seasons (sometimes all in one day - haha.) Today, let's discuss tips on how to keep your skin clear during the winter months.


Are you drinking enough water? Typically we think that hydration needs to happen better in the summer because we are more likely to sweat during those hot months. But when it gets really cold outside, guess what we do inside? We turn up the heat. All of that forced dry air will mimic the hot, windy climate that we experience in the summer. You may not feel the need to drink water because hot cocoa, coffee, and tea might be screaming your name to warm you up, which is why it's so important to bring a water bottle with you and sip throughout the day. You can also choose to increase your diet with foods higher in water!

Change up your at home products

The products that your skin needs to be amazing in the winter are quite different. Instead of using your favorite foaming cleanser, you may want to grab a milk cleanser which will feel like a lotion. Don't skip exfoliating, but listen to what your skin is telling you. Most exfoliating products are to be used once to twice a week. Would your skin prefer an exfoliating mask over a scrub in the winter. Listen for clues and your skin will tell you. You'll definitely want a little bit heavier moisturizer that locks in the hydration and natural oils in your skin too. If you only use a night cream one season a year, always, always, always choose winter!

Lukewarm water

I've said it before and I'll say it again (probably more for my benefit), the best water to cleanse your face in is lukewarm water (which might feel colder to you than you think.) Hot water feels nice but can strip away more of your natural oils on your skin... they are definitely there for a reason! And while we are on the topic. If you take a nice warm, hot bath, or take advantage of our close location to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, you'll want to gently cleanse and moisturize afterwards as soon as you can.

Step up your timing game

Want to get the most out of your products? Make sure that after you wash your face with your milk cleanser and rinse with the lukewarm water, spritz your face with the mist and immediately moisturize with the proper product. Do not stop to collect your $200 or glance at 5 more Instagram pictures... do it right away!


If you find that you are experiencing more acne or more dryness, you may need to step up your exfoliation. One of my skin care philosophies is More is not always better. But maybe you need to do twice a week instead of one or swtich to a different exfoliator all together. The key here is to consult with your Esthetician on what you need to do to help buffer your skin through these winter months.

So there are a few of my recommendations. Drink water, change up your home care routine, use lukewarm water for cleansing, and make sure that your exfoliation is the right kind and you are using it the right amount. A facial could also benefit your skin greatly, so be sure to schedule a treatment and let your Esthetician do the heavy lifting.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Home Care Part IV

You’ve finished with your facial treatment and are in a state of pure bliss. You are definitely excited about how your skin feels and not sure what to do next. Or if you should even purchase the home care. For the ultimate experience, you’ll find better and faster results if you encorporate home care. Here are a couple of the things that your Esthetician wants you to know.

#1 - If you have to chose between receiving treatments or purchasing home care, the best investment that you can make it to purchase the home care. You can see your skin every day and start making the changes that you are going for … plus slowing down the aging process.

#2 - The most important item to purchse in home care is a quality SPF that you will use and reapply. My unpopular opinion is that it doesn’t matter if it is a physical or chemical sunscreen, you just need to like it so that you will use it.

#3 - We can’t advise on products that we aren’t trained on, because we simply don’t know. When you purchase products from your licensed Esthetician, he/she knows exactly what steps will get you to where you want to be. There are thousands upon thousands of products, so if you ask about something we aren’t using, we don’t know how your skin would do.

#4 - Products that should be included in everyone’s skin care routines are exfoliants and serums. These are the home run hitters in skin care and prove to be the biggest bang for your buck.

#5 - Listen to your Esthetician’s instructions of how to use for your skin. More is not better. If she/he said to use it twice a week, four times a week is not better for your skin. Trust me on this one.

#6 - Switching out products seasonal is not only common, but it’s a good idea. Your skin will need differently help at different times of the year. Yes, the climate does make a difference!

#7 - Once you start a product, ideally, it would be good to finish it before starting another product.

#8 - We love it when you are excited about a product and then really do try it shortly after purchasing. If you have questions, don’t wait for our follow up phone call or text. Just let your Esthetician know that you aren’t sure how to use, when to use, etc. We love answering questions and helping you get the most out of your product!

Your Esthetician really is excited to help you on your journey and to make some incredible changes in your skin. These changes make up 70-80% of what you do at home, so let’s make some changes to help you achieve those goals. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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services Zoey Jolley services Zoey Jolley

What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Lash Lifting Part III

Anything that I offer here at Essential Esthetics by Zoey I have experienced. What you gain by coming to see me if that I’ve been trained and certified to offer these services PLUS I have experienced them on the other side of the table. This is very important to me. I want to know what the treatments feel like, so that I can do a better job describing what you as the client will experience any time that you receive an unfamiliar service from me. I work to always stay up to date on trends and education in all realms of skincare, waxing, and lash lifting.

If you’ve never had a lash lifting service before, I’d love to share with you what your Esthetician wants you to know. Here are a couple of my top shares!

#1 - A lash lift is not the same as eyelash extensions. People like to compare them, but they are just so different. If you are looking to truly add width, you may want to explore eyelash extensions.

#2 - Your eyes will need to remain closed all the way. If your eyes are opened at all, the product can irritate you. We definitely don’t want that. We want to keep them happy, healthy and white.

