waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Why am I Experiencing Ingrown Hairs?

One of the problems from shaving or waxing is ingrown hairs. As the hair is coming out of the skin, it can't quite break through the dead skin cells. The hair continues to grow but it is now growing under the skin and can grow like a river underneath or can grow in the circle and stay balled up. Usually ingrowns are worse when shaving versus waxing. There are a couple of reasons why you would get an ingrown hair. Here's why and what you can do about it!


One of the problems from shaving or waxing is ingrown hairs. As the hair is coming out of the skin, it can't quite break through the dead skin cells. The hair continues to grow but it is now growing under the skin and can grow like a river underneath or can grow in the circle and stay balled up. Usually ingrowns are worse when shaving versus waxing. There are a couple of reasons why you would get an ingrown hair. Here's why and what you can do about it!

Some people are just more prone to experiencing ingrown hairs. This is due to our genetics, how the skin is and what the hairs do ... under normal conditions. That being said, it's important to find a great waxer that uses proper technique and post care. Develop a relationship so that you can ask any and all questions. Your esthetician is there to help you! You can have ingrown hairs anywhere on the body, but this article will focus mostly on intimate waxing.

What should I Avoid?

When going in for a brazilian waxing treatment, make sure to follow all the after care instructions you are given. I like to say to avoid the 3 S's - Sunning, Sweat, and Sex for 24 hours.

Sunning - This means to avoid anything hot like tanning, hot tubs, saunas etc. The area may be sensitive, so some people think that heat will make it feel better. Let me assure you that this is not the case. Instead, use ice, aloe and soothing products.

Sweat - Do not go straight from your wax to your hardest workout of the week! Infact, avoid the gym for 24 hours while the hair follicle is open. (It takes approximately a day for it to close up.)

Sex - Heat, friction, etc are a recipe for disaster. Wait 24 hours for the area to calm, the hair follicles to close up and 

What Should I Do?

There are also a couple things that are extremely helpful and something you can do. These include exfoliation and hydration.

Exfoliating - In order to understand why this is so important, let's talk about the anatomy of a hair. We'll use an analogy of a tree. If you are shaving, you are chopping the tree trunk down at the base, which is a thick area. The hair growing back will feel stubbly and may be itchy because it is at the base of the tree. When you wax, the hair will grow back like the tips of branch. The difference of the hairs breaking through the dead skin cells are very different with one being a trunk and another being a branch. The branch will definitely need help. Help comes in the form of exfoliating away the dead skin cells. My favorites for this are the Spa Cell (which can be used with any body wash) and the Ingrown Hair Buster (a spray using botanicals and acids.) Both are very effective at exfoliating. I like to have my clients exfoliate 2 to 3 times a week to start, while adjusting if needed.

Hydrating - In addition to exfoliating, the hair needs to be conditioned and hydrated. If the hair is not hydrated properly, it make break off while waxing. Broken hairs also have a hard time reaching the surface of the skin and may result in ingrown hairs. How do you hydrate and condition the skin? You need a moisturizer. If you use something too heavy, it can clog pores. Too light weight and it may not be enough to hydrate properly. So something in the middle is just right in this case!

One final thought on ingrown hairs. Many people wax for years, not experiencing problems and then start to have a couple of ingrowns. As the hairs are waxed, they do get weaker and finer. So this may be a problem that you experience later on. Make sure that you take the advice of your waxer and play with the frequency of how often you exfoliate and moisturize to find the right combination for you. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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treatments, facials, Products Zoey Jolley treatments, facials, Products Zoey Jolley

How Do I Know if a Treatment is Right for Me?


Word of mouth referrals are my very favorite! If I get an excited client that shares with her sister, friend, coworker .... well, you know what I mean! When you are pleased with a treatment, you'll talk about it!!! That sister, friend, or coworker finds me and wants Treatment A ... the one that Mary had!

Treatment A is awesome, but depending on where you currently are with your skin, what you are doing at home, and the goals you have floating in your head, will definitely play a role in the treatments that I will suggest are the best for you. So how do you know if the treatment is right for you?

The ultimate answer for this day and age comes in the form of a question. 'Did you Google it?'

Google is awesome! I've been known to use it daily. Google can tell you the history of the service, general rules of thumb, and even share with you satisfied (and dissatisfied) consumers. You can see incredible before and after pictures ... some maybe even leaving you questioning whether or not what you see are real life results. What Google cannot SEE is YOUR skin! 

Estheticians are very specialized in what they do. You can call them a skin care professional! Mainly, estheticians (also known as aestheticians) work to treat the epidermis or outer layer of the skin by performing skin care treatments, recommending products for home use to amp up your results, removing hair from the body through waxing or sugaring services, and evenly adding artistic flairs with eyelash extensions or lash lifts and tints. They have a passion to help and serve others. 

From my experience, I will tell you that even a picture does not tell the whole story. You have been referred to me through Mary, so we'll set you up with an appointment. My favorite to start is the 60 minute Signature Facial which gives me an opportunity to see your skin in person and perform a great deep cleanse and exfoliation. Before coming at your scheduled time, you fill out a questionaire form which gives me general information about your skin, your health, and more. I love to discuss with you and have you also tell me in your own words as we go over your answers when we meet! During the facial, I'll be able to feel your skin and also take note about how your skin is responding to the products and facial massage that we perform. Being able to touch your skin in the facial and see the responses to the products that I have chosen for you will allow me to better recommend your next steps to achieving your goals and give you options. Ultimately, you decide on the course and the pace, but I am here as a guide and mentor.

If you've had treatments before, you can also tell me what you liked and didn't like about your services so that I can deliver the best experience to you. And we can definitely do the same things for you or mix it up to maximize your results by keeping your skin guessing along the way. 

Go ahead and discuss with your friend, do your research on Google, and then find a professional and expert who will partner with you! Be willing to ask questions about what treatment is right for you! I can't wait for you to step inside the treatment room and discover beautiful, glowing skin. You're invited! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley

What is the Best Regimen for Acne Prone Skin?


I see so many clients that suffer from acne. It used to be thought that acne would come just during the teenage years, but more and more we are finding that acne can hit us no matter our age. It can also come more than once during your lifetime. I've found that there are three common questions related to the best regimen for acne prone skin. They are: What should I be using at home? How many steps do I need? And how do I use the home care products in the right way. In order to answer these questions, let's first talk about why acne occurs. 

In order to have acne, you need to have 3 things present on the skin: p. bacteria, excess sebum, and dead skin cells. If you don't have all 3 of those, there will not be acne. So what can you do about the bacteria, the excess oil and the build up of old skin? 

P. bacteria can be killed products like benzyl peroxide as well as tools like LED light therapy. Both have been found very effective to eliminate the amount of the bacteria on the skin. Probiotics (both in skin care products and in supplements) have also been found to help.

Excess sebum means extra oil. When sebum is present, it's like throwing gasoline on a fire, helping it to spread and intensify. It's important to get rid of the excess oil while making sure the skin cells don't send messages to send more oil. 

Dead skin cells need to be exfoliated properly. If you have acne that is inflammed, then you need to steer clear of mechanical exfoliation products. In other words, skip the scrubbies and go for a product that works without rubbing.

So now that we know what 3 things cause acne to occur, what should I be using at home?

When dealing with acne, your skin can be dry or oily, have blackheads and white heads or to the extremes of cysts and nodules deep under the skin. It's important to consult with your esthetician and/or dermatologist to come up with a treatment plan that is right for you!

How many steps do I need?

You really don't need to over complicate your skin care routine. I recommend cleansing, using treating mist, and moisturizing twice a day. Then, adding in exfoliation, masking, and spot treating or using a serum just for acne will depend on what type of acne you are experiencing and also how your skin is responding to the products that your esthetician has recommended for you. It's important to also note that sometimes changing up the products is important to achieve results as your skin can become accustom or acclimated to the treatment. Staying one step ahead of the acne is key.

So six steps is all that is needed, but you wouldn't use them every day or night. It shouldn't take very long to do any of these steps. Each step is usually a minute or less ... unless we are talking about exfoliation or masking. These may require more minutes but usually it is something you can put on the skin and then go do a chore or read a chapter in a book before moving on to the next step in the routine.

How do I use the products in the right way at home?

Here is a general recommendation that I give to acne clients that are committed to help their skin improve.

1) Cleanse

This first and basic step is necessary to remove the excess oil and dirt from the day. I like to use a gentle but effective foaming cleanser (safe enough to even remove eye makeup.) Sometimes I like to use a light milk cleanser at night. 

Always wash your hands before you cleanse your face. Massage for at least 30-60 seconds and then wipe with a wet cloth to remove final particles of dirt, oil, and cleanser.

