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How Do you Handle Large Pores?

One of the common skin care goals that clients would like to work on and improve for their skin is to work on large pores. Many times on the intake forms, the written word is "shrink my pores." The truth is that your pore size is genetic. The larger pore sizes are down the middle of the face in the t zone area. There is nothing that you can do to shrink pores. However, there is much to be done to make the pore size appear smaller! Are you game? 


One of the common skin care goals that clients would like to work on and improve for their skin is to work on large pores. Besides anti-aging, the number #1 request of what clients would like to change about their skin is pore size. The request to shrink pores is one that many of us wish and desire. And if I were a genie, I'd grant you that wish. The truth is that your pore size is genetic. The larger pore sizes are down the middle of the face in the t zone area. There is nothing that you can do to shrink pores. However, there is much to be done to make the pore size appear smaller! Are you game? 

The best way to minimize the pore size is by cleansing thoroughly and exfoliating regularly. I've also added my bonus tools that work well in helping my skin stay clear and healthy!

When you are cleansing your skin, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Most people cleanse once, but if you are a heavy makeup wearer, you suffer from acne, or you are washing right after a sweaty workout, it may be appropriate to cleanse twice. You can use the same cleanser, or you can use two different cleansers. The later option could look like having a milk or oil cleanser and then a foaming cleanser after. Or doing a gel cleanser followed by a deep cleansing solution. Always massage the skin gently and remove the cleansers with tepid water followed by a makeup or washcloth. This technique of wiping with a cloth after you've rinsed the skin can be compared to cleaning your kitchen floor. You wouldn't just throw down the cleanser and water on the floor, right? You definitely need a mop too to go back and forth and maybe even scrub just a little! Experiment with different combinations to see what works for you and your skin! As you cleanse efficiently with the right cleansers, you will notice your pores looking healthier and tighter.

Exfoliating on a regular basis will definitely help minimize the appearance of pores. There are different types of exfoliation and everyone has their preference. If you choose to do mechanical exfoliation, make sure that you are not using the apricot scrubs or one that is harsh, as the facial skin is very delicate.  Follow the recommendations of the product that you use. In general two to three times a week is adequate to helping the skin flush out the debris that get trapped inside of the pores. If the debris stay inside the pore, the will appear bigger.

You could also use tools in your cleansing and exfoliating steps if you'd like. Two of my favorite are the My Skin Buddy and well as the Supracor Spa Cell. The My Skin Buddy uses four different technologies in one light weight device. LED light therapy uses different wavelengths for different concerns for the skin - red helps slow the aging process, blue kills the p bacteria present with acne, green soothes and calms the skin. Ion care which means that the positivitely charged ions attract and pull out the impurities of the skin and the negatively charge ions push serums deeper within the skin. Ultrasonic vibration not only feels good, it also breaks up the dead skin cells while lifting, tightening, and firming the skin. Thermal heat aids in the cleansing of the skin by emulsifying the dirt and oil. This technology also shows that it improves the skin's oxygenation process, improving blood flow and shrinking pore size.

The Spa Cell has been a favorite of mine since 2016, which you can use on your face and body. This is my go to for any body waxing client, especially if you are wanting to receive a brazilian or bikini wax. It is not only effective, but also antimicrobial. This reusable product works with any cleanser or body wash you are already using.

Keep your chin up and do your best with the pores that you've been given! Cleanse, exfoliate and try one of these specialized tools to keep your pores clear of debris. Smile and show off your glowing skin!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How to Step Up Your Winter Skin Care Routine


It seems as if every year, my skin screams just a little louder when the cold winter air starts appearing. I'm convinced that it is age and the slowing down of the repair systems that our skin uses when it heals at night. I sure didn't notice this when I was 18, but now that I'm 29 (wink, wink), I am noticing more and more with each passing year.

Does this strike a cord with you too? Are you noticing that your skin feels different in the winter? And all of the seasons for that matter. Read on to get three simple tips for helping your skin maintain it's hydration levels during the colder months.

#1 - Check out Your Exfoliation Schedule

I hope you are already exfoliating your skin on a normal basis. If not, let's definitely talk. Make sure that you beef up your exfoliation routine. Depending on what exfoliation you are doing, you should be using this a MINIMUM  of once a week (even twice) all the way up to every day. Consult with your Esthetician on how often you should be applying your exfoliant. This will always depend on what type you are using and how your skin typically is along with how it acts in the wintertime. 

Regardless, pick days that you always exfoliate and stick to your schedule religiously.

#2 - Use Your Serums or Concentrates

Alright ladies! This step may not be in the most simplified of routines (those 3 steppers out there - cleanse, tone, moisturizer.) But I'm telling you, if you were to use a serum at any time of the year, winter is THE time to do this. A serum's molecule size is much smaller than a moisturizer. What does that mean? It means that a serum or concentrate can penetrate the skin on a deeper level, providing much needed moisture and balance. 

Basically, if you aren't already using a serum or concentrate, please start today. Do it every morning... and every night. Watch your skin soak in the awesomeness (yes - that's a word)!

#3 - Evaluate Your Current Moisturizer

Take a look at your current moisturizer. Is this going to be a thick enough/ heavy enough product for you to ward off the force hot air inside and the cold crisp air we feel outside? It is not uncommon for clients to make a switch in the winter months to something that's a little more decadent on their skin. While you may be able to get away with the lightest weight moisturizer in the spring and summer, you may not be able to in the winter.

Pull out the moisturizer and really evaluate if this will do the best for your skin come December. It's really okay to put away the other moisturizer and pick up a luxurious option for the winter. You can come back to your favorite come springtime!

So there you go! Three easy options that can help your skin combat the harsh winter months ahead. Stay warm, stay healthy, and stay glowing!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE


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Acids in a Nutshell


Chemical peels are always popular and great to do in the winter time. These contain acids to help dissolve the 'glue' that holds the dead skin cells together. It's important that the chemicals you do with your esthetician or dermatologist/plastic surgeon are working only on the dead skin level and that they do not go into the living skin cells.

Each acid has a job to do and target different skin concerns. While we know that chemical peels contain them, what you might not have known is that they are commonly added into cleansers, serums and more that you can use at home. In a lower concentration, they may be right for your skin. 

So how can I tell the acids apart? Which ones are most common? Here is a little description on the most common acids you might find in your products and what they will do for the skin.

