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Narrowing Down the Search for Amazing Skin Care

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

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We are surrounded by so many options and choices. Back in the 80s and 90s, we found ourselves captivated by those 30 second commercials and print ads. Times have changed and now we see ads on FaceBook, beautiful graphics on Instagram, and a plethora of pins on Pinterest.

In this world full of great things, how do you choose between the millions of skin care products that will keep your skin healthy and glowing? How do you narrow it down?

It is overwhelming to choose. How do you know that this product will work and do something beneficial for you? Spending money on a chance... do you just go for it? If the internet makes a claim, then it must be true, right? We all know that's not true!

Each dermatologist and esthetician, will have products that they like and recommend. These are products that they have absolutely done their research on, personally tried and experimented with, and eventually spent a lot of money to invest in. All because they believe that this is the best bang for your buck and they truly love it! When you see your trusted partner, you know they will be working with you to find the very best products for you to love!

The professional becomes even more trained in learning the benefits of the skin and how it can help you. They will ask you questions, like:

"If you could change one thing about your skin, what would it be?"

"What is your current skin care routine?"

"Is there a product that you absolutely love? What do you like about them?"

Straight up, I think your best bang for your buck will be in a serum. This is a product that will have a specific "job" to do for the skin and can penetrate deeper than any other product will. Take this with a grain of salt though. If you aren't preparing the skin at the ground level by using a decent cleanser, mist, etc. you might be throwing your money down the toilet. The skin needs to be at the right pH level and getting all of the dirt, excess oils, etc, off before putting on the star of the show.

Another great tip that I give for those buying skin care on a budget, is to start with one item and each month save up for the next product. That way, you can spread out the purchasing. If you have cleanser, mist, and exfoliant, then start with a moisturizer and SPF. When you run out of the cleanser, make the change then.

I think one of the best ways to narrow it down is to start with ingredients! Did you know that as a general rule of thumb, the first 5 ingredients in the product make up 80% of the product? I always start at the first 5, but if you go to 8, 9, or 10, that'll work too.

Look for ingredients that you don't want in there. From Mark Lees The Skin Care Answer Book, some of the most highly comedogenic ingredients are:

linseed oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, oleic acid, coal tar, ispopropyl isostearate, squalene, isopropyl myristate, myristyl myristate, acetylated lanolin, isopropyl palmitate, isopropyl linoleate, oleyl alcohol, octyl palmitate, isostearic acid, myreth myristate, butyl stearate, and lanolic acid.

Then look for other ingredients that are going to be beneficial for the skin. Here are some of my favorite ingredients:

  • coenzyme Q10

  • ceramides

  • caffiene

  • lactic acid

  • kojic acid

  • mandelic acid

  • hyaluronic acid

  • snow algae

  • niacinamide

  • allantoin

  • beta defensins

  • jojoba oil

  • zinc oxide

  • kaolin

  • lactus basillas (probiotic derivatives)

  • skinmimics complex

  • matrixyl 3000

  • and many other peptides and antioxidants.

Another great website that I like to use when I don't have books on hand (yes ... I don't have all of these memorized and some of them are very similar but the response on the skin is quite different) is Paula's Choice (google it.) You can type in any ingredient and start there.

Above all, use your esthetician and skin care professional. Let them analyze your skin after a cleanse to see what products they think will give your skin the best benefit. After all, you deserve the best and you get only one face in this life! Showcase what you have with that inner and outer glow!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Pretty Little Lashes

"Eyes are the window to the soul." It's a good one. So much light and life of a person's face are found through the eyes. Whether you are happy or hurting, it's hard for the eyes to hide that.

Why not accent your best facial feature?

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I am blessed to work on gorgeous women everyday! Facials, waxing, and lash lifts are some of my favorite services to help clients with. There are so many fun options with me that it's sometimes hard to choose.

Have you heard this proverb before? "Eyes are the window to the soul." It's a good one. So much light and life of a person's face are found through the eyes. Whether you are happy or hurting, it's hard for the eyes to hide that.

Why not accent your best facial feature? Two ways to do that are through the framing (which are the brows - and another blog post coming a website near you soon) and lashes. Most women have incredible eyelashes! There are a couple of things that we can do to enhance them and ways that we can protect what we already have.

1) Curl Then Apply Mascara

Never apply mascara and then use a curling tool. This will make your lashes more susceptible to breaking and falling out because it can cling to the curler.

2) Be Picky About Mascara

Let's have a chat ladies. With so many options, how do you really choose a great mascara? I've been searching and trying new ones every couple months. Waterproof mascara can be more drying, which can dry out the eyelash itself. Replace your mascara every 3 months to avoid infections and lash mites. (Yes, they are a real thing.)

3) Remove Each And Every Day

Do not forget to remove each night. Do not pass go and collect $200. This rule seems simple, but is often not followed. If you don't remove the mascara and eye makeup properly, it can make your lashes become stiff... which again can lead to falling out and breaking off. A recipe that we all want to avoid. My FAVORITE lash cleanser is the newest to hit the RevitaLash line called Micellar Water. It's really delightful and my favorite product for 2018.

4) Use A Lash Serum

A lash serum or conditioner will condition your lashes to help them be at their optimal health. What does that look like? It looks like fuller more beautiful lashes. RevitaLash Advanced keeps eye health and safety at the forefront. Which translates into peace of mind.

5) Try A Lash Lift

Lash lifting has been all the rage for the past 2 years in the United States and can definitely enhance what you already have. This treatment is done by placing the eyelashes on a curved rod and applying solution to natural lash which lifts and then sets the curl. This can be dramatic for clients with lashes that tend to grow straight out or even slightly downward. I have seen incredible results and would love to help show you what this service could do for you.

Have more questions? Let's set up a consultation and I can personally answer them for you!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

The 4 S's in Skin Care - Stress, Smoking, Sun, and Sugar

Skincare is all emcompassing. Not only are we dealing with genetics, but we are dealing with internal factors as well as the environment that we live in. There are so many do's and don't's and it seems like every expert has their opinion. Am I right ladies?


Skincare is all emcompassing. Not only are we dealing with genetics, but we are dealing with internal factors as well as the environment that we live in. There are so many do's and don't's and it seems like every expert has their opinion. Am I right ladies?