2) Exfoliate

Depending on the type of acne will determine what type of exfoliant that you want to use on your facial skin. If it is mostly just blackheads and whiteheads, a mechanical exfoliation such as the Active Exfoliating Powder would work great. Use this about 2 to 3 times a week. If you have any larger acnes, like pustules and papules that are red, irritated, and sensitive, DO NOT use a mechanical exfoliation. Opt for an exfoliant that you can put on like a mask that will facilitate in eliminating the dead skin cells through the glue that holds them together.

Always follow the directions on your exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliations should be massaged in for 1 to 2 minutes, especially around the nose and the corners of the lips. Leave on exfoliants normally are left on for 10-15 minutes. 

3) Treating Mist

It's important to balance your skin with a treating mist. What does that mean? It means that your skin is happiest at a pH of a 5-5.5. Water is at a 7 pH. So when you rinse with water, your skin could still try to be balancing while you are putting your finishing steps on. Treating mists are ones without alcohol. 

I like to spray directly on the face OR spray into the hand and then gently press them into the skin. 

4) Serums + Spot Treatments

Where are you experiencing your acne? If it's just on the jawline, let's work a spot treatment there. Which means... treat one inch above and below where the acne is located. This treats the microcomodones (the pimples that you don't see on the surface of the skin --- yet!) This is the only way to get ahold AND ahead of the acne. Serums that promote healing and have anti inflammatory properties are ideal for those that are acne prone. If you only are treating the pimples that you can see, you will never get rid of the acne.

Always put on spot treatments, then serums, then moisturizers in thinnest texture to the heaviest. 

5) Moisturizers

Finally, you want to lock in what you just put on your skin with a suitable moisturizer. No, I'm not talking coconut oil or something heavy. Something that has additional probiotics in it, hyaluronic acid, etc. This will help balance your skin so that it doesn't feel 'dry'. What happens if your skin feels dry? It's going to produce more oil... and then the cycle starts over again!

I like to put about a pea size on my finger, then dot my face in quadrants (cheeks, forehead, chin, and nose) and spread out from then.


Masking at home 2 to 3 times a week can also promote quicker healing of the acne and the skin. There are many to choose from, but my favorite those which are calming, soothing, have active ingredients (but aren't TOO active.) More is not always better!

Spread evenly on the skin. Leave on 15-20 minutes. Rinse and wipe off with a wet cloth. Some masks you can even use as a spot treatment. Ask your esthetician is this is appropriate for your mask.

It's important to stay in touch with your provider AND to continue following a regime for your skin care. Just because you clear your skin does not mean that you can stop watching your face. Your esthetician may recommend changing up your routine so that your skin doesn't get accustomed to what ingredients that you are using to combat this disease. You'll also want to examine things like diet, birth control, stress, and more. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

How Do I Practice Self Care?


If you've been hanging around on any FaceBook video that I share, you've heard my introduction. Hi, my name is Zoey. If we haven't met before, it's nice to meet you! I love sharing my passion for self care among women as well as helping you reach your skin care goals... So why do I love self care and how can I practice self care?

I love self care and feel it's important to take care of yourself first so that there is more to give. Perhaps, I saw it in myself first. You give and go and go and give for your kids all.day.long. You could be exhausted from not sleeping, sick with a cold, or even just not feeling like you don't know who you are anymore. But you show up everyday and give more.

Have you even flown on an airplane before? You may have heard through the intercom or see your screen say something like this. "It is highly unlikely, but if we experience a drop in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead area. Secure the yellow mask over your nose and mouth and adjust the elastic. Gently pull on the tube and oxygen will begin flowing. Always secure your mask before assisting those around you."

So why do women consistently show up for others before they show up for themselves? I have a couple personal thoughts. Women feel guilty. Guilty that by doing self care, that they are not doing enough for the ones that they are supposed to nurture. Guilty that self care may cost money; money that could be spent on something else for someone else. Women feel judged. Yes, you heard me right. We are always looking for what others think of us. We want a stamp of approval and an approving glance or head nod. I know I've wanted to make a post on social media before. Heck, I've been known to write something and go to the 'SHARE' button, just to delete the whole thing. What will other's think? Well, I'm here to join on the Rachel Hollis band wagon ... "Say it with me. Someone else's opinion of me is none of my business. Say it again. Someone else's opinion in none of my business. Not my problem, not my concern." Hello tik tok!

I see it every day in the treatment room. Moms that love their kids, family, and friends so much that they continue to give from a bucket that is empty. They are tired. And it only stands to continue that same cycle unless they change something. There's something that's almost magic that happens in the treatment room. A woman comes in for a facial service or even just a brow wax. We talk... mostly they talk and I listen. And when they get up to leave, guess what? They feel better!!!

So how do I practice self care? Here's the thing. Self care looks different for everyone! Some of my personal favorite ways to practice self care are reading a good book, talking a nice, long hot bath, and going to receive a personal service such as a facial or massage. The key in my book to proper self care is to having a regular schedule to doing it. Don't wait until it's been a year since you've done something for Y-O-U! Almost daily, I'm putting self care into practice by reading and bathing. And at least once a month, you'll find me in someone else's treatment room getting a facial, massage, or maybe both. This is what keeps my bucket from drying up.

Other popular choices for self care include walks and hikes on a gorgeous sunny day, just being in nature, taking long drives on seldom beat paths, talking to a long-time old friend, journaling your feelings, learning new hobbies like cooking or painting, having a regular girls night out, exercising or just moving your body. I could go on for days. But here's the kicker ladies. Are you listening yet? Find joy or pleasure everyday and seek it out to recharge your battery and keep your soul alive! Everyday. If it brings you joy and it's healthy, consider doing more of it or being more consistent. That is the key. You must continue to show up for yourself. This is a process that will in turn lead to more self love.

I wanted to end my little pep talk with you with a couple of awesome quotes on self care. There are so many great ones out there but here are just 3. Enjoy!

"Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." ---Lucille Ball

"If you feel burnout setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself." --- Dalai Lama

"It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make happiness a priority. It's necessary." --- Mandy Hale

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Deciphering Between New Skin Treatments


It's in your news feed on FaceBook, the tiles on Instagram, and even your favorite Beauty magazines and beauty bloggers are talking about it! You blink and feel like you've missed the last century with information on the latest with skin care. Does this feel familiar to you?

There are SO many new technologies, new research, and new ingredients that regularly hit the skin care world that it's hard to keep track of it all. Many clients have a hard time deciphering between all of the different BUZZ words that are used to describe new services. I'm here to help you remember once and for all what each of them mean and how you can keep them straight.


Microneedling is also known by the names Microchanneling, Collagen Induction Therapy, and C.I.T. You may have even heard of the Vampire Facial or PRP. All of these are related to microneedling but the Vampire Facial or PRP also uses your own platlets (or blood) to promote wound healing and is typically performed in a medical spa. Microneedling is where small needles prick the skin which stimulates collagen production. It is very effective in a series (I always recommend it that way) and can continue to improve the skin's appearance and texture up to six months after your appointment. This service is great for those with light acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, and large pores.  Depending on if you are seeing an esthetician or a dermatologist will determine the depth that the small needles can prick the skin. I recommend using great products before treatment and growth factor or stem cell serum after treatment. You will also need mineral makeup to wear for the next week. And it's even better if you can go without! You can be red and irritated for up to a couple days post treatment, but there is very little downtime. 

Making MICRONEEDLING easier to understand --->

What happens when you aerate your lawn in the spring? Sure, it might look a little weird right after it is performed, but then all of a sudden, your grass looks so healthy and beautiful that you want to have a glorious picnic and maybe lay in it. (Was I over dramatic there?) This is the same concept with your skin!


Nanoneedling is also known as Nano Infusion Therapy. If microneedling is something you've been thinking about, but you aren't quite ready to do that, this would be a baby step in the right direction. This treatment creates micro pathways to deliver serums and other nutrients from the skin care past the dead skin cells where they can more fully be utilized. This treatment also works well to treat those who would like to work on light acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles, and larger pores. It's also great for those with sensitive skin. I love this technology so much, that I've added it into the newest member of our facial line up - The Cinderella.

Making NANONEEDLING easier to understand --->

Imagine a tiny waffle plate (elf size) that shake down products into the skin. You feel a vibration, but it's not painful and still delivers a powerful punch. Nano is less than micro as far as how far the products can penetrate the skin.


Dermaplaning is an amazing and favorite exfoliation treatment.  It's also known as microplaning or blading. It was first mentioned in the 1970s, but have continuned to gain steam in the United States as an exceptional alternative to chemical exfoliation. (Can I get an AMEN from all of the nursing and pregnant mamas out there?) All walks of life LOVE this service because it is known for its immediate glow on the skin. Dermaplaning uses a dermatological scalpel which glides back and forth on the skin, picking up dead skin cells as well as the peach fuzz. It feels like a credit card is moving across each section of your face. The results are instant and include better product penetration, smoother looking makeup, and reducing the appearance of acne scaring, among many others.