Lactic Acid is considered the most gentle of acids because it is the largest molecule size. That means that it can't penetrate too deep. While it mainly targets dry, dull and lack luster skin, this is suitable to start off most clients with this type of peel to see how your individual skin will react to the acids.

Most of us will think back to the Romans, who were known for taking milk baths. Their beautiful, glowing skin was silky and soft. Who wouldn't want that?

Glycolic acid is the smallest molecule size and most clients feel this type of peel because it can go further into the skin, making it more active. This acid comes from sugar cane and is very effective at treating breakouts, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines and wrinkles. It stimulates the collagen and elastin fibers to awake and get working, which is a huge bonus for those of us who want to work on aging skin!

One of my favorite award winning peels is the GM Collin Derm Renewal, which combines the powers of Lactic and Gycolic Acids. A series of this peel will work to even out the surface layers of the skin by improving texture, reducing visible signs of aging and brightening the skin.

Salicyclic Acid comes from willow bark and is most common known and used for acne. It is a BHA (Beta Hydroxy acid) and works to loosen and soften dry, scaly skin while reducing oilness, acne and photo-aging. Salicyclic Acid goes into the pores flushing out the dirt, oil, and debris that can cause blackheads, whiteheads, and enlarged pores.

While this is a typical acne product, it's important to remember that it is drying on the skin. This is great, but some clients take it too far. Work with your Esthetician to find the balance in your skin while ridding the skin of acne. Because skin that feels dry will signal back to the cells to produce more oil. 

Mandelic Acid derived from bitter almond is also a great acid and works on many skin types. It is actually one of my favorite acids in treating acne because it can treat all types of acne, such as folliculitis. Its antibacterial properties make it suitable for acne clients, while also making it appropriate for clients that are working on pigmentation and the damage that the skin causes to our skin.

The Salicyclic Peel in the GM Collin line actually has more Mandelic Acid in it than Salicylic. Again, the combining forces of these acids (along with the Glycolic Acid) make it powerful, yet gentle on the skin.

Chemicals have been used for years and will continue to be a popular treatment for clients because of their effectiveness. The percentage of acids in products is important to note, while the professional products will usually have a higher amount (as well as being higher up in the ingredient list.) The number is not everything, however. Make sure that you work with your Esthetician to find the right balance for you and your skin!

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An Estheticians Perspective on Yearly Skin Exams


Even though I've been in the spa industry since 2009, I had actually never had a skin exam before this year. Here's the thing. I pay attention to my skin, and nothing really had grabbed my attention. So imagine my surprise when (after using a new to me mask one day), the next day a spot appeared out of nowhere. Add in there that it happened to be on my forehead. Bummer!

I had already decided that 2020 was the year. But then covid hit. And all the things became just another thing. I reached high in the closet to grab my esthetics book... and also turned to trusty google. (Yes, your esthetician does this too.) I immediately crossed off the Melanoma ... which gave me peace of mind. It really didn't fit the basal cell or the squamous cell carcinoma characteristics. At this point, I had already made my appointment to see the dermatologist and those 2 weeks couldn't come fast enough.

Once I arrived to my appointment, the medical assistant had me strip down to my undies and change into a gown to cover. (Yes ladies. Make sure you wear them so you don't have to be in your birthday suit. Haha!) The Doctor (or Physician's Assistant or even Nurse Practitioner) had on a light with the loops (which are magnifiers to see things more up close and personal.) After looking at my skin, he said that it was Actinic Keratosis (a pre cancer spot that shows up like a rough patch of dead skin.) 

My options were to get it frozen off or to use a cream for roughly 2 weeks. I chose the cream, which my doctor also told me that I could use if I saw any other spots arise. About 6 weeks later, I had a follow up to check that spot and got the all clear. 

My suggestions are to make sure that you are aware of your skin and to note changes. Have regular skin exams so your doctor find things early, which is key to any type of cancer. I have also sent clients that come in for regular facials to the dermatologists because of changes to their skin. So it also helps to have someone else helping you look out for these irregularities. Don't be nervous because this is what they do all day, everyday. And make sure that you speak up with concerns and questions at your appointment. Don't delay is caring for yourself. THAT is truly self care.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go, Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Mask-ne Solutions for You at Home - Part IV

I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. Let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level. I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir.


The things you do at home, have the biggest compound effect because you are able to do skin care workouts daily. I like to liken your facial visits with the gym and a trainer. When you go to the gym and see a trainer, they will set you up with a program. It's your job to continue going back to the gym in between your training sessions. If you don't do the homework, your trainer will never be able to help you break into the next level. And isn't that the reason why you are seeing a trainer? I can definitely help set your skin up for success by offering tools and 'home care workouts' to do in between seeing me. With any skin care goal that you have, we can start a new program all together or maybe add in one exercise that will pack a big punch.

First things first. You need to be cleansing your skin and you need to use a moisturizer. These two are pretty basic and the first things that I encourage my clients to do. If you aren't doing those things, let's talk. If you are doing those exercises and ready to add in the next thing, let's talk ingredients that will jumping up to the next level.  I love using benzoyl peroxide, oxygen ingredients, probiotics, and the favorite product of 2020 called Fulvic Elixir. Check out below more information on all of these options.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide kills the c acne bacteria (formerly called p acne). This ingredient can be an amazing 'spot treatment' of sorts to help your skin get over the blemishes that you are experiencing. This ingredient can be drying and is not for everyone. To effectively spot treat, you must treat the microcomedones that you don't see yet. (The pimples below the surface of the skin that haven't made it through yet.) Instead of just dabbing product right on the pimples themselves, you want to treat a little above and below where you typically are seeing the acne pop up. So if you get pimples along the jawline, treat 1/2 inch above and a 1/2 below that area.


Seems like a simple solution, doesn't it? For acne sufferers, inside the pores, the dead skin cells sluff off at an accelerated rate and get stuck inside the pore. If you can get more oxygen in the pores, it will increase circulation and promote wound healing in those areas. The c acnes are anaerobic, which means they live off of areas without air. Another great way to kill off those pesky bacteria on the skin.


We know the power of probiotics in helping fight off bad bacteria, while promoting the good ones. Probiotics have been used in skin care for years, but it is currently becoming a buzz word in the industry. This is a great, gentle way to help speed up the healing while fighting off the acne that comes from the mask. Look for skincare that has probiotics added to their line up of acids and other acne fighting ingredients.