Well, I'd love to break down what I call the 4 S's in skin care - Stress, Smoking, Sun and Sugar. Small gains over a long period of time can help slow down the aging process for everyone. Where can you improve?


There... I said the one that we've all been thinking about. Everyone has stress. Whether home or work, finances or sleep (which could easily be yet another S) ... we've got something to worry about. Stress will not only cause those baggy, puffy eyes to make an appearance, but it will aggravate any skin condition that you currently have. For example, if you suffer with breakouts, you make be getting more pimples more frequently. Wrinkles can be more pronounced, seeing that you may furrow your brow more often. Definitely not where you want to hear the word more.

Here's another fun one for you. When I speak in public, there's a rash that starts on one side of my neck and slowly "grows" all the way across to the other side. What's it from? STRESS!

Learning healthy ways to deal with stress is important! Exercise, meditation, breathing, lots of water and even sleeping can help your body deal with all that cortisol. But if it's still not helping, don't let stress linger in your life. Seek out a professional to help give you the proper tools or a doctor that can give you further recommendations.


This could be #1 on any list that you seek out. We all know that smoking causes cancer, but do we know that it causes premature aging? No one wants to age faster.

Here's the skinny on this S. Smoking weakens blood vessels and decreases your circulation, so there's a lack of oxygen for the healthy cells. Smoking also creates free radicals. As my teacher in school explained free radicals... "A free radical is like a hussie in a bar. She doesn't have a man, so she steals yours. And then you don't have a partner... which creates a cascading effect that just won't stop." (School was years ago, but trust me. I'll never forget about free radicals and the HUSSIE stealing my man! Haha)=

What do brown fruit and a rusted car have in common? They are exposed to free radicals which can cause oxidative damage. And that's what happens to our skin when we smoke.

Seek out professional help to quit if you need. And don't start smoking because you're stressed! (See what I did there?)


Ladies, let's talk a moment to talk about summer and how great it is to be outside in our beautiful weather. Okay, let's move on to talk about sun exposure. Sun damage occurs over time and is one of the things that we can improve!

Did you know that genetics makes up only 10% of our aging? The large majority goes to the winner... Sun! (80-85%!!!) There are 3 types of UV rays... UVA, UVB, and UVC. A stands for aging, B stands for burning. C rays don't make it through our atmosphere. The A rays are long and penetrate deeper into the skin, causing damage in the collagen (plumpness) and elastin fibers (skin's elasticity and "snap back"). B rays are shorter and considered to cause most of the cancers. They shorten the cell's lifespan, cause free radicals (see the HUSSIE listed above), and work hard to break down tissue.

So while we do need sunlight and the vitamin D, we also need to be careful and cautious about our sun exposure. Using an SPF product that feels good and is easy to apply is great! Wearing your foundations with SPF is not enough. Reapplication is important.

As a side note, SPF that is 15 covers 93% of rays, 30 covers 97%, and 50 SPF covers 98%. I wouldn't pay the extra big bucks to get more SPF to cover an extra 1/2 %.


I saved my hard one for last. When you eat a diet high in sugar, your blood sugar can rise. When you blood sugar raises and remains raised, glycation happens. Glycation is when sugar attaches to the collagen in the skin and makes it hard and stiff. And even sagging skin! That's what happens when you eat sugar! There is also connections between the sugar we eat with the stress hormone, cortisol and inflammation. Neither are great for the skin OR your body!

What can you do? Figure out a way to limit those artificial sugars while still enjoying life. You'll not only sleep better, but your skin will thank you in 20 years!

Have you learned anything? Which is your nemesis? What changes can you make to help slow the aging process? I can't wait to partner with you to help you make a necessary change, hook you up with an awesome sun care product, and get rid of those hussies at the bar.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Watch Out! 3 Things to Check at Your Facial Appointment

I love receiving regular spa treatments from other local estheticians and massage therapists. Not only do I find them relaxing, but I get to take in the experience from a client's perspective. I hope it keeps not only my skin and mind fresh, but that it also helps me to see what I could do better.

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I love receiving regular spa treatments from other local estheticians and massage therapists. Not only do I find them relaxing, but I get to take in the experience from a client's perspective. I hope it keeps not only my skin and mind fresh, but that it also helps me to see what I could do better.

I look for an inviting space with fun conversation and awesome results. Personality is big for me. I want to feel loved, pampered, and rejuvenated from a month of stress. This is my down time and I'm ready to enjoy each and every minute of it!

So what happens when you go to your long awaited appointment and worry about laying on the table. Are you thinking,

"Will this person help me?"

"How can I trust them?"

"How will I know if there is a red flag?"

Here are 3 starter hints that you may want to find a different professional. No intake form or consultation; having messy instruments, overflowing trash and dirty linens; and no gloves. These could make you want to be like Forest. Run Forest, run!

1) No intake form or consultation

Believe it or not, but everything we do affects our skin. As the largest organ of the body, the skin is the barrier to protect bad things from getting into our bodies and also helping keep good things, like water, inside the body. Through an intake form or consultation, your esthetician learns about your WHOLE body and how to help you reach your goals of your daily treatment.

One example on my current intake form is to please list all medications. If you were taking Accutane or using a Retin-A cream (commonly know as Tretinoin), this would be a contraindiction of waxing. Why? Accutane or Retin-A is extremely large doses of vitamin A which thins the skin. Thinner skin means that this is actually an exfoliation treatment. Getting rid of dead skin helps to expose acne to oxygen which means the acne bacteria is killed. Waxing also is in it's own way, an exfoliation treatment. So using Accutane/Retin A AND waxing would be over exfoliating the skin. And if you've been following and reading along with me, you know that too much of a good thing ... really isn't good!

What you can do!

Make sure to update your health history with your esthetician when you come in for your regular appointments.

2) Messy instruments, overflowing trash, and dirty linens

Having a clean working space is an indication that your esthetician not only loves what she does, but that he or she is sanitizing the area and getting rid of the germs for the next client!

One of the things that I check is the wax pot. The outside should be wiped down (at least periodically) so that it is not covered with sticky and unattractive wax.

Make sure the trash can isn't overflowing with garbage. It's also nice when the outside of the garbage can looks okay. Sure, it holds the trash, but the can itself doesn't have to look bad.