Making it easier to understand --->

This exfoliation service removes the very outer layer of dead skin cells as well as the vellus hair on the face, revealing smoother, brighter skin for improved skin tone and texture. Think of a PLANE landing on a runway and barely touching down.  


Microblading also known as embroidery, feather touch, hair-like strokes or even 3D brows. This technique first came to the scene about 25 years ago in Asia and finally took hold of the western population about 2015. This semi permanent makeup service is performed on the brows to create strokes that look like the actual brow hairs. You'll want to find an artist that has been certified in this procedure and that has a great portfolio of his or her own work. The hairs should never cross. Permanent makeup is a great option for those who have sparse and/or aging brows. Touch ups are recommended every 12-18 months. While considered 'permanent', it is actually a semi permanent treatment as the colors fade out in the skin but never leave completely. 

Making it easier to understand --->

Think of the letter M to stand for - micro/makeup. This looks like hairstrokes, can be done with different tools and will save you time drawing on eyebrows each day.

If you have other questions about these or other treatments, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley skin, skincare, Products Zoey Jolley

Why is My Skin So Dry in the Winter?


If you have ever experienced an Idaho winter, you'll know that it gets extremely dry. Not only do we feel it from our nose to our toes, our hands can experience cracking and bleeding from washing frequently and keeping away the germs. Our face is exposed to the outer elements throughout the year. So even though the lack of humidity occurs all year round, you may be wondering why it's extra bad in the winter.

The main culprit is not the lack of humidity, the fewer hours of daylight, or even the colder temperatures. Have you guessed it yet? The answer is the forced hot air to keep us warm! Since we can't live in igloos from November through February (or even October through March), here are some options to help ease the dry skin woes.

One of the main things you can do is to BEEF UP your skin care routine. In addition to daily cleansing, misting, and moisturizing, you may want to add in one or more of the following: Hydrating Mask, Daily Ceramide Comfort, Double up the Moisturizer by adding in a Serum, or a Night Cream.

Hydrating Mask 

A hydrating mask can be for any type of skin. Instead of focusing on the lack of oil, these will generally focus on the lack of water in the skin. Masking is one of the easiest way to help the skin with a big impact. When you mask, you will apply it on the face and then wait 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and wipe dry with a cloth and add your finishing touches. I recommend that you use a mask 2 to 3 times a week to see the best results. If you skin starts feeling bad normally in November, you'll want to increase what you are doing in October. Don't wait until your skin is super bad to start or it will take longer to see the results. 

Daily Ceramide Comfort

This tiny little gold nugget has been a lifesaver for my clients. Generally, I have my clients use them as a boost to their skin once a week, but as shown in the name, you can use these daily. Again, start early and use them at night. These not only feel amazing, they really do wonders for the face and are for all skin types. This product is considered a 911 product and is an antioxidant while nourishing and protecting the skin from the elements.

A serum!

Did you know that serums are a smaller molecular weight, meaning they can go deeper into the skin? I love using a serum because I know what I'm applying to my skin is sinking in and working below the dead skin cells. Choosing on that has hyaluronic acid is a sure bet, because that ingredient holds it weight 1,000 times of water.

Night cream

Inherently, a night cream is thicker and creamier than something you wear during the day. Our skin is on a circadian rhythm, so it heals and repairs at night. That's why many product lines include a night cream. A moisturizer that aids in the healing and repairing process will definitely help your skin in the winter. It's important to note that some of the night creams may be too heavy to wear for those that are prone to acne.

In addition to products, there are a couple more things that might be able to help your skin in the frigid temperatures. My favorites include drinking water, vitamin c, limiting hot baths, and increasing the humidity. 

Drink Up!

Water is very important for our skin and other vital organs. In the spring and summer, our body gives us more signals letting us know that we are hot and we literally feel thirsty. It almost screams to hand over the biggest glass of ice water! Our body still needs that same amount of water in the water, but we don't get the same cue. Carry around your favorite water bottle to make sure you are rehydrating your cells throughout the day.

Vitamin C

There are many dietary changes that you can make for your skin, but this is one of my favorites. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which means it helps to protect the skin from UV rays and other outside elements. It can help tighten the skin's barrier which helps to keep the good stuff (moisture barrier, lipids, and more) in the skin and repels the bad stuff like free radicals.

Limit hot baths

Okay, okay! I'm guilty as charged. This girl right here LOVES a good, hot bath. Sometimes more than once a day! But the hot baths can increase dehydration at a rapid pace. Without drinking as much as we should, this definitely can aid in the dryness of your skin cells. 

Add in some humidity

The forced hot air is something we can't really change, but we can add the humidity in the air by using a humidifier. Humidifier emit water vapor or steam into the air which increases the air's humidity. The mountain west is always dry, so this is something that you could do all year round if you wanted to.

In case you need a recap, your dry skin is most likely due to the forced heat in the winter. During this time, step up your skin care game about a month before you typically feel dry, drink water everyday even when you don't feel thirsty, make sure that you are adding vitamin c into your diet, limit hot baths, and increase the humidity by using a humidifier. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Selfcare, treatments Zoey Jolley Selfcare, treatments Zoey Jolley

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.


At Austin Kade in Idaho Falls, one of the many assignments for esthetics school was to create a business plan. I believe that the  students got out of it what they put into it. Some students made colorful full sized posters and multiple page spreadsheets. Others spent 20 minutes, hastily writing on a lined sheet of paper with a pen, tearing it from the spiral bound notebook right before their presentation. I put together a power point presentation with #allthethings. I spent a lot of time thinking about this. But not only this, I spent time dreaming from my heart. Because just going to esthetics school was a dream come true for me (more than 5 years after I wanted to do this career path.) The power point included a floor plan, equipment that I would have, products that would be used, a service menu that included pricing ... and even a name.

When I started to come up with a name for my business, I wanted it to be fun, bright, and relaxing. I immediately thought about my VERY favorite pair of bright green flip flops that I purchased from Fred Meyers in 2004 to match a swim suit. If you have known me, you've known that I LOVE this pair of flip flops (until they finally fell apart in 2018 in the middle of Wal-Mart - haha!) They were something that I've worn all the time, except for Idaho winters. They were comfy, they were a perfect fit, they went with everything (although some would have argued with me!) In my mind, these green flip flops were ESSENTIAL. 

Thus, for a lack of more inspiration, I settled on the business name of Essential Esthetics by Zoey. I feel like the services and benefits that are offered ARE essential. Esthetics of course is all about skincare, waxing, and lashes. I later added on a tag line that I fell in love with as well that was a reminder for me and for my clients. The tag line was Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Our lives are busy and we are constantly on the go. If you are a woman, you probably not only have a profession and career, you probably also have kids that have their own activities. So you are a taxi driver. But then also a cook, maid, friend, partner, etc, etc etc. So many hats to wear. My tag line was to inspire those that come in to have a brazilian wax or rejuvenating facial (or any other service in between) to not only believe in self care, but also to practice it. Self care is all about taking care of yourself so that you can then take care of others and show up in life more present and in a better way. 

So here is my hope for each and every client! When you walk through the door to the treatment room to Essential Esthetics by Zoey, it's a chance to close out the outside world and set down your every present calendar. Take off your shoes and lie on the treatment table to prepare for your service. And then, in order, you will do this. Pause your talking for a moment. BREATHE in and out. Deep breaths that fill your lungs and soul. As you settle in and let your muscles melt into the pillow top, you will LET GO of the negative thoughts, the to do list you are carrying in your head, and the weight and burdens that you may be carrying in your heart. And finally, as you breathe and let go, you finally are able to really RELAX. One definition of relax is: rest and engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious. 

Here is just one review from a satisfied client Nikki on Google Reviews. She says: " Zoey is a master of relaxation. I am a busy retailer and mom of three & never have time to relax. Maybe twice a year, I get massages but the facial I experienced from her was hands down the most relaxing and rejuvenating thing I can remember doing. Amazing. I would highly recommend scheduling an appointment today. She will not stay Pocatello/Chubbuck's best kept secret for long." 

Come and stay awhile. Let's help you practice self care. Let's help you achieve your skin care goals. And then don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax. See you next time! Muah!

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Products, Selfcare, facials Zoey Jolley Products, Selfcare, facials Zoey Jolley

Take Your Eye Care to the Next Level

Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?


Ever feel like last night's sleep was literally a 20 minute cat nap? You might be dragging in the morning, but it's time to get the kids up, start breakfast and a load of laundry, throw your hair in a messy bun and get everyone out the door. So, why does your eyes show when you are fatigued and what can you do about it?