Fulvic Elixir

Oh my! What can I say about this particular product? It is AMAZING and I don't want to go without it. A fellow esthetician, Tracy, said, "Let me put it this way. If I could bathe in it, I would!" I feel the same. This serum is lightweight, has an incredible smell, is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti inflammatory PLUS it also has anti aging properties in it and hydrates. All at the same time. Yep! It's my favorite for 2020!

Fulvic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants and rapidly heals, soothes, and prevents scarring. Other key ingredients include Agastache Mexicana Flower (love to say that word!), Calendula, Aloe Vera, Grapefruit Peel, Orange Peel, and Chamomile. It's a strong line up to help your skin stay hydrated and smooth while preventing acne and promoting healing. Are you ready to get yours?

Think about the products that you are currently using right now. Are they helping you achieve the results that you want? If so, great! If not, let's see what we can change up to get the right ingredients on your skin today.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Mask-ne Solutions for You at the Spa - Part III


The newest problem to hit the states is called Mask-ne, a form of acne that starts and mostly stays in the mask area. The previous post called Do You Have Mask-ne really delves into what this is. And last week's post Mask-ne Solutions for Everyone really is for everyone: how to keep clean and beautiful skin while in a pandemic. 

Now that you know what it is and some general solutions, let me offer a couple of solutions (both in the treatment room and home care products) that will help make it better. In the spa, we can use a variety of technologies such as LED, HydroGlow, and Chemical Peels. Of course, if you've never had a spa treatment, let me know and we will get you set up with the one that will work best for you after a consultation.  This blog post will focus on the modalities I can use at your appointment, and the next blog post will focus on home care options. Stay tuned!


LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. These have been around since the 1960s, but have only recently become popular. Each color of LED is a different wavelength and treats certain concerns of the skin. Red is primarily for anti-aging, green for sensitivity and redness, yellow for hyperpigmentation, and infrared for inflammation. The main function of the blue LED light is to kill the p (or c) acne bacteria. This bacteria is present on everyone's skin, but there are many, many more on someone that suffers from acne. Blue light also reduces redness and irritation while combatting current and future breakouts. Red light has also shown great improvements for acne clients. This light aims to work on the collagen and elastin in the skin, while calming, soothing, and reducing inflammation. 


The HydroGlow Treatment is a new treatment in 2020 to Essential Esthetics by Zoey. What is it exactly? It is hydrodermabrasion. Essentially it is an exfoliation treatment similar to microdermabrasion (using vacuum technology), but performing the service with serums and creating a wet treatment. This one sucks out impurities of the skin while pushing in serums just for you to hydrate, purify and detox the face. It feels so clean and literally glowing. Clients are loving this popular service!

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels often sound scary to clients, but they don't have to be. I offer 3 different levels of peels that exfoliate the skin effectively, which will help speed up the dead skin cell turnover, making acne much more manageable. The first level are ones that have zero downtime. Everything works on a cellular level. So even though you don't necessarily see skin flaking or peeling, it is still working. The second level is a micro peel where there may be slight flaking and peeling. The amount is individualized depending on what you are currently doing in your home care routine. Most clients find that there is no need to take time off of work (especially because we are currently wearing masks everywhere.) And the third level (which I call the mother of all peels) is the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling System, which creates the skin to come off in sheets generally between 7 to 10 days after the peel. This only is working on the dead skin cells, not the living skin cells, so it is very safe, but may require a couple days of 'downtime' where you wouldn't want to be in public.

All of these modalities may be used in conjunction with each other or by themselves. It's all dependent on your goals, the severity of your skin conditions, and really what sounds best for you! I will always work with you to come up with the best solutions that meet your needs and lifestyle. Let's connect in the treatment room to help you change your skin today!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Mask-ne Solutions For Everyone


Whether you are currently experience mask-ne or not, these general tips are for everyone! Let's talk about mask hygiene and what you can do during these times to keep healthy skin. 

Mask hygiene

The first you may have noticed as you walk around the grocery store or eat at a restaurant. Do you see everyone fiddling and adjusting their masks? The number one no-no would be to stop touching your face. As soon as you have placed your mask on your face, leave it alone. This means that you need to find a mask that is going to fit your face properly and doesn't slide or move too much while you are talking.

Replacing masks

How often should you change out your mask? That all depends on how well your skin is doing while wearing one, but let me suggest that you change out at least once a day. Start with a new one in the morning. By the end of the day, you'll want to wash it if it's a reusable mask or replace it if it's a disposable medical mask. 

Washing cloth masks

Another thing that we need to be aware of is how to properly care for our cloth and reusable masks. When you breathe, talk, etc. there will be germs that will collect nicely in the masks and it's important that you wash them. I suggest using a very gentle laundry detergent without fabric softeners, dryer sheets, etc as these can aggravate the skin. They definitely aggravate acne. Line drying is best if possible. 

Storing Masks

Are you guilty of sticking your mask in the cup holder of your car as soon as you are done from the store? Or shoving it in your purse or diaper bag? I think many of us can say yes. After you are done using your mask, place it in a sandwich baggie or something that will protect it from everything else it may be around. This will help keep it cleaner and more sanitary. Which means that our skin will not be as exposed a random crumb, tube of makeup, or whatever may be where your mask goes.

Cleansing the skin

This should go without speaking, but your skin can reflect how you treat it. Now more than ever, it is so important to cleanse the skin properly. Use any cleanser and massage the skin for about 60 seconds. Rinse with lukewarm water and then gently wipe with a wet cloth to remove the final dirt, oil, etc. When appropriate, do a double cleanse. This means to cleanse twice in a row. Ideally, you would do this twice a day, but if you do it once, do it at night. In the morning, wipe with a wet cloth or rinse with water in the shower 

Hydrate the skin

The skin will need adequate hydration while wearing masks. While it is important to drink water daily, this is oftentimes not enough. Hyaluronic acid is a great ingredient to help keep the skin's water content happy. If you have a moisturize you love, but it doesn't seem to be cutting the mustard right now, you may need to switch to something heavier. You can also double up (like wearing a coat that has a liner - wear both) by using a serum or concentrate plus a moisturizer. When in doubt, talk to your esthetician.  