#3 - When removing the products, if you squeeze your eyes tightly, it actually will draw the product inside the eyelid instead of wiping it away. Remain relaxed and your Esthetician will not only be able to do it faster, but also with less rubbing. Also, if your eyes are sensitive or twitchy, you may want to stick to your eyelash curler at home.

#4 - Make sure that you are following the aftercare. If you don’t … you’ll shorten the length of the lash lift. Our goal is always to get 6 weeks from this treatment.

#5 - Consider using a lash conditioner. Yes, your Esthetician may not have even mention it (I know I’m guilty.) But because this is a chemical process and the eyelash itself is delicate, you will receive a better result if you condition lashes starting 72 hours after a lift.

#6 - Did things not go exactly how you wanted it to? Your Esthetician really wants to know … because we can document if we need to shorten or extend your process time, change to a different rod, start on the left eye instead of the right, etc. We can’t change what we don’t know is bothering you. When you come in 6-8 weeks later, you may have forgotten the changes you were looking for. Reach out to let them know if it’s too curly, not curly enough so your lash artist can add notes for your next appointment.

Eyelashes are delicate, but beautiful in their natural state. A lash lift may be right for you! Or it may not. This is one service that I really think you have to try to see if you like it or if you are better suited for eyelash extensions.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley

What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Waxing Part II

In addition to receiving facial and massage services, I also receive waxing from other Estheticians. I’ve waxed everything (upper lip being the worst for me). I know what it’s like from the waxer’s perspective and also the client. So many clients come in for body waxing and are SO NERVOUS. Of course, you need to know that that’s 100% normal. But besides that, here are a couple more things that your Esthetician would want you to know.

#1 - We are doing a job of removing hair. We are looking for the best waxing patterns to do our job efficiently while providing the most comfort to you, the client. That’s all we are looking at. For me, it’s about combining speed with comfort.

#2 - Holding skin tight and breathing are essential to making sure you limit the pain associated with waxing. Especially when it comes to intimate waxing, trust me on this. Watching where the wax is going or trying to lift up does not help anything. It creates more anxiety for you and the waxer.

#3 - There are no questions that you can ask your Esthetician that haven’t been asked before. We are here to answer anything you have, but we’ll be sure to share with you what to do and not to do after waxing. These recommendations are helpful in creating the best waxing experience.

#4 - The aftercare instructions are important. Don’t ignore them … as this is what causes problems like bumps and ingrowns. Try to purchase the aftercare that day or as soon as possible.

#5 - Doing surgery on yourself on an ingrown will result in more problems, including dark marks (hyperpigmentation.) Instead, use the home care products and ask your Esthetician to help you remove ingrowns if possible.

In the end, every waxer has a unique pattern that they’ve learned and made into their own. They may use different waxing patterns, different wax or even sugar, or have different positions for your legs or arms. A great Esthetician has figured out what works best for him/her as well as their clients. Trust the process and their expertise that has created raving fans who come back month after month.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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facials Zoey Jolley facials Zoey Jolley

What Your Esthetician Wants You To Know - Facials Part I

A recent facial received by myself had me really thinking. It was my monthly ‘practice what you preach’ facial where I experience a treatment from someone else. Overall, it was a good facial, but you know what? I was miserable because I was cold. Like freezing and goosebumps. These reminders of what it’s like to be a client is what I’d like to share with you today!

You may be shy coming in for your appointment. It could be your first time coming in for a spa treatment, or maybe you are trying a new Esthetician. Your appointment is YOUR appointment. But what does that mean? It means that it’s all about making you comfortable for the next hour. So whatever your Esthetician can do to make your experience amazing, they really want to make that happen for you. To make your appointment the best, here are a few things that your Esthetician would want you to know.

#1 - It’s okay to ask to adjust the temperature of the table, the position for knees, etc. Are you hot or cold? Just say so. Are you feeling uncomfortable in that position? Let’s move your knees or your head up a little bit. A click of a button adjusts both for you here in the treatment room, so it’s not an inconvenience. Also, you might need adjusted halfway through. Please don’t be miserable and cold … or hot … or need an adjustment for your body on the table. This is your permission to speak up!

#2 - When you help lift your arm or leg when massaging actually makes it harder for the esthetician or massage therapist to work on you. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is for them and the better it feels for you! Think noodle arms!

#3 - If you have questions, it’s okay to ask. There should be plenty of time to ask … and trust me. Every Esthetician has been asked all of those embarrassing questions. There’s nothing that you can ask that we will be shocked by. Feel scared to ask in person? Just text me before or after the appointment. I’m happy to answer any and all of your questions regarding skin care or waxing.

#4 - This is absolutely YOUR time. What would you like to make it special for you? Want to talk the whole time? We are great conversationalists. Want to stay silent? We got you too! Instead of sleeping spa music, you want soft rock or to listen to a crime podcast? Yep! Just let us know exactly what you like.

I hope that this just gives you permission to help your Esthetician make your service extra special. We aren’t a mind readers and sometimes need you to tell us what you are expecting for your treatment and what you prefer. Whatever we can do to make your experience amazing, I promise we will do it. So go ahead and be brave! Tell us what you would like, relax during massage, and ask your questions.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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