There are a couple reasons why the eye area can show the tiredness of your soul. As I was researching this topic, I found answers that both surprised me and also the ones that made me shake my head yes. The hard yeses were allergies (hello spring!), your age, and genetics. These all play a role in how the skin under your eyes look. Ones that I didn't even think about were your bone structure (simply how your eyes are set and the way the light reflects in your eyes), having eye strain, salty foods, and dehydration. But these make sense right??? Some of these are easier to fix than others. Things we cannot fix are our bone structure, genetics, and our age. We can work to eliminate eye strain (limit usage of computers or at least wear blue light filter glasses), take allergy medication as directed by a doctor, decrease salty foods, and increase hydration.

Something that I see that were not mentioned in my research are the use of regular products under the eye. If a client feels dry under their eye, they think a reasonable answer is to moisturize it. So they use they face moisturizer everywhere. Unfortunately, the thin skin under the eye cannot receive the ingredients the same way our face can. So that product can either just sit there, or it may even have adverse reactions such as more irritation or milia (hard, crystalized sebum that becomes trapped under the skin.) Pick an eye cream or serum that is suitable for the delicate skin there.

Also, Americans are best at thinking more is best! 'More is not always better' is one of my personal skin care philosophies. Being aggressive in the eye area does nothing but irritate and help promote the fine lines and wrinkles to show more prominently. Only use the ring finger under the eye. Eye products (unless specified) should only be applied under the eye to the bottom of the brow. I like to dot, dot, dot, then spread one to two times from the inner corner to the outer corner gently. Just to make sure the product is spread evenly, but not more than that. Remember that more is not always better. 

Self Care

Self care is what I stand for! It's so important that you take care of your body, your mind and spirit each and everyday. This includes sleep. Of course there are times in our lives where we are limited by the amount of sleep we can get (like when we have a newborn.) Do what you can and even use power naps if you need to. Pick things that uplift your spirit and mind and do them consistently. If you need ideas on other ways to increase your self care, check out these blog posts - Self Care in 2018 (published Jan 1, 2018) or How Do I Practice Self Care (published Feb 1, 2020).

First and foremost, 

Home Care

There are so many amazing and quality eye products out there, but I would like to share three of my personal favorites.

GM Collin Instant Radiance Anti-Aging Eye Patch

In just 20 minutes, take care of fatigue, fine lines, wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. This favorite product of Meghan Markle is simple and easy to use. Just place the patches underneath the eyes, wait 20 minutes, and remove. They can be used overnight for more severe eye area concerns. This product contains hydrolyzed manihot esculenta tuber extract plus green tea and oak complex with acetyl tetreapeptide-5.

GM Collin Bota-Peptide Eye Contour

This #1 GM Collin eye product contains 6 peptides including Argireline, Myoxinol, Matrixyl 3000, Eyeliss, and Haloxyl. Add to that list caffeine and vitamin K and that makes a powerful punch to give eyes more radiant and youthful appearance while helping prevent signs of aging. This product prolongs the effects of Botox and is a client favorite.

Viktoria Deann PEPTIDE-Eye Serum

Great things come in small packages and this is no exception. This new favorite of mine includes green tea extract, soluble collagen, and UET-3 peptide to work to increase hydration and work as an antioxidant. This product feels like it is smoothing out the fine lines while tightening and firming. It's got my stamp of approval, and I know you'll love it too!

In the Spa

In addition to self care and home care, I offer a clinical care treatment called Collagen Sublime Eye Contour. This facial is divine and provides results in just one treatment. It visibly minimizes the signs of aging, relieve dark circles and puffiness for refreshed, radiant eyes. This service also quenches the skin, leaving it well hydrated. 

I love this treatment for a lot of different reasons. First, it uses the Signature Collagen Pellicle. GM Collin skin care line was developed after nurses who were treating burn victims with this pellicle were experiencing amazing results on their hands. Second, the mask really does make me feel like a super hero, and who doesn't want to flex their powers! Third, the results of softening the signs of aging and fatigue really deliver, making it a popular option for clients.

By recognizing some things that may be causing dark circles, puffiness and more in the eye area, we are better equipped with tools to help us both accept our limitations (age, genetics) and help smooth and calm down these concerns (self care, home care, and spa treatments.) Although we may not be able to solve all the world's problems, I hope we can brighten your eye area concerns and take your eye care to the next level!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How Do You Keep Your Skin Smooth?

As an esthetician, I love treating clients to all services, including lash lifts, waxing, and facials. When I do a facial treatment, many times I am surprised at the texture of the skin. It may not look rough, but upon touch, it really is rough! So if many clients have this problem, how do we solve it? I would like to offer two recommendations today. One is to exfoliate at home and the other is to have regular treatments that focus on exfoliation.


As an esthetician, I love treating clients to all services, including lash lifts, waxing, and facials. When I do a facial treatment, many times I am surprised at the texture of the skin. It may not look rough, but upon touch, it really is rough! So if many clients have this problem, how do we solve it? I would like to offer two recommendations today. One is to exfoliate at home and the other is to have regular treatments that focus on exfoliation.

Exfoliation at home

There are three types of exfoliation - mechanical, chemical and enzymatic. I love all three. Mechanical are the scrubbing action that has a little grit (No Karen! Walk away from the St. Ives Apricot Scrub), chemical is acids (such as the Cleopatra bathing in milk which is lactic acid keeping the skin smooth and soft), and enzymatic (comes from fruits - most common in my experience is papaya and pineapple). 

Your skin type determines which is better for you! If you are aging, have broken blood vessels, sensitive skin or inflamed acne, do not use mechanical exfoliation. The chemical and enzymatic exfoliation comes in mask form. The enzymatic is much more gentle on the skin. Seek direction and guidance from your esthetician to determine which type is right for you and they will help you select a product. 

Spa Treatments that focus on exfoliation

There are many spa treatments that focus on exfoliation. Two that I will mention today are dermaplaning as chemical peels.

Dermaplaning is a clients favorite and known for the instant glow you receive, the smooth application of makeup and increased circulation of the skin. Clients remark that they can feel the air on their face differently (in a better way of course.) Products applied after you do this professional treatment really go into the skin better because they don't have to fight against the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Using a dermatological scalpel, the blade will gently glide back and forth on the skin primarily picking up and removing dead skin cells. It also will take off any peach fuzz on your face which does 'dull' your color. This results in that instant glow! (PS - Remember that you need to stop exfoliating before you come in and not exfoliate for 3 to 5 days after you come for your service! Otherwise, you'll make your skin feel more sensitive.)

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are very effective to do. A chemical exfoliation loosens the glue that holds the dead skin cells together, much like how a brick wall is held together with mortar. Chemical peels have come a long way in their days. Physicians began using deeper peels in 1882 using resorcinol, TCA, salicylic and phenol. These peels were very deep and aggressive. The peels we use today are superficial peels, meaning that they are working solely on the epidermis. A chemical exfoliation does not need to cause flaking and peeling to be working. New technology allows for peels to work without having downtime. It is also important to note that if you are taking care of your skin by regularly doing the right home exfoliation, you will not see a lot of dead skin cells coming off because you are doing an efficient job removing them on a weekly basis. So give yourself a high five!

A chemical peel comes from acids in either AHA or BHA. AHA stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acids and BHA stands for Beta Hydroxy Acids. Lactic, glycolic, tartaric, citric, and malic acids are AHAs. Salicylic acid is a BHA. (You'll also note that these acids are also used in home care too!) Some of my favorite benefits from a chemical exfoliation are improved texture of the skin, barrier function, and moisture retention; increased hydration of the skin; reduced fine lines and wrinkles; improved acne and clogged pores; and skin that looks and feels smoother and softer.  

All of the clinical treatments offered by GM Collin can be performed with a chemical peel. My favorite to do with the peel is the AlgoMask. This has a thermal cooling effect on the skin that also pushes the serum deeper into the epidermis with it's rubberizing mask (did you just mention Mrs. DoubtFire?) Your skin feels different for days. This was the first GM Collin clinical facial that I received and BOY ... it did not disappoint. All peels by GM Collin are formulated to work without causing the traditional downtime. This means that you can see results without having to hide your skin for a week.

By choosing to do both exfoliation at home and services in the treatment room, you are sure to get the best of both worlds. Professional products at home are going to also get you a head start on your skin, improving the texture and giving you a healthy, beautiful glow to the skin. Working with your esthetician will help to train your skin to be the best that it can by slowing down the aging process. 

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Looking at Sunscreen and Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is essential for the body. This one is great for bone strength and also helps with digestion, immunity, circulation, and your nervous system. It is estimated by Mercy Medical Center that approximately 42% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. There are many signs that are linked to be low in vitamin D including fatigue, getting sick often, and depression.


Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is essential for the body. This one is great for bone strength and also helps with digestion, immunity, circulation, and your nervous system. It is estimated by Mercy Medical Center that approximately 42% of Americans are vitamin D deficient. There are many signs that are linked to be low in vitamin D including fatigue, getting sick often, and depression. Since these also are signs for other illnesses, you won't know for sure unless your doctor checks your levels, generally through labs. 