Do not wear makeup

If you can, please skip the full face makeup, especially foundation. Because there is a lack of oxygen while wearing a mask, further covering the skin will not do you any favors. Play up the eyes and eyebrows with something fun. Even try a lash lift or eyelash extensions to make it easy and to bring attention to those baby blues or gorgeous browns. 

When appropriate, take mask breaks 

If you are able to maintain 6 feet distance and it follows with government regulations, consider taking a mask break. Even a little oxygen to the skin will help keep your skin happy.

Taking all of these suggestions into consideration will help you to maintain and achieve healthy skin. You may need to add one of these into your daily practice. Some people will need to do them all to get there. Your esthetician is here to walk through other suggestions if needed. Stay tuned for at home solutions and spa treatments to treat Mask-ne.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Do you have Mask-ne? Part I

Over the years, there have been several terms coined... Back-ne (acne on the back), Make-ne (makeup acne), and now we are hearing about Mask-ne. If you haven't already guessed, it is acne from wearing a mask. Estheticians around the world are seeing a huge increase in acne cases on the cheek, chin, and lip areas.

Why is this happening? While wearing a mask, 3 main culprits occur that aggravate those that are prone to having acne. These are friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen to the skin.


Over the years, there have been several terms coined... Back-ne (acne on the back), Make-ne (makeup acne), and now we are hearing about Mask-ne. If you haven't already guessed, it is acne from wearing a mask. Estheticians around the world are seeing a huge increase in acne cases on the cheek, chin, and lip areas. 

Why is this happening? While wearing a mask, 3 main culprits occur that aggravate those that are prone to having acne. These are friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen to the skin. 


Friction has been known to cause acne for years. The term that is used to describe this is called acne mechanica. This occurs due to pressure and friction on the skin. For example, a catcher that has acne around the face mask, a football player on the shoulders, or a polo player's chin strap. Even wearing a backpack, bra, etc where pressure results can cause acne to occur in those areas. 

Heat and Humidity

Heat and humidity is a recipe for disaster. If you look at different climates, you will see this. Dr. James E. Fulton dedicated his life to seeking out treatments for the disease of acne. During his research, he found that acne had a higher prevalence in the Carribean, places like Miami and gulf coast cities.  He speculated that the reason why heat and humidity play a role had to do with the excessive water content in the skin that could cause swelling inside the follicle, breaking down the structure. 

Lack of Oxygen

Lack of oxygen is another trigger for mask-ne. When we look at the skin, it is important that air can flow into and out of the pore. When skin cells are sloughing off, the oxygen helps to keep the p (or c) acne bacteria from reproducing at an astronomical rate. In general, more acne occurs on the face due to the natural of the pores, sebum, etc. than on the body. So even though we wear clothing all year round, our faces are not normally covered.  

Unfortunately, when wearing a mask, we are seeing the recipe of having all 3 -friction, heat/humidity, and lack of oxygen ... which is essentially a buffet for the bacteria to spread and reek havoc on the skin. 

Whenever I see clients for acne, we work together becoming detectives to find out what might be the cause of the flare ups. If you diet is full of high salt, we limit or cut out those foods. If stress is the biggest aggravator, we work on incorporating yoga, deep breathing, and meditation to your life routine. The easiest way to help clear the skin would be to stop wearing a mask. In this world that we live in, that is not currently a possibility.

Stay tuned for the next blog posts where we talk about the solutions! These will be broken down into general solutions, plus treatment room and home care products that will help make the Mask-ne better. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Power of Exfoliation and Serums with HydroGlow

I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow.


I hope that you know by now that I am a huge fan of exfoliating the skin and using a serum or concentrate. Here's why there is magic and power in the combination of using both! You get both in the NEW service being offer at Essential Esthetics by Zoey with the HydroGlow. 

Exfoliating the skin means that you are gently helping the skin to eliminate, remove, and dissolve the dead skin cells off the top of the skin. While there are many ways of doing this, the main two that are recognized are ones with the scrubbies and ones without that go on the skin like a mask. The mechanical exfoliation removes dead skin cells by knocking off the top bricks of that wall. The exfoliation with are either chemical or enzymes that work by eating away the mortar of our brick wall (the lipids and proteins that are keeping the dead skin cells connected.) Exfoliate the skin properly, and you'll notice that you have a more healthy glow.

Using a serum or concentrate on the skin can make a dramatic impact on the skin. And here's why! The molecule size of the serum is smaller, which simply means that it can penetrate deeper. Many serums are a thinner consistency, which further helps them reach down in the skin. Serums and concentrates can work on any skin concern. But, if you are concerned about acne, don't choose one that is an anti-aging serum (though we all want to slow down our aging process.) Pick a serum that is going to help with YOUR top skin care goal!

So why is there magic in using both exfoliation with a serum? Well, this powerful duo will workto FIRST remove the dead skin cells of your face to allow the serum that you are using to really do its job and not lay topically on the surface of the skin. The serum that could go down to x layer will now be able to go even one step further, landing a bigger knock out punch!

The HydroGlow Treatment will use the serums in each step of your service - the cleansing, exfoliating, extraction and hydration process. Using the suction in hydrodermabrasion, you are using exfoliation for the skin in each step as well, which works to get rid of clogged pores and revealing the youthful appearance of the skin.

Incorporating both exfoliation and serums both at home and in the treatment room is a winning combination that I can't wait to show you! Meet you back at the spa soon!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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What is Hydrodermabrasion?

There are so many buzz words in the skin care industry. In fact, in January this year, I posted another blog post entitled Deciphering Between New Skin Treatments. This article talked about these different services: Microneedling, Nanoneedling, Dermaplaning and Microblading and how to keep them straight. Hydrodermabrasion is also a treatment that has been around for awhile, but is gaining popularity among facial clients. So let's talk about what it is, what it feels like, and who is a candidate to receive this results oriented facial.

So what is Hydrodermabrasion? 

Hydrodermabrasion is called Hydroderm for short and is an exfoliating treatment utilizing a machine with suction and serums and saline. There are many different machines for the esthetician to use, but the concept is the same. You use a wand that uses suction (vacuum) and serums (saline) at the same time. These serums are used to target whatever skin condition the client is looking to improve. 

