waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Can I Receive a Brazilian Wax on My Period?

Along with asking if a Brazilian Wax hurts, the next most common question I get asked about intimate waxing is “Can I receive a Brazilian Wax on my period?” Great question! And here is the answer. Ask your waxer! 99% of Estheticians are used to waxing at all times of the month and this is no exception.


Along with asking if a Brazilian Wax hurts, the next most common question I get asked about intimate waxing is “Can I receive a Brazilian Wax on my period?” Great question! And here is the answer. Ask your waxer! 99% of Estheticians are used to waxing at all times of the month and this is no exception.

Being on your cycle doesn’t mean that anything changes with the hair removal process. Your waxer or sugarist will ask you to wear a tampon, menstrual cup (like the Diva Cup) or a disc when you come in. You may want to take a Tylenol too before your appointment. I recommend too that you really avoid the caffeine and alcohol before the appointment, even if you haven’t in the past! But other than that, everything will be exactly the same process as in previous waxes.

Most clients feel like it’s pretty much the same pain as previous waxes and ends quickly. If you are very predictable and are tracking your cycles, let’s definitely schedule around it if you’d like. But if your aunt flow is random or perhaps you have an IUD and never know when you will have spotting, rest assured that this is part of our job. We will still make you feel comfortable, providing the best wax possible. It actually more often than you think! It’s completely normal. Did that make you feel better? Great!!!

Lastly, since I share my experiences often, I’ll share mine here for you. I get waxed every 5 weeks. This means that every couple cycles, I do hit my wax appointment on my period. It feels the same to me and isn’t any different than any other appointment.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley waxing, aftercare Zoey Jolley

Confessions of an Esthetician - Ingrown Hairs


Grab your popcorn and take a seat! Story time is here again!

I’ve been a long term waxer (meaning, I’ve received intimate waxing for years), and one of the things that can happen over time is thinner and sparser hair. The thinning hair still has the obstacle of breaking through the dead skin cells. And as we age, we also have to work harder to keep the dead skin cells cycling at an acceptable rate.

Anywho, this is my way of telling you, that I never got ingrown hairs until I had been waxing a couple years. Fast forward to last year. Mid pandemic … and honestly, I was kind of sucking at the home care routine stuff. Especially my exfoliation and moisturization processes. Out of nowhere, I had 3 ingrown hairs. Say what?!

Well, I have a couple of items that I recommend to clients, so I think to myself… “Today’s the day! I’m going to be the best client ever!” And then proceed to exfoliate in the bath and use the oil right after getting out. I mean, it all feels nice, but I don’t want it to just ‘feel’ nice. I want it to be doing something. So because this is what I do … and I’m a little weird like that, I check in the bathroom 20 minutes later to see what those 3 ingrown hairs are doing. And guess what?! All 3 ingrown hairs had popped through the surface of the skin. Botta bing, botta boom. Say yes!

I always say the best treatment for ingrowns is prevention! But, if you see an ingrown pop up (correction - staying underneath the skin), address it baby! Three of my main suggestions are:

DO NOT perform surgery on yourself.

SAY YES to the aftercare!

And don’t wait until your next appointment. Let’s get you stepping up the aftercare and then we can also use high frequency at your next waxing appointment as well!

If you, too, are struggling with the dreaded ingrowns, I can’t wait to show you options and help you through the process!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

The Importance of a Yearly Skin Exam


Small changes seem to creep up on us overnight. All of a sudden, you gained 10 pounds, went gray, or a wrinkle appeared. No, it didn’t happen instantly … but sometimes it really feels like it does. When you see yourself in the mirror everyday, you may not notice some changes that are happening in the skin. While I think it’s a great idea to come in for regular facials, it’s an even better one to come in for a yearly skin exam.

What are the benefits of regular facials? In addition to the deep cleanse, exfoliation and targeted masks he or she will apply, your Esthetician will also be looking at any changes (both good and bad) that they see in your skin. They will give you recommendations for an excellent home care routine and suggestions on how to improve your skin so that you can reach your skin care goals.