There are many ways to bulk up your vitamin D numbers. Eating a balanced diet, rich in fatty fish, seafood, mushrooms, and egg yolks is definitely recommended. You can use a UV lamp and even try adding in a quality supplement. One thing that each article you will read on google will agree on is that being in the sunlight will help your body absorb vitamin D. After all, vitamin D is called the "sunshine vitamin!"

With professions like dermatologist and estheticians passionately advocating for sunscreen usage to prevent again skin cancers, there are many (myself included) that don't leave home without our SPF! Is it possible to boost your vitamin D levels while protecting yourself from sun damage?

There are many debates on this topic and I have yet to find a clear yes or no. Here's what we know! UVA is aging rays and penetrates the skin deeper. UVB is considered burning rays. It is a short ray in the skin, but also accounts for the vitamin D. A broadspectrum SPF 15 protects against 93% of UVA/UVB rays. SPF 30 is 97% and SPF 50 is 98%.

The lighter skin you are, the less time that your body needs to absorb vitamin D. In a Healthline article, the study showed that light skinned individuals wearing shorts and a tank top for 10 - 30 minutes three times a week is adequate to supply the body of the right amount of sunshine vitamin.The darker you are, the more sun exposure you would need. In Shawn Stevenson's book, Sleep Smarter - 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better Body, Better Health, and Bigger Success, he suggests getting sunlight between the hours of 6:00 - 8:30 am for at least 10 - 15 minutes when possible due to seasons.

When we are applying sunscreen to our bodies, the real truth is that generally we don't apply enough so some rays will be able to be absorbed. That sunlight is just what we need to produce more vitamin D. Yes, we need to protect ourselves from skin cancer. And yes! We need vitamin D. Be smart about your sun exposure everyday (as more often than not, sunburns come on cloudy days.) If you think you are low on vitamin D, consult with your doctor first and foremost! And consider adding in a quality supplement and beefing up your diet with things like fish and mushrooms. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Lash Lifting Benefits

If you've ever been curious about lash lifting, you are in the right place. Through the last couple of decades, the rise of enhancing eyelashes has been on the rise. First strips, then eyelash extensions, and now the every popular baby of lash lifting. The ease of the maintenance process is one of the most appealing benefits for busy working woman and even stay at home moms. 


If you've ever been curious about lash lifting, you are in the right place. Through the last couple of decades, the rise of enhancing eyelashes has been on the rise. First strips, then eyelash extensions, and now the every popular baby of lash lifting. The ease of the maintenance process is one of the most appealing benefits for busy working woman and even stay at home moms. 

Pros - Enhancing what your mama gave you!

If you want better looking eyelashes, but don't want to put something synthetic on your natural lashes, eyelash lifting is going a great choice for you! Eyelashes growing straight out don't look that long. But when they are lifted up and curled, you can definitely notice them more!

Pros - Time Saver!

The problem for most women is that this takes time with a manual eyelash curler or a heated eyelash curler, eyelash primer, and then mascara. You would curl your lashes every morning, get everything in place and go on with your day. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Want to cut out 5 minutes of your morning routine? In walks eyelash lifting! Come in for an hour appointment every 6 to 8 weeks. That's it!

Pros - Great lashes on the beach and at the pool everytime!

Because you are just using your natural lashes, you don't have to worry about getting your lashes wet or what the water will do to them. Combine the lash lifting service with a tint, and you are pretty set to not even wear mascara on those beach days. While lash lifting typically lasts 6-8 weeks, lash tinting lasts an average of 3-4 weeks.

Pros - Get va-va-voom when you want or keep it simple!

It's easy to get a va-va-voom with lash lifting. Just add on mascara (or primer and mascara) and see them lift a little more and thicken a little more. Or you can choose to keep it simple and just wear them with the lash and tint. It's very easy!

Pros - Easy aftercare!

With this service, the aftercare is easy! The better you stick with the aftercare, the better your results will be overall. Here's what you need to remember:

For 24 hours:

No mascara, eye makeup

Keep them dry and don't touch them

No eye creams

For 48 hours:

No steam

No saunas

No swimming

No lash growth serums

This service has been around a long time and was known as lash perming. But with any great service, this one has bee upgraded with better rods (where you place the lashes) that are more comfortable for the client and a superior product that stays fresh and ready for the client each and every time (say goodbye to oxidation). If you are ready to give this treatment a try, hop on over to pick an appointment that works for you!

Don't forget to breathe. let go. relax.

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How to Make Your First Brazilian A Great Experience

If you've never had a Brazilian wax before, you may be scared of the unknown. There are so many women that have thought about doing an intimate wax, but never take the plunge. So let's discuss how to make your first wax the best possible experience for you. Here are the most common questions I hear and my responses.


If you've never had a Brazilian wax before, you may be scared of the unknown. There are so many women that have thought about doing an intimate wax, but never take the plunge. So let's discuss how to make your first wax the best possible experience for you. Here are the most common questions I hear and my responses.

General Questions

How do I find a waxer?

Most cosmetologists and estheticians are able to wax under state laws. Just because they can, doesn't mean that they do Brazilian waxing. You want to find an expert that does more than one a month. Just like if you were having a heart surgery... you want a professional that does them daily, not occasionally. The best way to find a waxer is through word of mouth. So get your girlfriends to talk!!!

Will it hurt?

Well, waxing is removing hairs and is at best, uncomfortable. So, yes. It's going to hurt a little bit. The good news: All of my first time clients say that it wasn't as bad as they thought they would be. By the time you are getting dressed, you are ready to schedule your next appointment and do it all over again in 4 weeks.

I'm a shaver and just don't know about this waxing thing. How long do I need to grow out my hair?

If you are a shaver, you will want to grow out the hair until it is about 1/4 inch long. How long is that? Think grain of rice length. Typically it is 2-3 weeks... but when in doubt, longer is better than shorter. Believe it or not, if it's too short, it will actually hurt more. There are many rewards for waxing such as thinner, finer hair making it much more manageable. 

Can I wax when I am on my period? Yikes.

The answer is yes. Just wear a tampon or cup and we'll work around the string or stem. You can be more sensitive around your cycle, so you may want to schedule at least 3 days before you start or 2 days after, but it definitely does not bother me. 

How long will I stay smooth? I would love to be hair free!

The longer you wax, the longer of period of time your skin will stay smooth and hair free. The first time you wax, we may not be able to get all of the hairs. This is normal and to be expected. You may also feel hair growing back in within a couple of days. These are hairs that weren't up out of the skin to be waxed when you came in for your appointment. The next appointments you can expect to have more hairs cycled through that can be removed so that you continue to go longer and longer hair free. 

What about ingrowns? I get ingrowns a lot with shaving. 

More good news here. Ingrowns are much more common with shaving than with waxing. I do everything possible to help you avoid them. Exfoliating is a great way to help prevent them and I offer 2 great solutions in the treatment room. The Supracor Spa Cell I recommend to everyone (trust me... this will be your new bestie for showering) and Ingrown Hair Buster for those prone to pesky ingrown hairs. 

Waxing Questions

What do I do to prepare for the wax?

The day of your wax, go ahead and take a nice warm (not hot) bath or shower and exfoliate the skin. This means to gently buff away the dead skin cells, which will help the hair follicle release easier. Avoid caffeine at least 3 hours prior to a wax as extra stimulates means you will feel the wax more. Wear clean cotton underwear to your appointment. Avoid caffeine and alcohol the day of your appointment. You could also opt to take a pain reliever.

What do I need to do during the appointment?

The most important thing to do is to breathe. From there, I will have you help hold and keep the skin as tight as possible. The tighter the pull, the less pain you will feel. 

How long will the wax take?

First time appointments generally take about 30 minutes. Your next appointments usually will take 20-25 minutes (depending on how much we are talking and not working - haha!)

Is there anything that I need to know for after my waxing appointment?

Schedule your next appointment before you leave the spa. You didn't do your first wax to have it be your only. Try at least one more wax 4 weeks later to see what a maintenance Brazilian wax feels like. Hard sweaty workouts and sexual activity should be avoided for at least 24 hours. Avoid tight clothing. You will also want to avoid tanning, hot tubs, and hot bathing/showering for at least 48 hours. Start using your Spa Cell one to two times a week after day 3. 

What if I have more questions?

That's what I'm here for! Ask away. I'm an open book and will be happy to answer for you.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Is Waxing or Dermaplaning Better?

When explaining hair removal options, I often get asked whether Dermaplaning or Waxing is better? These treatments are both amazing options, but work in different ways.


When explaining hair removal options, I often get asked whether Dermaplaning or Waxing is better? These treatments are both amazing options, but work in different ways.