The benefits of this services are wide ranging. In general though, when you exfoliate the skin properly and on a regular basis, the skin will have a more youthful appearance. This is because when you gently remove dead skin cells on the skin, you are showing off the newer skin underneath. The products that you use on your skin will be able to do their job 100% instead of laying topically and just sitting on top of the dead skin cells. Hydroderm will help remove blackhead, clear clogged pores, even skin tone and texture, improve hydration, and give the skin a glow.

What does it feel like?

This service is one that clients always say makes their skin feel 'cool.' The use of the vacuum and serums at the same time are very effective on the skin. I sometimes describe this as powerwashing the deck. So you'll feel the suction and the wetness as the serums come out of one tube and then are sucked back in with another. The suction not only takes the serums and saline, but the dead skin cells and debris on the skin can also be sucked into the waste tank. It's also a fun experience for clients to see what landed there as well.

Who is hydroderm recommended for?

Almost all clients can benefit for this service. If you have cystic acne, rosacea, or very thin skin, this may not be the best facial treatment to receive. But the suction can be turned down a little and the serums can always be customized, which makes this service not a cookie cutter one. Make sure to ask your esthetician what would be best for you and your skin care goals that you are trying to reach. 

Are you excited to try out something new and see your skin begin to improve? Ask your esthetician if you could benefit from this facial and let's schedule it today!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

The #1 Reason Why Women Haven't Tried a Brazilian Wax

There are many talking about the benefits of waxing, why they like it, and the actual experience. Think bloggers, social media influencers, spas and estheticians alike ... we are constantly sharing. So why haven't women tried a Brazilian Wax? The #1 reason is the Google Factor.


If you know me, you know that I LOVE offering Brazilian waxing. This service takes years to perfect a technique that flows for the waxer and is also most comfortable to the client. So, while I'm not a stranger from hearing from countless women (pretty much an everyday conversation) that they haven't tried this service, I am still always shocked.

There are many talking about the benefits of waxing, why they like it, and the actual experience. Think bloggers, social media influencers, spas and estheticians alike ... we are constantly sharing. So why haven't women tried a Brazilian Wax? The #1 reason is the Google Factor. 

What is the Google Factor? This is when a well meaning client (that could be you) turns to the trusty google and types in Brazilian wax into the search bar. What pops up? Remember that all of those sharing and talking about it online? The ones that come up are the articles about waxing horror stories. The worst of the worst. You were already anxious about the waxing part, but now you have your worst fears confirmed from some influencer you've never met on YouTube. 'She's right! It will be horrible. I can't do it.'

I have waxed hundreds of women over the years. The truth is you can do this! Out of the hundreds that I have waxed, I have had one (just ONE) woman tell me she thought that it was worse than she imagined. So the other 99.9% of women thought it was BETTER! AND, the #1 comment that I receive is that they wished that they would have come in sooner. 

Instead of reading and listening to the horror stories, pull up local waxers and read the reviews from clients that have received this service. Reach out to the estheticians in your area to ask your questions. Talk to girlfriends to see if they've ever done it and who they saw. Ask your beauty industry professionals as well.... guaranteed they know someone who they can refer you to!

The bad experiences don't have to be yours! If you are truly interested in trying a waxing treatment, my best advice is to just do it. While it may not be a pain free service, I'm here to make sure that you leave smiling and ready to try wax #2. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Waxing versus Sugaring


My clients know me well! Though I offer a pretty good variety of esthetic services, I only offer services that I myself am willing to receive as a client. I go on a regular basis to experience all different esthetic services. 

Sugaring was developed in Ancient Egypt and consists of sugar, lemon and water to make a sugar paste. This paste can be made at home, but most estheticians prefer to purchase from a supplier (since it can also take a lot of time to batch the product.) Estheticians will use a ball of the paste and mold it in their hands to warm it up. Kind of like rolling a stress ball over and over, not in the palm, but up towards the finger tips. They then use the paste with pressure and apply it against direction of the hair growth in a strip pattern. Once that is applied, they then will flick the paste with the wrist in little short movements going with the direction of the hair growth. This process doesn't take any longer than waxing with an experienced sugarist. 

There are pockets of estheticians in the United States who prefer this method of hair removal over waxing. It is also more popular over in Europe (where many beauty trends begin.) I believe that the beauty professionals lean towards this technique because of advanced training that may be near them or their own personal experience with the service. Many believe that there are less reactions to the product itself, less ingrowns, and less irritation with sugaring. 

So if waxing and sugaring both remove the hair, what is the difference? Wax is applied with an applicator or stick with the hair growth. Sugaring is applied without an applicator; just the hands in gloves against the hair growth. For most, it comes down to personal preference on how it feels to the client. 

I have experienced a sugaring service for my Brazilian area and it was not my favorite. The technique of applying with the hair growth and removing against the hair hurt more to me. This may be due to my service provider or due to my individual preferences where waxing isn't as painful. My opinion is just one of many, and I don't doubt that there are so many that prefer sugaring. Since I aim to give my clients that best experiences possible, I continue to develop my waxing skills and passion in the treatment room.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

How to Prepare for a Facial Waxing Service

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I love to help prepare my clients for any service that they are going to experience for the first time. If you haven't ever had a wax on the face, I'd love to share a couple of helpful hints and tips to make this experience an enjoyable one.

Each client coming to see me will fill out the Client Intake Form plus the specific forms for their service. This should be done a minimum of 24 hours prior to your service. It is important to include information about health and medical history, including a list of medications. Medical conditions or medications can make your skin more sensitive to services like facials, waxing, and more. If you aren't sure if you should include something with your form but are thinking about it, I would suggest writing it on the form and/or talking about it with me during our consultation.

Before we start a service, I review your filled out forms with you. I ask questions and you can add anything else that you feel I should know. I like to make you comfortable from the moment that you step in the spa!

I offer a variety of facial waxes - full face (which includes checks, lip, chin, and right below the jawline), each of those areas separately, the eyebrows, and the nose. Full face does not include brow waxing. I prep the skin using a light sandalwood oil and use a high quality hard wax just for the face that removes the hair (both fine and coarse) gently and effectively.  The wax that I use can wax an area 6 times, though I usually go over the areas twice. The first time gets the majority of the hair, while the second time will pick up the  stubborn stragglers left behind. 