Did you recently watch the Insider Edition on the hotel that was not changing their sheets? Ugh! Fresh sheets and towels equal a happy client, right? Right!

What you can do!

Make sure that your treatment room has a thing called a barbicide jar. It is a disinfectant solution for tools that estheticians use, like tweezers.

3) No gloves

No gloves is okay for some treatments but not for others. Recognize that if your esthetician is doing extractions where you release acne from the skin or waxing (especially on the body), gloves are a standard precaution for both of you.

What you can do!

Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for gloves. You know your own health, but you don't know your esthetician's health.

What other things have you noticed at your treatment? Don't be shy in requesting something different. Afterall, you are paying for the appointment and you deserve the best!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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It's All About YOU! Giving You the Royal Treatment

When you come to visit me at Essential Esthetics by Zoey, I strive each time for excellence and to give you the royal treatment. This means adding little extra touches to make sure you have the best experience every time. These little additions include scheduling, cleanliness, caring touch, conversation or silence plus music, quotes and chocolate, the late jar, products, and education.

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When you come to visit me at Essential Esthetics by Zoey, I strive each time for excellence and to give you the royal treatment. This means adding little extra touches to make sure you have the best experience every time. These little additions include scheduling, cleanliness, caring touch, conversation or silence plus music, quotes and chocolate, the late jar, products, and education.


Scheduling can be tricky, but I do my best to fit you in at times that are most convenient for you. I also offer online booking as a convenience for my clients. You can also text me and I'll answer as soon as I am able.


Keeping the room neat, tidy and sanitary is of upmost importance to any service you receive. Everything is sanitized and wiped down after each client. I have received an A classification from the State of Idaho on each room inspection (which is the highest grade.)

Caring Touch

I aim for a gentle and caring touch for each treatment. Customized signature facials are not complete without great facial massage, relaxing hand and arm massage, and scalp massage to unwind the stresses of the day. When performing eyelash treatments, I keep a light yet firm touch as not to startle you. I also like explaining what I'm doing when your eyes are closed. When waxing, I apply firm pressure after removing the wax strips to confuse the nerves... it really helps.

Conversation/Silence plus Music

I love visiting with my clients if that what they would like. Or we can relax in peace and quiet. You pick the radio station that we listen to (or even a podcast) and then I work on creating the best experience for you with the treatment that you have selected for the day.

Quotes and Chocolates

Little extras go a long way in creating an experience. When you come in for a facial treatment (Signature Facials, Customized Treatments, Chemical Peels, or Dermaplaning), you will receive a quote card and a luxurious chocolate. It's the cherry on top of the sundae, and I know that you'll agree it's a great way to end the service.

The Late Jar

Your time is valuable and I work to be on time or early at each appointment. Life does happen though, so I want to say "I'm sorry" in a unique way. If I'm late coming to get you, you can choose a free sample in my late jar. The samples are exclusively GM Collin and are amazing!


Services and treatments would not be complete without the very best in skin care. I've selected the best that I think is out there for each service that I offer and I don't skimp with off brand or just whatever is on sale. I continue searching for products that may be better than I'm offering as you deserve the very best. If I find something better, I will make the switch.


Every year, I take classes to keep up my skills and to give you more of what you are looking for. By improving those areas, I am able to offer top of the line expertise, providing a better service, and sharing more knowledge with you in answering your questions.

First class service is waiting right around the corner for you. What are you waiting for? Schedule your appointment today and see what everyone is talking about. 208.705.5821

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Brazilian Waxing 411

When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.


When you hear the word "Brazilian," what do you think? I'm here to answer all of your questions on what a Brazilian Wax actually is and what your experience with me would be like if you came in for this service.

What does Bikini, Brazilian, Manzilian, etc. mean?

Bikini Wax

Removing the hair outside of the bikini line, plus about 1/2 inch in. Just on the top and the sides. You will wear the cutest pair of disposable undies ever! (I don't think they actually make them cute... just saying!)

Deep Bikini Wax

Removing almost all of top hair and then on the sides and 1/2 inch in. Paper underwear included.


Female wax where hair is removed everywhere. Yes, even the backside or the Aussie as I like to call it. Some also choose to leave a strip or triangle, but it is all personal preference.


Same as the female brazilian only for a man. I do not perform these, but will give out referrals for those seeking this service.

Now you know the difference on the waxing options, here's what to expect when you walk through the doors.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

  1. You will fill out a client intake form online that gives me a little history about you (skin care, tanning, general health, and medications) as well as a consent form to do the waxing. Tanning and other medications including antibiotics are a contraindication of performing this service. Please let me know if there is a change in medical information at the start of each appointment.

  2. We'll walk back to the treatment room together. I have set out a sanitized waxing pad with 2 towels, wipes, and a neck pillow. While I step out of the room and push play on your favorite music, you will undress from the waist down, use a wipe to clean up if you wish, and put one towel underneath your bottom and one towel covering you on top.

  3. From there, we get down to business. It's my job to keep you as comfortable as possible while removing your hair quickly and efficiently. That's what you are paying me for. I use a combination of soft and hard waxes of the highest professional quality to get the job done. I give you a minute to breathe if you need it, but most prefer to zip in and out and get on with their day. After each pull, I apply pressure to confuse the nerves (as they can only receive one type of information at a time - pressure confuses the nerve to thinking, "Am I feeling pain or pressure? I'm not sure.") After waxing, I'll put on a calming lotion, balm or serum to relieve the skin and cover you back up with the towel.

  4. I step out while you get dressed and meet you outside of my treatment room and walk to the front with you. From there, we'll reschedule you for about 4 weeks and complete payment. Easy, peasy, pudding, pie as Georgie Porgie would say.

  5. After care is pretty simple. Don't exfoliate for 2-3 days, but after that time, you'll want to exfoliate the area being waxed once or twice a week. (Remember what I always say - more is not always better... and this is just another example of that saying.) No tanning or hot tubbing for 48 hours. Be sensitive to the area for 24 hours. Use aloe if needed.

I ALWAYS recommend coming in twice in a row (so your first appointment and then wait 4 weeks) because the 2nd time is about 1/2 of the pain. Yes, this is true. So, come twice AND THEN decide if you want to keep the service up.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it hurt?