Dermaplaning's first job is to the exfoliate the skin. This is done by gently moving a dermatological scalpel back and forth on the skin. The scalpel picks up the dead skin cells away from the healthy skin cells. What does Dermaplaning feel like? I think that the best descriptions are a credit card is sliding back and forth on the skin or a cat's tongue is licking your face. While exfoliating is number one, as a by product mostly of the peach fuzz hair on the face is also removed in the process.

Want an instant glow? Dermaplane. Would you like better makeup application? Dermaplane. Would you like your products to do their job 100%? Dermaplane.

Waxing's first job is to remove unwanted and unsightly hair. There are 2 different types of wax: hard wax which sets up completely and soft wax, which uses strips to remove. I only use hard wax on the face, as it is more gentle and works by essentially shrink wrapping the wax around the hairs of the skin. What does waxing feel like? I would describe this service to have a little bit of sting or tingle. The pain is very short lived. Clients may be a little pink for a couple hours after a wax which is very normal. While removing hair is the first priority of this service, waxing will also naturally pick up a little of the dead skin cells that are ready to go.

Want to remove dark or coarse hair? Wax. Want smoother skin for a longer period of time? Wax. Would you like facial hair to grow in a little finer and softer? Wax.

So let's review. The Dermaplaning service exfoliates first and removes hair second. Having a waxing treatment removes hair first and exfoliates the skin second. The main benefits of Dermaplaning are to give you an instant glow, give you better makeup application, and better product penetration. The main benefits of Waxing are to remove dark hair, have a smoother feel of the face for a longer period, and for facial hair to grow in a little finer and softer most of the time. I should note that dark, coarse facial hair is related to hormonal changes and it's always a good idea to get those checked with your doctor.

I also will offer to include waxing the upper lip with a Dermaplane service, so you can get the best of both worlds! When looking at your skin, I will let you know if this is what I recommend for you to do.

Let's set up a treatment that is right for you!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Do I Really Have Sensitive Skin?

One of the most common misconceptions for clients that I see is that everyone seems to think that they have sensitive skin. Have you heard of reactive skin? This is another common problem with the skin and probably more common than sensitive skin. So let's dive in and examine this further. Do you have sensitive skin or is it more likely that you have reactive skin?


One of the most common misconceptions for clients that I see is that everyone seems to think that they have sensitive skin. Have you heard of reactive skin? This is another common problem with the skin and probably more common than sensitive skin. So let's dive in and examine this further. Do you have sensitive skin or is it more likely that you have reactive skin?

Sensitive Skin

Those with sensitive skin usually have other skin conditions such as eczema. They experience bumps and pustules as skin reactions. They usually have very dry skin with improper nerve endings (which could be due to over exposure to the natural elements of the earth, such as wind and or sun) and the skin usually flushes and has redness. There is usually a genetic component to sensitive skin as well.

Reactive Skin

Those with reactive skin will experience tingling, stinging, or irritated skin when using product on their face. This can also present with a little bit of redness too. In my experience, I have noticed that clients might go for the best anti aging serum and cream in the market but may be missing the target mark for a great cleanser and mist. They may also be over exfoliating the skin which leads to a compromised barrier. Remember that one of my skin care philosophies are that more is not always better.

Calm and Protect the Skin

The good news is that the way to treat both types of skin are to soothe, calm and protect. So how do we do that?

First, we need to start at the basics and work on normalizing the skin. Before you come to see me for any service, you will be asked to fill out a form about your skin, what goals you are looking to achieve and also medications that you are taking. Many prescriptions thin the skin or disrupt the skin's protection and defense job, such as antibiotics and steroids. This gives us more pieces of the puzzle. We'll discuss a normal cleansing routine for you and what products you are using and how often. A thorough skin analysis is also needed. We cleanse the face, removing all makeup and oil from the day and then look at the skin carefully. Is the skin too dry? Are there broken blood vessels at the surface of the skin? Does the face look irritated?

Home Care

90% of changes you can make with your skin will be what you are able to do at home. So the next logical step would be to change up the cleansing process. The best cleanser for any irritated skin type would be a soothing light milk cleanser, which would feel like a lotion. Adding in a very light but hydrating moisturizer would be step two. After a week of using these products, I would add in a sensitive mist in between the cleanser and the moisturizer. The goal would be to take away active and exfoliating products while adding hydration to the skin.

What do you look for when you are ready to switch up what you are currently using? Look for products that are gentle. So ladies that love a good scrub every morning... you are going to have to put that aside. Look for products that don't have fragrance in the list of ingredients. Many products will add in fragrance or parfum, which are essentially the same thing. Forget about anti-aging and acne... for the moment. In order to address these concerns, you should do it in the proper order. If your skin isn't working properly to hydrate and fight off the outside world, this means that we've got to get that straightened out before we can do all the things.

Yes! I know you want it all! And we will get there. Generally, after taking a step with the home skin care routine, we are able to start slowly adding in products to address your next concerns! Would you ever start building your house from the top floor down? NO! You need a good solid foundation. And that comes from building your skin cells to do their proper functions.

Professional Treatments

For treatments, slow and steady will win the race. Gently and soothing products with a minimal amount of facial massages are key. I also love adding in the AlgoMask Clinical Facial with my sensitive and reactive clients because it is known for its soothing and hydrating properties. This rubberizing mask tones the skin, visibly reduces redness, and revitalizes the skin.

Sensitive or Reactive?

Have you been able to determine if you have sensitive skin? Are you thinking you have more reactive skin? I am ready and willing to help you achieve your skin care goals. If you are having serious problems with your skin, let's refer you first to your primary care physician or a qualified dermatologist so that we are addressing your house building blocks in order.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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6 Hints to Glowing Wrinkle Free Skin

The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!


The ever aging clock is something that many woman don't want to face. The truth is that there are many things that you can do to slow down the process that are easy, simple, and within your reach! Forget about the mistakes you may have used on your skin 5 years ago or even a month ago. Make a commitment to yourself and your skin that you will do your best starting today!

Consistent home care

Like with exercise, consistent time working on your goals will yield great results. A person that works out once a month vigorously for a couple hours may not see the same results at the end of a year as a person that works out for 30 minutes 5 times a week. Be consistent in making sure that you remove your makeup and the dirt, oil, and environment off of your skin every night. The minimum steps would be cleansing, applying a hyrdating mist, and finishing off with a moisturizer. After you feel comfortable and confident in those steps, add in regular exfoliation, masks, and eye cream.

Regular facials

Along with making sure you are doing work at home on your skin with a cleansing routine, seeing your Esthetician will boost your progress with your skin. Regular facials gives you an immediate glow and an increase in hydration. This is done by removing dead skin cells and getting rid of impurities on the surface of the skin. Many of the products in the treatment room are not available for use at home. Licensed Estheticians can use products with a higher percentage of acids or active products. Facial treatments will also help promote relaxation from everyday stressors. (Stress would be the #1 aging factor in my books.) Every month is my recommendation for how often to come receive a treatment.


The ever popular Retin-A developed by James E. Fulton and Albert Kligman in the late 1960s is still going strong. As we age. our skin cell turnover rate begins to slow down. It is also why it takes longer and longer for the body to heal. Retinols speed up that rate so that the newer skin cells are revealed. My advice with using these products are to

Purchase from a professional and check in with them on a regular basis (products over the counter have to be for everyone and we want to get you into the right product straightway)

Start slow (about twice a week) and increase

More is not better --- having a higher percentage does not mean that your results will be quicker or better. It actually means your skin could be more sensitive and pink.

Sleep on your back

This one isn't for everyone, but your face will definitely thank you. Sleeping on your sides or stomach will put pressure on the face during the night. Over time, you can cause wrinkles to appear from the pillowcase and pressure. Remember how your mom always said that if you kept making that face that it would probably stay that way? Well, turns out your mom is right!!!

Treating your neck and hands along with your face

When treating your face, almost every client will stop at the jawline line. Guess what areas are still being exposed to the sun and have makeup, dirt, oils, etc. on it? That's right! The neck, decollette, and hands. Many experts say to see the true age of a woman, look at her decollette and the back of her hands. It takes only a few more seconds and a little more product to include these areas in when we are doing our cleansing routine for the day and night. Pay attention to these delicate areas and you will see the aging clock slow down.

Using your insurance policy - SPF

You are paying good money for a skin care routine and regular facial services. You definitely need protection! Would you drive a new car off of the parking lot without insurance? Absolutely not! Then why are so many willing to do the exact same thing with their face? Take time to find a sunscreen that you like and will use on a regular basis. If you are going to be out in the sun for a longer period of time, reapply. If you sit by a window at work, reapply. If you... well, you get it by now. And... having SPF in your makeup is not enough ladies! Watching a video one time, I was shocked to find out that to get that SPF 15, you needed to apply 9 pumps. Wow! Do your research and then just apply and reapply!