After your waxing treatment, I apply a cooling gel or a lightweight moisturizer with SPF to soothe and protect the areas. You'll want to be gentle with the areas for a day after waxing and follow the post waxing recommendations. Always avoid sun exposure, put off exfoliating the skin, and think less is more. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

The Combo of Caffeine and Waxing

Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.


How many of you like caffeine? Go ahead and raise your hand! I think there are many us that like a coffee, latte, or even a little soda pop. It may be a pretty common thing to run to Starbucks before getting on with your day.

One of my most popular services that I offer in the treatment room is Brazilian Waxing. I do hundreds of them every year. I've performed nine Brazilian Waxes in one day (my record so far). I also love to share with clients the dos and don't's of waxing. Through the years, I have blogged about waxing and covered most topics. But recently, it occurred to me that I have not covered one subject on the blog, though I have discussed it in the treatment room. And that is caffeine combined with waxing.

What happens when you drink caffeine? It actually could make your skin more susceptible to pain. No one wants to feel more, right? When you combine the pleasure of caffeine and your waxing service, you may feel more sensitivity in the skin. Alcohol and painkillers can also do the same thing.

The tiny tip might save you from extra pain and sensitivity. Some clients are not affected by having extra caffeine and some are. Which client are you? Hard to know and pin point that. If we are doing a smaller area, like brow, it also may not be such a big of deal as a body area like full legs or bikini. Most clients aim to have a pain free as possible wax. I suggest skipping your morning cup of Joe, waiting until after your appointment or coming in during the afternoon.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Recharge Your Battery


In the  midst of so many challenges in 2020, taking care of ourselves has become a top priority. If you've watched any Essential Esthetic by Zoey videos on FaceBook, then you'll know that I talk about self care and self love on a regular basis. I not only talk about it, I practice what I preach. I receive a monthly facial as a client (one of my favorite ways to practice self care.) I also receive regular massages, love to exercise, get my 8 hours of sleep, and more. I'm currently working on taking my daily vitamins! (Always looking to improve!)

We've all seen the quote with a low battery on it which says, "You wouldn't let this happen to your phone. Don't let it happen to you either. SELF CARE IS A PRIORITY. NOT A LUXURY." I love this quote and believe that it's true. I find that while women are great nurturers and care takers, they also frequently neglect themselves. 

How do we do better for ourselves? How do we recharge our battery when energy is scarce? Here are just five ideas that may help you! Which one resonates with you? Let's continue the discussion over on FB and IG!

 *Give social media a break

There are countless articles on the correlation between the time we spend on our devices (specifically social media) and the increased rates of depression and anxiety. When you are feeling stressed and down, unplug for a time. Even stepping away for just an hour will help you reset. There is also a new documentary on social media called The Social Dilemma. Check it out!


In times of great stress, writing your thoughts in a journal or notebook may alleviate stress. I've been known to do a brain dump where I set a timer for 5 minutes and write any and everything that's on my mind. Just knowing that it's out of my head helps. If the things coming out of your mind are negative, you may also consider throwing them away or burning them.

*Connection and Relationships

Seek out the people in your life that uplift you, support your dreams and goals, and the ones where the relationship is easy. You know those friends and family who are your tribe. When you are around positive people, it's hard to stay down and in a low energy mood. Enjoy whatever activities you are comfortable with. Stay plugged in to the community that makes you feel happy.

*Breathing Techniques

When your mom told you to count to ten and breathe, she really did know what she was talking about! Breathing techniques aren't just for kids. They are for everyone. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to tell you to calm down and relax. I love trying different breathing techniques while allowing my mind to zone out. Search for articles or videos explaining some of them, then start experimenting for the ones that make you feel chill.

*Take YOU time

Whether it's a shopping trip, a spa day, or a silent walk around the park, having time by yourself can help you to reset and recharge. These things don't have to be BIG things. But make a mental list of how you feel when you are doing activities. Do you feel calm, excited, happy? All of the above. Each activity will make you feel somewhat different. When you are needing YOU time, acknowledge that you truly know what is best for you! Make time in your calendar to honor those needs.

I love helping you create YOU time. Because I believe the importance of taking care of yourself, I will be your cheerleader to set time aside. Many clients love to come in on a regular basis to feel rejuvenated. Sometimes we are in complete silence. Other times, we may talk things out or I listen while you vent. I am here to help you in whatever space that you need.

There are times in our lives when we will use up energy quickly and ones where our battery will sustain itself forever. Know when to push and when to pull back and rest. Know when to ask for help. Know when you can give help to another in need. Whether it's taking a break from social, journaling, relationship building, breathing techniques or taking YOU time ... don't wait until your battery is dead. Get into the habit of staying in the green. I can't wait to see you at the spa for your next YOU time. Whether you need a therapy season or complete silence, we will make it happen!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax. 

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Does Picking At Zits Make It Worse?


For many of those who suffer from acne, there are also many other side affects from this disease. I think we've all been there where we are watching TV, just sitting at a stoplight, and waiting in a drive through. All of a sudden our hand reaches up to our jawline, chin, forehead, etc. and finds a bump. What could that be? Could it be a pimple??? You run to the mirror or pull down your visor mirror in your car and see that it is indeed one of these nasty little boogers. Sigh! You tell yourself to leave it alone, but once you know that it's there, you can't seem to stop touching it. 

One extreme condition for this is called Acne Excoriee which means that the person continues to pick and scrape subconsciously usually with their fingernails the areas that have acne. This can cause bleeding, scarring, or the skin to make a pink or purple mark called hyperpigmentation. If this is you, please ask for help! We'll dive in together and if you need a referral, I will help you get this as well.

Whether you are picking consciously or subconsciously, one thing is true. Picking at pimples can make it worse. Acne is caused by having three things... 1) having p. bacteria present on the skin, 2) a build up of dead skin cells, and 3) having an excess amount of sebum production. You must have all these to have acne.

When you try to remove pimples from the skin, you can unknowingly spread the p bacteria (now referred to as c bacteria) on the skin. The fluid coming out of the pustule can spread over the face. Have you ever had a pimple that you know is ready, but when you go to pop that one, nothing happens? Well, something did happen! That same fluid can spread underneath the skin like sewage, spreading more bacteria everywhere under the skin.