Well, waxing (the removal of hair) doesn't feel great like a facial, but it doesn't hurt as long as you think it will either. By the time you are getting dressed, most of the pain is gone.

What's the most painful area to wax?

Are you holding on to your seats ladies and gentlemen? Here is the truth... the upper lip.

How long does my hair have to be to wax?

I recommend 1/4-1/2 inch long, which is generally 2-3 weeks after shaving. This will allow me to pick up the little hairs and get you smoother longer.

How long will I be hair free?

This one is tricky because with all treatments, every client is different and hair grows at different stages. Only the hair that is out of the skin can be waxed, so baby hairs just under the skin at wax time will poke through in a couple of days. The longer you come in, the longer you will remain smooth. The hair remaining will be softer and not as irritating as blunt, shaved hair.

How often should I come in?

The magic number for Brazilian is 4 weeks. This gives time for all of the hair to cycle through and will start teaching the hair that it doesn't have to show up until right before that time. As you continue to wax, the time might increase to 5 weeks or even 6 weeks.

What are the advantages from waxing over shaving?

Waxing will last longer, fewer ingrowns, and is done much quicker. If you are irritated by shaving, chances are waxing will be much easier on you as well.

Can I be waxed when I am on my cycle?

The answer is yes, but it can be just a little more painful. Make sure that you are wearing a cup or a fresh tampon and we'll take care of the hair just like your regular appointments.

Have a question that hasn't been asked? Send me an email and I'll gladly answer you privately and make sure to add the question and answer for others to find this helpful information. Now that you know what to expect, what's holding you back? Let's schedule your appointment!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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My Eye is on Milia

Have you ever noticed a small, hard white bump on your skin? If you've gone to pop it and had zero luck, you may be dealing with milia. Most commonly, milia are on the eylids or cheeks.


Have you ever noticed a small, hard white bump on your skin? If you've gone to pop it and had zero luck, you may be dealing with milia. Most commonly, milia are on the eylids or cheeks.

Like any form of acne, keratin (dead skin cells) get trapped on their way up to the surface of the skin causing a cyst. Milia most often occurs due to using pore clogging ingredients in the area. The skin cannot slough off the dead skin cells fast enough and they glom together to create this pearl like hard bump. Long term exposure to the skin as well as genetics can also play a role in the creation of milia.

Think you can wiggle these out on your own? Think again! These pesky bumps will need exfoliation or extraction. Exfoliation can be through mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic. What does that mean?


Mechanical are the "scrubbies" - make sure that you use a scrub where they are uniform and not jagged nut particles. These scrubs will not off the top bricks (dead skin cells) helping work these further up the skin to the outer most portion. The microderm treatment is a great one for deep cleaning the face. Spacell also helps at home to keep that exfoliation process continuing.

Chemical are the lactic, gycolic, etc - all of those acid names that are going to eat away the mortar of your brick wall, similar to pac man. Retinols are also considered a chemical exfoliant and work well for acne and anti aging clients. Chemicals like these should not be used close to the eye. Stop at the occipital bone.

Enzymatic are similar to chemical but through are fruit enzymes (chemicals are through fruit acids) - they work like pac man to eat keratin in a more gentle way.


Oftentimes when faced with milia, you will want to see a dermatologist or esthetician to perform extractions (removal). This have to be done with a lancet and the right technique. But insto presto... they are out and gone!


What do you need to do for your skin in the future if you are prone to milia? Here are a couple of my recommendations.

1) Use appropriate cleanser to remove eye makeup every night.

Look for something that is for the eye area and make sure to remove all product thoroughly. You'll also want to cleanse the skin with something hydrating and appropriate for your skin type.

2) Use a light weight eye cream or gel.

Let's face it. Eye cream, especially for anti aging is important. It is not appropriate to use facial moisturizer around the eye. The skin around the eye is different than the rest of the face. When applying the eye cream, make sure to gently rub it in (ring finger only and very, very light!!!) Do not just set it on the top of the skin.

3) Exfoliate the skin.

Every skin type needs a little help in this department unless you are in your early teens and lower. Consult with your esthetician to find a professional product that will do its job. One of my phrases is more is not always better. The same applies here.

4) SPF is key.

Always, always use SPF. Skin that is damaged by the sun has more tough layers, which makes exfoliation very difficult and is a breeding ground for milia.

If you've got your eye on milia, or the other way around, find a professional to help evaluate what you can do to improve your skin!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Top 3 Reasons Acne Stays

Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

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Ahhh! The dreaded acne. As teenagers, this is something to be expected perhaps. Still, it is an unwelcomed house guest that we can't wait to see go! Maybe you are in your 20s and are noticing these blemishes appear on your skin overnight. 30s and still seeing problems along with a change of hormones and overwhelming stress. And 40s! What?!?! Say that it can't be true that you can get acne in your 40s.

Whichever phase you find yourself in, let me suggest my top 3 reasons why acne stays, hanging on for dear life.

1) Picking

There... I said it. Picking. Even I will catch myself running my fingers along my jawline only for one of the digits to make contact with a bump. And I scratch, pick, and try to manipulate that bump to come out of my skin. The story from there continues because once I know it's there, I can't stop. Even today, my children's dentist told me that he read you touch your face 32,000 times a day!!!

Has this happened to you? I can relate and sympathize. But it's a problem. And there's a reason why I put it at the number one spot on my list. Picking spreads the P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin. Once you start, you likely can't stop, so you are literally spreading bacteria all day long on your face or other body areas afflicted.


Recognize if there are certain times of day it occurs, or when you pass a mirror, etc. Write yourself reminder on the bathroom vanity with a dry erase or sticky note. Switch activities. Wash your hands, drink more water, read a good book... do anything besides picking!

2) Using Too Harsh Of Ingredients

Many acne clients like the feel of a scrub or the tingle of a cleanser. But, let me be clear. Just because it's a stronger product does not mean it's right for your skin. Acne is plagued with inflammation and so if you increase inflammation, your acne will likely have a hard time clearing on the skin.