So which one is your personal favorite? What can you do better? Remember to start today and that we will work together to make consistent steps of progress for your skin!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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Questions for a Brow Expert

When it comes to brow waxing and brow design, there are many methods to helping create the best brow possible. I love the Design Brows Naturally technique and started using it in May of 2018. It has completely changed my brow game and I know it will change yours too. This system takes into count the different sections of the brow (head, body, and tail) as well as the way your brow hairs grow in and their placement.


Have you noticed how brows are all the rage right now? If eyes are the window to one's soul, the eyebrows are surely the window frames. How are you dressing up or down your windows?

When it comes to brow waxing and brow design, there are many methods to helping create the best brow possible. I love the Design Brows Naturally technique and started using it in May of 2018. It has completely changed my brow game and I know it will change yours too. This system takes into count the different sections of the brow (head, body, and tail) as well as the way your brow hairs grow in and their placement.

So how do you find a brow expert? Let me help you start with a couple of questions that you can consider asking when you find someone new.

What type of wax do you use?

In my experience and with the additional training I have received, I would highly recommend finding someone who uses a hard wax. Hard wax sets up and is removed by itself. Soft wax never sets up and is removed with a cotton paper or muslin strip. Hard wax generally gives the waxer a little more control where wax can be removed in smaller sections and also always for rewaxing of the same area up to six time.

How long have you been waxing brows?

This one is not a do or die, but it is great to find someone who has a passion for the art of shaping a brow. Finding out if the esthetician has additional training is a bonus.

Do you have any before and after pictures of brows that I can view?

It is great to find someone who has built a portfolio of brow waxing so that you can see different brows on different faces, as we are each individuals. No two brows are the same either... so the saying of brows are not twins, they are sisters ... definitely ring true here as well. Seeing what a wax specialist can do through pictures says more than words ever can.

Can you show me the shape with a pencil before you wax?

This too can be overlooked as many waxers are limited on time. I schedule 30 minutes for each Brow Design to ensure that we have time for pictures, to show you the shape of the brow before waxing, and to discuss the plan with you so that we can ultimately design a brow that you feel comfortable with.

Other things that you might want to check out on your visit is if your esthetician is using gloves, has proper lighting, and does finishing work with tweezers. One hair can really make or break the design of an eyebrow.

If you are in the South East area of Idaho, I would love to show you how we can design the best possible brows for you!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

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Exfoliation is Key

When I think of basic steps to skin care, I think cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Are you with me? These three are easy, simple, and probably take a minute and a half to do all of them. One of the things that women overlook sometimes is exfoliation. Or maybe you are exfoliating everyday. Here's the 411 on why exfoliation is so important.


When I think of basic steps to skin care, I think cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Are you with me? These three are easy, simple, and probably take a minute and a half to do all of them. One of the things that women overlook sometimes is exfoliation. Or maybe you are exfoliating everyday. Here's the 411 on why exfoliation is so important.

The science: Our outer layer of skin is called the stratum corneum. It's a mouth full, but in Latin it is called the horny layer and consists of all the corneocytes or dead skin cells. Babies are fortunately to have that youthful glow because their skin cells turn over every 14 days. As we age, the time frame continues to increase. 28 days is the optimal that we shoot for, but you can't stop the aging clock. This turn over does not stop at 28 days either. If you have extra dead skin cells building up, your face could be hiding your best features.

So what do we do about that? We exfoliate! There are 3 main ways to exfoliate the skin ... mechanical, chemical or enzymatic.


95% of you (or more) will think of the scrubbies on the face when I say exfoliate. Manual exfoliation is a great way to get the dead skin cells off quickly, revealing the fresh new skin underneath.

Here's the skinny on this one. DO NOT (I repeat, DO NOT) over exfoliate. Follow the directions on your specific product. If the product says 2-3 times a week at 1 minute, that does not mean that 6 days a week at 3 minutes and 7 seconds is better. One of my main skin care beliefs is that more is not better. Prime example is the mechanical exfoliation.


Chemical exfoliations are AHAs or BHAs. AHA or alpha hydroxy acids come from milk (lactic), sugar cane (glycolic), grapes (tartaric), apples (malic), citric (oranges/lemons) and mandelic (bitter almonds.) BHA is beta hydroxy acid and is known as salicylic acid (willow tree).

Think of your skin as a brick wall. While mechanically exfoliating will knock off the top bricks, chemical exfoliation eats away the mortar so the bricks will tumble off on their own. You don't need actual peeling to see results. Newer technology allows for the results without the side effects in many skin care lines. For more dramatic results, come in for a series of chemical peels while using quality products at home.


This is similar to chemical exfoliation but using gentler products that soothe the skin. Ingredients that are used to do this are papaya and pineapple. This is a great option for those with sensitive skin.

So, you are using the 3 main steps but not exfoliating? Where does exfoliating fit into your steps? If you want to add in exfoliating, I would suggest cleansing, THEN EXFOLIATING, and then finish off with toner/mist and moisturizing. I like to say that you are wasting your money with the $100 serum that you bought if you are not exfoliating. You want the product to get past as much of the dead skin cells as possible and glide easily and effectively so that the product can do what it's supposed to do.

I love exfoliating and offer 4 different take home products just for you. I would love to show them to you!

Active Exfoliating Powder (mechanical, chemical, and enzymatic)

  • Reveals the next layer of skin leaving it visibly soft, fresh and luminous

  • Ingredients - rice powder, salicylic acid, papaya and pineapple

Intensive Exfoliating Gel (chemical and enzymatic)

  • Leaves skin soft and visibly toned

  • Ingredients - lactic acid, grapefruit, lime, and lemon oils

Derm Renewal Booster (chemical)

  • Visibly tightens pores

  • Visibly increases skin's luminosity and smoothes its micro-relief

Derm Renewal Cream (chemical)

  • Eliminates dead skin cells and reveals a fresher looking skin

  • Hydrates and replensihes the skin's moisture barrier

Let’s me help you pick out the right product for you so that you can get all of the benefits of exfoliating your skin. Schedule an appointment today.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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facials, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley facials, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Why Should I get a Facial?

When asking about facials, many people don't know exactly what a facial is and why they should get one. And it's really no surprised because facials are done so differently... depending on what products are being used, if you are going to a home party or doing a personalized spa treatment, and where in the world you are receiving your treatment.

Most people I come across know exactly what a massage is... and as a by product, they also know if they would like one. My stats? 90% would love regular massages and 10% don't want another person touching them.

When asking about facials, many people don't know exactly what a facial is and why they should get one. And it's really no surprised because facials are done so differently... depending on what products are being used, if you are going to a home party or doing a personalized spa treatment, and where in the world you are receiving your treatment.

So let's start by talking about what a facial is with me. I describe a facial as a nice relaxing service that will also begin to address the concerns that you have with your skin. Before your appointment, you will fill out an intake form that gives me a general idea of what you do with your skin at home, skin goals that you would like to achieve, and general health to name a few. Arriving to your appointment, we will discuss the goals for your treatment. You get dressed down to your comfort level and are tucked in luxurious bedding.

The facial process is beautiful and feels so good on your skin. The main steps on the face are to cleanse, exfoliate, apply a treating mist, facial massage or extractions, mask, and all of the finishing products. I use a healing touch to massage the products into the skin. Combine this with the warm towels, application of lotion to arms and hands, and the deep breathing, you not only get glowing skin, but also the mental benefits of a calm and relaxed mind.

If you have acne, we can work on cleaning out pores and decreasing the inflammation. Those with sensitive or red skin will benefit from soothing and hydrating treatments to calm the face. If you are worried about sun spots, we will start first with great exfoliation to remove layers of dead skin from your face. Wrinkles and fine lines will improve through massage movements and the appropriate products to both hydrate and relax the facial muscles while also lifting, tightening and firming the skin. Each and every skin condition can improve with the help of a skilled Esthetician or skin therapist.

So why should you receive a facial? While there are many benefits, here are my top 3 reasons!

1) Improve the overall look and feel of the skin through exfoliation.

Everyone has dead skin cells on the top layer of their skin. The process of removing the dead skin cells is exfoliation and can be done through "scrubbies", chemicals like lactic acid, or enzymes such as papaya. When you exfoliate properly, you will reveal the layer of fresh new skin. If you ever feel like your skin is "lack luster", exfoliation is one thing you can do to help get that youthful look back!

2) Increase circulation helps all of the skin cells do their job proficiently.

During a facial, products are massaged into the skin which improves healthy circulation. With improved circulation also comes with improved capacity for the skin to do whatever job it has been programmed to do more efficiently. In essence, the cells are getting the right energy to keep going and going and going.

3) Relaxation.

In this day and age of run, run, run, then go, go, go ... and never stop because we are constantly plugged in, the chance to turn it off for 60 to 90 minutes and focus on your breath is priceless. Massage therapists will agree with me in saying that both the body and the mind needs time to heal and be calm. With a facial, you receive those same benefits while improving the look of your skin.