But it's so hard to leave my skin alone!!! Oh sister! I know it! But if I could promise you clearer, healthier looking skin, would you do it? Let me point you to my 7 Day No Pick Challenge! Here's how it works! You commit to keeping your hands off of your face for 7 full days. That means you can do your cleansing routine but nothing else. Find out if there is a time or a trigger that causes you to try picking. For example, if you find that you are picking when you are on the Netflix app, I suggest that you wear winter gloves or mittens while you binge watch. If there is a pimple that comes up that you can't deal with, you come in for a complimentary extract by yours truly. 100% of clients that have completed this challenge notice less pimples and more glowing skin after 7 days. Are you ready? Challenge accepted.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley

What I Wish I Had Known Before Brazilian Waxing


They say that hindsight is 20/20. I love the articles that share the how tos and what not to dos. For example, that insight from someone who has been to the vacation spot before is priceless. They'll tell you not to waste your money on this tourist place, but for sure put that restaurant on your list before you leave the area. Taking their advice can add so much to your trip.

With that in mind, I'd love to share my best tips! I have experienced intimate waxing from many estheticians. My motto is that I will never offer a service if I am unwilling to receive it. I receive brazilian waxing regularly (about every 5 weeks since I've been waxing for years.) From one waxer to someone who wants to try it, here are four of my top recommendations to have the best appointment for your first brazilian wax.

1 - It's not as bad as you think it will be

Our minds can conjure up some pretty crazy stories... especially after we watch a YouTuber share their experiences. I've been there too! The not knowing sometimes will create anxiety and worry. But the best news is that it isn't at bad as you think it will be. 

Going to an experienced waxer will make your experience awesome. She (or he) will make it comfortable for you by keeping you talking and walking you through the process step by step. Before you know it, your waxing will be over and you'll be getting dressed, checking out AND rescheduling your next appointment! The next time gets even easier! I've had so many women wonder why they waited so long to try it! 

2 - This is a judgement free zone

Every woman has insecurities about their body. Even after losing some weight a couple years ago, I still have a pooch, stretch marks, scars from babies and many more things that women worry about. I'm here to remove the wax quickly and in the most comfortable way possible. I wax women of all ages and sizes. Rest assured that this is a judgement free zone.

3 - Length of hair matters

Did you know that the length of the hair matters? It's important to have the hair be approximately 1/4 of an inch (or the length of a grain of rice.) If you are a shaver, it's best to have 3 weeks worth growth from your last shave. Put the razor aside so you don't accidentally forget in the shower.

Why does it need to be that long? The wax needs something to grab on to. If the longer part of the hair is under the skin, there will literally be a tug of war for the hair to come out. Simply put the shorter the hair ... the more painful your treatment.

4 - Purchase the after care

Your waxer is a  professional and will do the best that they can to remove the hair. Go to someone who specializes in Brazilian waxing. They will also recommend some products for your aftercare. 

Why should you purchase the post wax recommendations? The best way to keep and maintain excellent results is to prevent them from occurring. For example, ingrown hairs can happen to anyone. They are a normal part of waxing (and even shaving.) But if you are using product to prevent them before they even happen, you are one step ahead of the game. 

So now you know what I know! I hope this helps you as your prepare to come in to the treatment room and experience this service for yourself! After your wax, you'll be able to share your experience and pass on your wisdom to your girlfriends who have always wanted to try it out!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley

Getting Out of a Skin Routine Funk

So what DO you do when you get in that skin routine funk? Heaven knows that I tried will power and it just wasn't working. Well, through fighting to find a solution, I believe that I have found FOUR things that may help you kick this bad habit to the curb!


This year, I experienced something I never thought I would. I went a week without washing my face at night! GASP! I know, I know! I was my worst client. I don't know exactly how I got there or what exactly happened to create a continuous 7 day streak... BUT, I knew that I was not alone. (I mean, please tell me I'm not alone!)

So what DO you do when you get in that skin routine funk? Heaven knows that I tried will power and it just wasn't working. Well, through fighting to find a solution, I believe that I have found FOUR things that may help you kick this bad habit to the curb!  

Don't wait until it's too late

One of the most common mistakes that I see in my practice is that clients wait until they are going to bed. They might have been home for hours, but it's common to do it 'right before bed.' Since it's late by that time ... 10, 11 or midnight, your body and your mind is SO tired. Like, drag-yourself-to-the-covers-and-hope-they-fall-open tired.

Let me suggest this option if this sounds like you. Once you are home and know that you won't be going out again for the night, go ahead and take off your makeup. Do you nightly routine (minimum steps would be to cleanse, mist, and then moisturize.) Get your skin ready to receive awesome ingredients from those products. Eliminate the excuse of being too tired by doing it earlier!

Add in a mask

Who doesn't love a treat? Something delicious and scrumptious! Well, your skin definitely loves that too! Sometimes we get in this rut of doing the same thing over and over again, when what we really need to do is liven life up!

Adding in a mask is a great way to awaken your skin and change things up! There are so many different ones to choose from and most are targeted to address your main skin routines. Of course, there are sheet masks and gimmicky ones. But, I love the ones from the tube that you can apply more than one application from. Ask your esthetician for a mask that is going to hit a home run with your skin! I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised and you may even decide that you look forward to your skin routine once again!  

Try new products

You know I have my favorites for my skin ... and I hope you have yours too! You know right when you apply the product, you hear the heavens open and the angelic chorus begins. It's a no brainer that you will always live and die by these specific products. And then you may have a step in your routine that you don't hear the music!

If you have that step in your process, it may be time to try something NEW! I know if you are anything like me, you love to peel off the seal and make that first application to the skin to see if this will be 'THE ONE.' (Insert smile.) I love experimenting with quality products that are suited for what my skin is going through right now (or even right for this time of the month.) It always add a little spice in my life, because I don't know what to expect. And that element of surprise gets me excited to do my routine again!

Challenge up

Finally, who doesn't LOVE a challenge? If you know that you are competitive (you know - like the Will Smith treadmill quote), then this may be just the thing to start your good habit of cleansing again. 

You can get your friends on board and set up a seven day challenge. After you do your skin care routine, you'll text each other with a check mark or the words 'DONE'. You can also be brave and announce on social media that you are going to cleanse for seven straight days and that you'll need their help to stay accountable to the process. I guarantee you that you'll have a few in your circle that will raise their hand and help you!