Aggressive scrubs should be thrown out if you have grade III or IV acne. Toners that have alcohol must too hit the garbage. Often the right gentle products will be more effective (working in a quicker time frame and actually targeting the different types of acne) than if you pick the strongest percentages of an acid.


Work with a licensed professional to seek products that will help kill the acne WHILE preserving the barrier of your skin, which is the skin's main function.

3) Not Finding The Real Symptoms

Sure, you used a product for 3 months and you think you are healed. Maybe you decide to go off of the products OR you are still using them and the unwelcomed house guest announces it has to stay for an undetermined amount. Sadly, many times this is what acne clients (and maybe you) have faced.

Let me give you some hope here. Truth - Acne is a disease. While it cannot be cured, it can be CONTROLLED! This means that you must find out the real reason why your acne started and is staying. This could be stress, diet, external or internal factors. Those in the field have spent their entire lifetimes researching and studying and writing on this one topic. And they have learned so much about pimples, cysts, nodules, etc.


Work with a licensed professional to investigate the root of the problem. Many times there are simple things you can do to turn around everything in your skin. If researchers spend years searching for answers, it would be to your benefit to use this research first. (You can research on your own, but how do you even know where to start? Google can only help you if you are typing in the correct searches.)

I love working with acne clients. It takes patience, perseverance, and most importantly the courage to say, "I need help." I'll help you! Let's kick out the unwelcomed guest once and for all!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, aftercare, makeup Zoey Jolley skin, aftercare, makeup Zoey Jolley

Update Your Makeup Look

With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

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With anything in life, we become comfortable with our looks. Like your favorite pair of jeans or bangs that you've had since high school, change can be hard. We try on a new outfit at the store and then immediately put it back because it feels different and you aren't sure. Bring the "honest" friend of the group to the store, and they'll let you know if you can pull it off. But what about your makeup? I'll be your "honest" friend and guide you through making some changes!

First things first. There are some things that you should probably stop doing. The top on my list is blush that goes from the apples of your cheeks all the way back to your hair. Blue might be your favorite color, but you probably shouldn't wear it as your eyeshadow or eyeliner anymore. OR colored mascara. If you are wearing a super light concealer under your eyes, it's time to exchange that out. Lastly, but maybe most important, brows are big and bold right now. Thin and slender is out.

So now that we have the what not to dos, let's focus on what to do and how to make sure you can pull off new makeup!


Place lightly but directly to the apples of the cheeks and meld it into the contour. (Don't worry... we'll get to the contour part.)


Matte is in and so are neutral colors. You can add in a little glimmer and sparkle, but blending is paramount.


Black, brown/black, or brown is all that you need. If you put mascara on your bottom lashes, it will actually drag down your face. Still not sold? Do you mascara normal on one eye and then don't add the lower lashes to the other side. Then take a picture and evaluate.


Pick a color that is brighter, not lighter. Too light actually looks white. Trust me, it doesn't look good.


This may take time to grow back hair, but in the meantime, you can lightly fill them in with a pencil or eyeshadow with a brush (I prefer the eyeshadow) and use a spoolie (looks like a mascara wand without any product) to buff it out.


Contour will help your face look 3 dimensional. Place it in the natural shadows of your face, which includes the top of the forehead, underneath your cheek bones, under (not on) the jawline, and a thin line of each side of the nose. Make sure to buff and blend.

Still confused and not sure where to start? Make a makeup consult with me and I'll show you everything I know, answer your questions, and take a before/after picture for you so that you can see the difference. Embrace change and embrace your natural beauty. Let's enhance your features instead of covering them up!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Self Care in 2018

Over the years, I have learned how important it is to take care of yourself. The oxygen mask that pops out of the airplane ceiling may be cliche, but we all know who to strap on the life line to first. YOU! By properly caring for yourself, you will have much more to give and be able to sustain a pace at which to accomplish your goals and dreams.

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Wow! Can you believe that it's already 2018? It's been a whirlwind, but now we are writing a new chapter.

Over the years, I have learned how important it is to take care of yourself. The oxygen mask that pops out of the airplane ceiling may be cliche, but we all know who to strap on the life line to first. YOU! By properly caring for yourself, you will have much more to give and be able to sustain a pace at which to accomplish your goals and dreams.

So what is self care? I define self care as taking care of oneself by creating time to do the things which energizes your mind, body, and spirit. For each person, this will look differently. Ask yourself, when do I feel good? How do I nourish my mind, body, and spirit? What do I need to make a priority in my life? Where do I carve out the time to do so?

This has become a passionate mission of mine to relay to all people, but especially women and moms. Let us remember that in order to continue doing #allthethings, you need to first take care of yourself! For me, self care looks like long baths, reading a self motivational book, exercising and stretching, eating better, and using tools like vision boards and affirmations. And finally, spa time!

Long Baths

Call me crazy, but just soaking in a bath, laying horizontally while relaxing is amazing for my mood and overall happiness. After a long stressful day, I love to set one to soak and relax. Water can mimic the water in the womb.... I love watching babies enjoy their bath time! Warm water can help with body aches and pains too. There is an actual science behind it! I also love adding bath fizzies and such with essential oils. Ahhhh!

Reading Books

I love reading and always have. I'm generally an escape reader, where I read books that could absolutely, 100% positively NEVER happen in my life. That being said, over the last couple of years, I have began to also love auto-biographies and now self motivational books. These books get me excited and happy to think about taking control over my life.

Exercising and Stretching

I'm better at the first than the later. Stretching is a work in progress for me. Moving your body improves your mood, promotes better circulation, and helps you sleep better at night! Heaven knows most of us need help with sleep. Find a type of exercise that you enjoy and stick with it. Mix it up when you get tired of the usual. But always have a plan in place so that you will do it! I like to work out at home while listening to podcasts!

Eating better

While I can't claim the gold prize on this one, when you put in healthier choices to fuel your body, the output is always better! You can try limiting sweets and alcohol (which consequently will also improve your skin.) One thing my sister does is not sweets or treats during the week, only on the weekends. I just try to more often so that I do not get overly hungry where I would normally overeat or turn to the candy!