Since you were born with only one face, consider keeping it looking healthy, glowing, and youthful by scheduling time to see your skin therapist. The ideal time to rebook is every 4 to 6 weeks. Your Esthetician will also set you up with amazing options for home care so that you can keep your skin as beautiful between appointments as when you first receive your treatment.

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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skincare, facials Zoey Jolley skincare, facials Zoey Jolley

Masking Your Imperfections

For the last couple years, the trends for masks have been on the rise. Whether it's a once a year girl party thing or part of your weekly routine (definitely my suggestion), throwing a mask on your face will definitely be a pick me up for your skin. In fact, if you are doing the three basic steps (cleanse, tone/mist, moisturize), adding in a mask is one of the easiest ways to boost that youthful glow while working on imperfections like acne and wrinkles. So, let's talk about facial mask benefits and what to avoid.

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For the last couple years, the trends for masks have been on the rise. Whether it's a once a year girl party thing or part of your weekly routine (definitely my suggestion), throwing a mask on your face will definitely be a pick me up for your skin. In fact, if you are doing the three basic steps (cleanse, tone/mist, moisturize), adding in a mask is one of the easiest ways to boost that youthful glow while working on imperfections like acne and wrinkles. So, let's talk about facial mask benefits and what to avoid.


First things first. Pick a mask that is right for your skin. If you would like to help with pore size, acne, anti-aging or hyper pigmentation (aka sun spots), find one that does just that. I am in love with the GM Collin Hydramucine Cream Mask. Ingredients include vitamin E, A and F, bamboo extract, water lily extract and allantoin. I call it the BRIDAL MASK because it plumps up the skin and leaves your outer layer with a dewy finish. Ka-chow! And GM Collin just had a NEW BABY - the Charcoal Mask. This mask will:

  1. Capture and elimate micropollutants

  2. Revitalize and replenish the skin

  3. Purify and improve the skin texture

  4. Even out skin complexion.


Have you heard of zoning your masks? This is super helpful if you have an area that has acne and the rest of your skin needs anti-aging. Put one mask on the pimples on the nose and chin and put the anti-aging mask on the rest of the areas (cheeks, lip, forehead.) It'll be a win-win getting you the right products in the right area.


Have you seen the sheet masks and patches that you can use? A lot of these are very calming and moisturizing. With all of the pollution, free radicals and sun that we see each day, these are perfect for your face. They are especially fun to wear for Snap Chat and with girlfriends. Warning - silly talk ahead! A couple of other tips here... don't leave them for longer than the instructions say (or 20 minutes), rub in any excess product left in packet, and relax and enjoy the benefits. Another favorite for my clients are the Instant Radiance Eye Patches. Seven benefits of these patches are:

  • Detoxify

  • Firming

  • Soothing

  • Immediate and Long Lasting Moisture

  • Anti-Puffiness

  • Anti-Dark Circles

  • Anti-Wrinkles

  • You can even use these on your marionette lines.


Doing treatments that include sheets masks and patches will step up your skin care game, just like seeing a trainer at the gym. One of my favorite clinical facials by GM Collin is called the Sea C Spa, which includes patches that dissolve on the skin. This treatment delays the visible signs of aging and energizes the skin; diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; evens out skin tone; and illuminates the skin restoring its youthful appearance.


Oxygenating masks can be a good option too. I have one I use in the spa room that leaves beautiful and glowing skin all while feeling and smelling amazing. Oxygen also kills bacteria and brings blood flow to the surface of the skin which can give you a pick me up. But it's not right for all skin types. So let's chat.

One last word of advice. Skip over the peel off mask. These masks claim to remove hair, blackheads, and dead skin... which they may do. But in addition, they also can remove hair you want to keep (like brows) if you get it in that area. They also pull up and out on the skin, which is harmful to the physiological components of the skin and vascular system right below. Long term and repeated use will cause damage to collagen, elastin, and damage to the tiny veins which can be unsightly.

So what are you waiting for? Come see the options that I have to use for you both at the spa and at home!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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treatments, services, facials, Selfcare Zoey Jolley treatments, services, facials, Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Marrying the Old with the New

There are so many treatments and services available to clients in 2018. It's amazing to see how far technology has taken us and where we are headed. There are treatments that estheticians have been performing for many, many years. You know what they say about those. Oldies, but goodies. And others are pretty new to the scene in my treatment room. In the with new, out with the old. Does that have to be the case? What if you could have the best of both worlds?

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There are so many treatments and services available to clients in 2018. It's amazing to see how far technology has taken us and where we are headed. There are treatments that estheticians have been performing for many, many years. You know what they say about those. Oldies, but goodies. And others are pretty new to the scene in my treatment room. In the with new, out with the old. Does that have to be the case? What if you could have the best of both worlds?

I would love to "propose" marrying old services with new ones for optimal benefits. Here are four techniques to consider that I currently use in the treatment room for facials. Which do you think are old and which are new? Say hello to High Frequency, Microdermabrasion, Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber, and Rose Quartz Massage Tool.

High Frequency

High Frequency is also known as Tesla high frequency current and was developed in 1892. Named after the inventor, Nikola Tesla, this was used to treat strep throat and other skin conditions before antibiotics were in play. In the 1970, European spas noticed the change on skin when using them in facial treatments. And how it so often happens, North America follow suit in the 1980s.

How it works

High Frequency uses alternating or sinusoidal current which produces a heating effect with vibration. In the glass electrode, the oxygen is removed and neon or argon gas is put inside which creates a yellow/orange/red or blue/purple hue and a buzzing sound. The electrode is applied to the face (usually gauze is in between the skin and the hand piece) and slowly moved over the areas. Indirect sparking is where the electrode is placed close to the area without touching and is able to bridge the gap sending energy into the skin.


  • Stimulates blood circulation

  • Increases absorption

  • Increases metabolism

  • Relieves congestion

  • Has an antiseptic and healing effect on skin

  • Helps coagulate and heal open lesions after extractions

  • Generates a warm, relaxing effect on skin


High frequency sends a low wave energy source which helps products penetrate better on the face while drying up acne and healing the skin.


This technique developed over time, but started around 1500 BC with sandpaper, then wheels and needles. The first microdermabrasion (also known as microderm) machine was invented in Italy by Dr. Mattioli and Dr. Brutto. By mid 1990s, microderm machines were seen across America. Traditionally, crystals and vacuum suction were used to exfoliate the skin. Other machines offer diamond tips.

How it works

Microderm is a powerful electronic vacuum with high grade microcrystals that spray onto the skin's surface through a hand piece. It can be done quickly in a 30 minute treatment or part of a facial.


  • Diminish sun damage, pigmentation, open and closed comedones, fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged pores, and coarsely textured skin

  • Stimulates blood flow

  • Stimulates metabolism


Microderm is a non invasive procedure that gently exfoliates dead skin cells of the face while polishing the skin to be smooth and soft and stimulating collagen growth and healthy looking skin.

Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber

The Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber is also known as the Ultrasonic Spatula is considered the new generation of microdermabrasion. Which is a little ironic, seeing as how ultrasonic devices have been showing up in treatment rooms since the 1980s (but Microderm was 1996). This treatment has really taken off and is one of my NEW favorite options.

How it works

Ultrasonic tool is placed on the skin with product and/or water. The tool is used on both sides - one for exfoliating and the other for product penetration. It uses a frequency above the sound range of a human ear and works for cleanse, exfoliate or push product.


  • Soft peeling of the skin

  • Exfoliation of dead skin cells

  • Removal of black heads

  • Stimulates natural collagen fibers

  • Helps in rebuilding tissues


Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber can first help to cleanse, exfoliate and remove debris effectively and second increase product penetration so you see amazing results.

Rose Quartz Massage Tool

Another new to me technique I've been using is the Rose Quartz Massage Tool. Stones have been used for ages and rose quartz is said to be a high energy stone that produces love. It opens up the heart chakra which causes self-love, leading to love for others. (This feels a lot like self-care. LOVE it!) Gem stone facials have been used before recorded history, but they are new to my treatment room. Manual lymphatic drainage was developed in the 1930s by Emil Vodder.

How it works

Using this tool, I apply massage oil and then gently press these stones in a specific pattern to release stress points and to promote lymphatic drainage. It is simple, but yet I am thrilled every time I perform this treatment. It just feels amazing on the skin.


  • Reduces inflammation

  • Reduces puffiness

  • Increase circulation

  • Drain congested lymph nodes

  • Rid the body of toxins and waster

  • Stimulate collagen production and improve elasticity

  • Promotes anti-aging

Have you tried all four? If you haven't tried each of these treatments, now is your time. Schedule an appointment today and we'll go over the specific benefits for you!

Don't forget to Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Licensed Esthetician

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