You may even choose to reward yourself with a new product, special dinner, or clothing item when you complete the challenge. Upping the ante is always a sure way to make sure that I'm going to put effort in the follow through.

So which of these four ways do you think will work for you? Maybe you'll pick a couple from the list! The main goal, though, is not to wait. Don't delay in taking care of your skin. Why? Because it's been said that when you don't cleanse your skin (at least nightly), that your skin can age 7x faster. So girl, wash your face. Do the thing. Just do it. Get 'er done. You can do it!!!!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

You may even choose to reward yourself with a new product, special dinner, or clothing item when you complete the challenge. Upping the ante is always a sure way to make sure that I'm going to put effort in the follow through.

So which of these four ways do you think will work for you? Maybe you'll pick a couple from the list! The main goal, though, is not to wait. Don't delay in taking care of your skin. Why? Because it's been said that when you don't cleanse your skin (at least nightly), that your skin can age 7x faster. So girl, wash your face. Do the thing. Just do it. Get 'er done. You can do it!!!!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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If I can Spend Money on One Product, What Should I Purchase?

If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.


As with anything, there is a lot of debate among professionals on this topic. If I can spend money on just one product, what should I purchase? I think we can all agree that it's the products that stay on the face the longest that are the ones that would have the biggest impact. And the ones that you would be willing to invest in.

Which products stay on the face?

Cleansers, exfoliants, and masks are all applied to the skin and then properly removed. So, the products that stay on the skin would be: treating mists, serums, moisturizers, SPF, eye cream. Since these products are on for hours before cleansed off the skin again to reapply, these would be where I would spend my money.

If you ask your esthetician Zoey what you should spend your money on, I would say that there are really 2 of the steps that are worth it and should be considered, even when on a budget. Those 2 products would be serums and SPF. Let me explain.

Serums are a smaller molecule size, which means that this product can penetrate the skin at a deeper level, providing a powerful punch. Most serums are more liquid or gel texture which make the ingredients glide into the skin easily. When the ingredients are able to go past the outer layer of skin, they can really change the skin cells by providing more hydration, calming sebum production, or sending signals to the cells to relax and unwind so that wrinkle production is minimized. Theses are just a couple of examples of what a serum can do for the skin.

When talking about basic steps in a skincare routine though, serums would not be the first up. For clients that aren't doing anything (or very little to their skins, we want to make sure that we start with cleansing, then moisturizing (which includes SPF). After these 2 steps are added, I like to make sure that they would add in the treating mist, exfoliation, serum, then an eye product. Finally a mask would be recommended. If you have a very specific skin concern, the recommendations from you esthetician may also change. At the end of the day, it's all about what we can do to improve your skin.

Sunscreen It Is!

So if serums wouldn't be the first up in a general routine, then that means that having a great SPF would be the ONE PRODUCT that you should purchase. There are 2 types of sunscreen available - chemical and physical. But my unpopular opinion as an esthetician is that the best SPF is the one that you are going to use and love using.

SPF stands for sunscreen protection factor and is the number of the amount of defense from the sun's rays. SPF 15 blocks about 93% of rays. SPF 30 blocks 97%. SPF 50 blocks just 98% and so on. Don't be fooled by large numbers! You want an SPF of at least 15 to wear on a daily basis. If you live in a tropical area, you need a minimum of at least SPF 30 to wear daily. 

If you are out and about, or at the ball field all day, you will need to reapply your sunscreen every 80 to 120 minutes. Make sure that you follow the instructions on your specific product. If you are at the beach or pool, you'll also want to apply a water resistant product where possible. Along with apply on your face, make sure that you apply to the neck, decollete, and the back of your hands ladies. (These places show your age more than your face does!)

I'd love to show you my very favorite SPF. It may have taken me 3 years to find it, but I don't go a day without it and you won't want to either! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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The Changing World and The Treatment Room with Me

Amid the Covid-19 outbreak during 2019-2020, most of the United States shut down for a period of time. In the state of Idaho, Governor Little officially closed down the state to non essential businesses on Wednesday, March 25th. This included hair salons, nail salons, and spas. As we will soon be headed back to the treatment room, I wanted to share a couple of highlights of what will be different with me.


Amid the Covid-19 outbreak during 2019-2020, most of the United States shut down for a period of time. In the state of Idaho, Governor Little officially closed down the state to non essential businesses on Wednesday, March 25th. This included hair salons, nail salons, and spas. As we will soon be headed back to the treatment room, I wanted to share a couple of highlights of what will be different with me.

For starters, as an esthetician, in order to get licensed through the state, there are 2 tests that must be taken. The first is a written test that is a variety of all of the information that has been learned during the classroom setting and through the textbook and workbook. The second is a practical exam. Although there are a couple of facial and waxing type things that you do with the mannequin head, the majority of that test is regarding cleaning and disinfecting. The proctor is there to make sure that we are equipped to keep our clients (and ourselves safe.) 

I pride myself in keeping a tidy and well organized spa room. I wipe down surfaces, use the proper cleaning products and make sure that hand washing and hand sanitizer is used every time with every client. With the Covid-19 concerns, rest assured that the cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been stepped up even further with your safety in mind. The protocols will be displayed in the room. 

What to expect when coming in for your appointment?

Clients will be asked to wait in their vehicles and to text me when you arrive. I will respond when the treatment room is ready for you. Upon arrival, please use the hand sanitizer. The linens from the table have been removed for waxing, lash lifting, and for express facials. Gloves are always worn for waxing services and will be worn for any service if you would like. For the clinical and signature facials, the linens will be set up just for you. All bedding will be changed in between clients. There is a new plastic tote basket that I will ask you to use for your belongs. This will make it easier for me to clean and disinfect between appointments. A mask will also be worn if requested. 

The check out process

I accept cash and credit/debit cards. Since my phone is used for the check out process, I will have you lay down your card on the table so that I can type in the information. From there, I will ask you if you wish to leave a tip that day, and if so how much you would like to use. As time permits, we will also reschedule your appointment. If time is limited, I will contact you after clients for that day to reschedule for the next day. 

As always, the customer service you have grown to expect and love will be top notch. For me, it's always about the experience... the conversations that we have, kicking your feet back, and relaxing as I help you with your skin care needs. If you have questions or suggestions, please know my door is open. Thank you for your business and I can't wait to see you once again at Essential Esthetics by Zoey.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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