Using tools

Life coaching is my favorite thing that I've embraced this past year. Getting someone to help you focus on what matters most and to be a cheerleader to encourage you when fear and doubt creep in are inevitable! Vision boards are where you put up pictures and words of goals that you want to reach. Spend time each day looking at them. When you achieve the goals, have a binder to put in your successes to remind your mind the next time when you try something new that you have done it before and you can do it again. Likewise, affirmations where you read a mantra and other positive things about yourself help you mind to be converted that you are a winner! Seek out and find supporters in your life and then work so your dreams become reality.

Spa Days

I can't end this blog post without telling you about the benefits of spa days! Work on your facial skin, tight muscles, and sour attitude by spending some time with your Esthetician. This is time greatly spent because you only have one face for a lifetime. I find that my skin is rejuvenated, my muscles are relaxed by slower breathing and a nice light massage, and my attitude is one of gratitude and pure happiness. Make the time at the spa count.

Remember my spa mantra - Breathe, Relax, Let Go! Much love, peace, and blessings to you this coming year!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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5 Tips for Keeping Perfect Eyelash Extensions

Eyelash Extensions are here to stay. They offer the flexibility to get ready easily and quickly each morning! You won't have to worry about crying in public, raccoon eyes from mascara, or removing it all off after a long hard day of work.

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Eyelash Extensions are here to stay. They offer the flexibility to get ready easily and quickly each morning! You won't have to worry about crying in public, raccoon eyes from mascara, or removing it all off after a long hard day of work.

You will however, want to keep note of these fantastic tips for keeping your eyelashes in tip top condition in between fills.

1) Be strict about not getting them wet for 24 hours.

The adhesive needs time to cure, so it's important to keep them dry, Wash your hair the day you come in. Steam is another no-no because it's really water vapor. The less you mess with them for the first 24 hours, the better off you'll be.

2) Remember, heat is your enemy.

If you cook or barbecue, be sure to protect your lashes. Eyelash extensions are made to be heat resistant, but they will bend, crimp, or singe if you stand over a pot of boiling water, get your face right in when you open the oven, or being the master BBQ chef at a family get together!

3) Mascara is always a NO.

You are wearing lash extensions so you do not need to wear mascara. The main ingredients in mascara include oil and wax products, which break down the bond of the eyelash extension and adhesive. You can use mascara on the bottom lashes, but add mascara to your tops and you will notice more and more eyelash extensions will fall off.

4) No touching.

They look gorgeous and you can't help but touch them with your dainty fingers. Just like the exhibits in the museum say, Please do not touch, your lash artist will ask you to do the same thing. Natural oils on your hands do just what mascara does... break down the adhesive bond. Look, use your mascara spoolie as needed to keep them going in the right directions, but never touch!

5) Wash these babies too.

Yes, you are not supposed to get them wet at first. But you do want to make sure that you wash them to remove dirt, oils, and the rest of your daily makeup after those first 24 hours have past. Use eyelash cleanser for extensions (no oil, glycol, etc.) or baby shampoo diluted to give them a cleanse daily.

These tips are sure to help you keep the perfect eyelash extensions all year round!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How Often Should I...? Part II Treatments

While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick

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While home skin care should always be number 1 over coming to see a professional, treatments done with your Esthetician can be very effective and boost what you are doing on your own. If you were to hold up a mirror and look back at the image that you see, what would you change? Some of us would like to work on fine lines and wrinkles, some acne scarring would be gone first, and others really would like to see the age spots disappear like a magic trick. Whatever you would like to work on, make sure that you team up with a professional so that we can get the job done together!

When working with me, the first things that we address are hydration of the skin and sensitivity. It doesn't make sense to start on the 2nd level of the house, when the ground floor issues are hydration and sensitivity. Starting there, once these have corrected as best we can (usually 1-2 months), we can move on. We could then work on the above issues of anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, and acne (active or old scarring.)

I offer many tools to get the job done and depending on how your skin responds to the treatments, your open time to spend with me, and your budget, we put together a plan of "How often you should see your esthetician." In general, once a month for maintenance is amazing. If this is not possible, it is VITAL that you come in every quarter for a deep cleanse, exfoliation, and nourishment of the skin as the seasons change. Yes, it's Idaho and we have 4 seasons! So about every 3 months. Microneedling, Specialty Facials, and Chemical Peels excel in a series treatment. They are designed to build upon each other! But the more regularly you come, the greater the results you will see down the road as your skin begins to age.

Currently, I offer the following treatments to address your concerns: Microneedling, Microdermabrasion, Signature Facials (both in 90 or 60 minutes), Specialty Facials (Algomask and Hydrolifting), Chemical Peels, and Dermaplaning. All of these have value and most of the time, mixing and matching is ideal as you want to keep your skin guessing and using all of the great options to help your skin heal, glow, and revitalize to it's optimal blueprint.

I love making custom plans, so please contact me and we'll come up with something that will work well for you, your skin, and your skin care goals.

You'll spend $XXX on a purse you'll use for 2 years. How much will you spend on your face that you will have for a lifetime? $XXX It's worth your investment!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How Often Should I ...? Part I Home Care

One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment. Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care.

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One of the questions I get asked the most is often often clients should be using certain products and when to come back to see me for another treatment.

Skin care is very important at home because 90% of changes that can be made to the skin or preventives done to the skin are done at home. So it makes sense to start with home care. Just like when you hire a personal trainer, and Esthetician will meet with you and "work out" your skin in the treatment room every so often. But it's up to you, the client to do the homework in between our sessions.

Your homework should include at a minimum 4 steps. These steps are cleansing the skin, using appropriate treating mist, apply moisturizer (yes - even oily skin needs moisturizer) and finally using SPF. This is also the order that I suggest clients add in products as well. So, if you aren't using anything now, start with cleanser and go from there. (If you'd like a summary, scroll down to the bottom and then refer up when in question and needing more specifics.)

So, let's break down How Often Should I...

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin?

The answer here is different for everyone, but at least morning and night. So twice a day. If you are a heavy makeup wearer OR have very oily/acenic prone skin, the answer will be up to four times a day. Twice in the morning and twice at night. I like to use two different cleansers for these clients. So product one would be the first cleanse. And product two would be the second cleanse for both morning and night cleanses.

How Often Should I Mist the Skin?

The short answer: use a treating mist or toner immediately after cleansing the skin. Which would be twice a day. (Don't mist in between cleanses if you are cleansing twice in a row.)

Using a treating mist or toner is great to help balance the skin and lay a perfect foundation for more anti-aging products afterwards. If your skin feels tight after cleansing, you have stripped off the natural acid mantle (the barrier for the skin protecting it so that other organisms, etc. cannot enter our shield). The skin then goes into hyperdrive to produce more oil (which serves as a protectant). Repeatedly doing this causes much harm to your defensive layer. An astringent (super tingly product with alcohol) is NOT a toner or mist. Stay away from these products.

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin?

Differing beliefs on this are across the board, but my personal opinion remains that adding moisture, especially in our dry climate is good and reduces excess oil production. It is important to work with your skin trainer (aka Esthetician) to find the right moisturizer for your skin. Also, some clients prefer to have a daytime (lighter) moisturizer and a night time cream that is heavier weight and/or with more anti-aging benefits. Twice a day after you mist, you will moisturize.

How Often Should I Reapply SPF?

Every SPF is different, but my generic response is every 2 hours when going outside. I hear all the time that your makeup has SPF... which is awesome, but it DOES NOT REPLACE applying SPF every morning and before leaving work with another product besides your makeup. For SPF to be most beneficial, you need to reapply throughout the day. When wearing makeup, you can reapply by adding setting spray with SPF as well. By and large, look for ways to be compliant with this step instead of finding excuses of why you can't!

My favorite analogy for sun protection is a new vehicle. You wouldn't drive off the car lot without having car insurance. SPF IS your car insurance. Have it, use it, and don't leave home without it!

Those are your 4 minimum steps. Want to step up your game at the gym? Here are a couple of ideas and general suggestions.

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? This depends highly on what type of exfoliant. Consult your skin trainer, but most often I suggest one to two times per week.

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

You don't need good luck in your bathroom. Consistency is key and where you will see long term results. Starting at a healthier skin type means that you will focus more on prevention (which is always easier than reversing the skin damage that happens over time.) You can do this! Make sure to consult your Esthetician for exactly what YOUR skin needs, as we are all different.

SUMMARY: (Refer to longer paragraphs for more information)

How Often Should I Cleanse the Skin? Twice a day for normal/dry skin; Twice morning and twice night for oily/acenic skin

How Often Should I Mist the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Moisturize the Skin? Twice a day

How Often Should I Reapply SPF? Every 2 hours or what's recommended on you tube of sunscreen

How Often Should I Apply Eye Cream? Twice a day

How Often Should I Exfoliate? Once a week

How Often Should I Mask My Skin? Once a week

Stay tuned for Part II of How Often Should I?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Favorite Things

This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose?


This blog post is just to share 3 favorite products in my spa treatment room. Is there something that you love? I'm sure that you if you love it enough, you scream it from the rooftop or write about it on FaceBook or Instagram. Today, you get to hear my testimonials. If you had to pick just one, which one would you choose? (And really, how do you pick?)

1) GM Collins Hydramucine Optimal Serum

GM Collins has really outdone themselves with this product. When placing this refreshing product on your skin, you can smell the watermelon and fruit extracts coming through. Offering serum features a high and low weight of hyaluronic acid, a moisturizing complex that minicks the natural moisturizing factor of the skin, Plankton extract which affects the mainwater storage of the dermis, and many more. What does this mean for you? It means that when you put on this velvet serum, your skin will have immediate and long lasting hydration AND your skin will feel smooth and look healthy! Because this product is great for all skin types and because I live in the mountain desert climate (Idaho), I use this product in EVERY facial treatment I perform and recommend it to ALL my clients. It really is the best!

2) Supracor Spa Cell Facial Mitt

This versatile product is loved by so many of my clients for so many reasons! This product can be used on the face and body. It is a great exfoliator (that you can use on it's own or with other recommendations from your Esthetician.)

This is definitely a must have for any teenager or body waxer. Teenagers are less likely to spend the necessary time to wash appropriately, so this boosts what little they will do. Use it in the shower or out. Body waxers will love this product to help with ingrowns and to get a smoother wax at your next appointment. Check out this review from a client of Essential Esthetics by Zoey.

"If I had to pick my favorite beauty product... it would definitely be the SpaCell! This baby is pure magic. Before the SpaCell, I would have horrible issues post waxing. The SpaCell was the answer.There are two sides with varying roughnesses which makes this product perfect for all your exfoliation needs. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and rejuvenated. And who doesn't love feeling that way? I'm definitely a fan for life."

3) Crazy Online Toothpaste

I used to think it was funny that I was so excited about this product. I'm not crazy. So many people love and swear by it... and I am one of the believers. This toothpaste contains fluoride as well as a patent for polishing and whitening your teeth to their natural levels. Do you know how your teeth feel after coming home from the dentist? Get this feeling EVERY.SINGLE.TIME you brush your teeth. This light vanilla mint paste repels food and plaque from sticking to your teeth. I absolutely love what it has done for me and know you will too! (P.S. My kids love it! You can use it on children 2 and up, pregnant and breastfeeding moms, and everyone else!)

If I were to attend on of those Favorite Things parties, I would definitely choose to bring on of these products above as my gift. Virtually anyone could use these. Are you sold? Head on over to my store or shoot me a text. We can get these products into your hands today!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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How to Choose between Eyelash Extensions and Lash Lifting

For those of you who want a little fleck of fun and pop on your eyes, you may be considering coming to the spa and your favorite Esthetician. But how do you really choose between Eyelash Extensions and the Lash Lift? I'm here to break down the pros and cons of each service so that you can decide which one is right for you!

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For those of you who want a little fleck of fun and pop on your eyes, you may be considering coming to the spa and your favorite Esthetician. But how do you really choose between Eyelash Extensions and the Lash Lift? I'm here to break down the pros and cons of each service so that you can decide which one is right for you!

Eyelash Extensions

I consider this the big sister of the family. Eyelash Extensions have been used for a long time (1902 and 1903 in the UK and London, as well as in 1911 in the United States.) But they have been overshadowed by the easy false lashes until approximately 2000. Eyelash Extensions have made a statement and look like they are here to stay for the long haul.

There are 2 main variations - Classic Eyelash Extensions and Volume Eyelash Extensions. Classic Eyelash Extensions are applied one to one (one synthetic to one natural lash). This service can give a bold or soft look and generally range using eyelash weights of .20 mm or .15 mm. Volume Eyelash Extensions include making a handmade fan of lashes (2 to 6), with weights significantly lower (.10 mm, .07 mm, .05 mm and now even .03 mm.) Theses handmade fans are placed on individual eyelashes.

Pros of Eyelash Extensions

  • Can receive a look similar to mascara or bolder

  • Appointments every 2-3 weeks

  • May be able to bridge a small gap if you are missing a section of eyelashes

  • Easy to take care of and maintain

Cons of Eyelash Extensions

  • Consistent appointments are necessary (up to 3 hours per fill every 2-3 weeks)

  • Can get twisted and tangled if sleeping on your side or face

  • No touching and rubbing of the eyes

  • Possible reaction (or developed overtime reaction) to the adhesive

Lash Lift

Welcome the new baby! This "new" process is based off of a lash perm. The lash perms of even a few years ago were still not showing significant results and therefore not used by many estheticians. As technology has progressed, however, the latest lash lifts are producing the wow factor that so many clients seek after. I am impressed and a believer in this service and excited to see additional boosts to what is already offered.

Don’t forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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David and Goliath - The Little Guy and Amazon

Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.


Recently, I read an article in the Idaho State Journal about a local business Element Outfitters. The small city of Pocatello, ID had two retail venues, but recently had to make the difficult decision to close one location. Fortunately, they were able to keep jobs for everyone currently employed there. While the retail stores were doing okay, the online shop is doing amazing.

Element Outfitters is not alone. Many local retailers also feel the pinch of the convenience that Amazon and websites bring. For big retailers, the quantity purchased for multiple locations or for online is enough to get a break on the price from the supplier. Benefits from online purchasing include shopping in your pajamas with Ben & Jerrys, delivery coming straight to your door, and the plethora of colors, options, and features of the desired items. The local owners purchase product up front, display on shelves, and share their first hand knowledge with each client that walks in the door. Benefits from local purchasing include receiving answers of questions by a real person in front of you, having the item immediately, and keeping money local to support families that live in your community.

Have you been guilty of going into a local store, talking to the store employee to glean information on the coveted item, and then driving to the safety of your home, turning on the computer, and clicking purchase? The next time that you are tempted to click that buy button, here's a couple of things to think about when it comes to skin care.

When you purchase products from me

1) I am making sure that the products that we pick are right for you skin and the goals that we have set together.

2) You are able to see, smell, and feel the product before you buy.

3) I continue to go to education across the country to learn more about products and treatments for you. I order frequently so I do not have an overstock of product that 'sits' on my shelf.

4) You are helping support a local family.

When you purchase products online

1) Skin care from GM Collins is never sold on Amazon. Most of the time, products you see from Amazon have been sold from a spa that went under. If a spa closed, it is very likely that the product was sitting on their shelves for years.

2) Efficacy of product cannot be guaranteed. Is it expired, something wrong with it, or been sitting in a hot car in Texas for a couple months? This cleanser, cream, or mask will not be able to do what it claims to do.

3) You are helping support the big retailer.

I would love to help discuss with you your skin concerns and then recommend products that can help you achieve your goals and change your skin. Whether it's anti-aging, clearing your skin, or calming redness, let's get together and make your dreams a reality. When you come see me, you are making my dreams a reality.

Goliath is here to stay. I'll admit that I love Amazon for books and random items. But when it comes to something I ingest or put on my face, I'll stick with my local grocery store and esthetician! David for the win!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Learning about Acne

I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.


I am passionate about skin and everything skin. But acne does hold a special place in my heart. This disease can not only scar the skin, but it can also scar the soul and change how others believe they are being perceived. It can change you. I have recently had a "few" stubborn pimples. If you are frustrated and ready to say goodbye like I have, read below for 3 basic tips.

Schedule regular treatments and use professional products. Treatments with your esthetician can be very effective in deep cleansing, exfoliation, and extractions of blackheads. These are things that your skincare professional will do for you. These treatments boost what you are doing at home! 90% of what can change with your skin is done at home. That means that YOU play a very big role in how quickly your skin recovers (or worsens). I always will give you recommendations that work for you personally.

Ice, ice baby! No, not the song, but go ahead and sing it if it helps you remember. If you are suffering from larger pimples that are red, raised, and sore, ice will be your best friend. Just twice a day for a couple minutes. This removes the inflammation and helps for the acne to go away quicker. We all want that right?

Don't pick and scratch! This is a hard one for many. The easiest way to stop is to throw away all those mirrors and to write down and acknowledge when you pick. Do you pick because you are bored, watching TV, or just resting your hands on your chin? Recognize your triggers and then do something different instead.

Through my research, I've learned many things and would love to share them with those who many have a "few" or "many" pimples that they are interested in taking care of. Each appointment will have a new handout to help my client heal more quickly and identify triggers that may be causing the acne. Can't wait to see you!

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, aftercare Zoey Jolley

After the Skin Treatment

Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice.

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Facial Treatments are not only fun and pampering, but also quite effective in helping keep that youthful glow and encouraging skin cells to turn over at an optimal rate. I offer several Facial Treatments, but a couple of my favorites are the MicroNeedling, Microdermabrasion (or Microderm for short), and the 90 minute Signature Facial. Everytime you have a skin treatment, be sure to follow your esthetician's post care advice. Here's what I recommend:

Wear SPF. I cannot say this enough. Environmental factors are the #1 cause of aging. Yes, that's right (not genetic factors.) Your skin may be more suspectible to rays for a couple days post treatment, so SPF is a must! I recommend the GM Collins Dry Touch 50 SPF. Easy to reapply and compliments any skin care that you are currently using.

Drink extra water. Hydration is key to our skin, though our other vitals organs take the majority first before they get to the largest organ (the skin). I add a very relaxing facial massage to my treatment, so bump up your intake the day you come to see me.

Change your pillowcase. We've exfoliated your skin and put some incredible serums on your skin to work on your targeted concerns. The last thing that you want to do is put your face on a dirty pillowcase. Simply to do, right?

Don’t forget to Breathe . Let Go . Relax .

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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