Estheticians are specialists in skin and skin care, knowing ingredients, technologies and more to help improve acne, rosacea, and slowing down the aging processes. Many skincare specialists get into esthetics because they have a passion for helping others. They may also have suffered from acne or other skin issues. They are experts in the art of a facial. They are not the person you see to check moles, skin tags, and for your yearly check of skin cancer… but many times, Estheticians may be the ones to see something different (or changed) on your skin and recommend that you make an appointment with a Dermatologist.

Dermatologists are trained to inspect the skin and know what looks right and what is concerning. They see skin care and a huge array of skin issues each and everyday. While it might seem scary to you to go, it should feel like a relief to have your skin get the once over by a specialist. They are definitely professionals at what they do. When they ask you if you’ve seen anything that is particularly concerning to you, make sure that you bring up any and all areas of concern, including what your Esthetician has pointed out to you. It’s generally a quick in and out appointment and one that you shouldn’t put off! You’ll wear underwear under your gown if you are more comfortable and with loops (special magnifier glasses) or a magnifier with light they will inspect the skin for anything suspicious.

If you’ve been dreading going to the Dermatologist, let me suggest that you pick up the phone and make the appointment. This is the first step and I’m here to encourage you to just do it!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Does my Foundation Count as SPF?

Let's go over what you already use for your skin. What about an SPF? ... Well, I wear foundation and it has SPF in it. Does that count as my sunscreen?

I may try not to cringe or be harsh, but remember that I'm a shoot straight from the hip kind of gal and esthetician. The answer is no, it doesn't count, but it is great for an extra added layer of protection!


A typical dialogue from me to clients goes something like this. Hello and welcome to Essential Esthetics by Zoey. I am excited to meet you! Let's go over what you already use for your skin. Cleanser? Check. Exfoliant? Check. Mask? Moisturizer? Eye Cream? Check, check, check. What about an SPF? ... Well, I wear foundation and it has SPF in it. Does that count as my sunscreen?

I may try not to cringe or be harsh, but remember that I'm a shoot straight from the hip kind of gal and esthetician. The answer is no, it doesn't count, but it is great for an extra added layer of protection!

I once saw a YouTube video where I watched the amount of foundation that had to be applied in order for it to have the amount of SPF as it said it had. Do you know how many pumps? (Well, I do, because honestly, I couldn't believe that it was actually happening...) It was NINE pumps! N-I-N-E PUMPS of foundation to get the protection on the skin. Could you imagine? Our faces aren't that big. For foundation wearers, the average amount would be two pumps. This is a generous amount but allows you to use a brush or sponge or beauty blender to make it look like your normal skin and to blend down your neck. Watching him apply NINE pumps to the skin was absolutely hideous. 

The absolute BEST thing that you can do for your skin is to wear a daily SPF. This is your insurance policy. A broad spectrum sunscreen will protect you against UV-A and UV-B rays. Many also contain ingredients that also help with free radical damage, which is a major contributor to early aging. Don't have one you love? No problem. I do!!! And I'm happy to show you how to use it so that you'll be a raving fan!

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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Selfcare Zoey Jolley Selfcare Zoey Jolley

Practice What You Preach

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."


When I became an esthetician, I knew the importance of continuing education. Esthetics school (heck, any school these days) is just the basics. AFTER you graduate, the real fun begins! This is where you get to decide what things most interest you and really dive into those deep topics. 

It was almost immediately after graduating that I knew that I needed to work hard on myself. Specifically my self care. Let's be honest. I was really sucking at it. I was SO good at being a good neighbor, a pretty good wife, a decent mama... but then there was nothing left to recharge myself at the end of the day. Each day was a repeat of the day before. And I was feeling less and less like myself. 

Becoming an esthetician was a HUGE dream. I love making clients feel amazing and helping them with their self care. I also feel like I wanted to be authentic and geniune... no fake here! SO, that started a movement that is still going strong to this day. The movement is what I like to call, "Practice What You Preach."

I will never ask a client to do something that I am not doing OR would not do. I recommend to all of my clients that they receive a monthly facial. So I too receive a monthly facial. Yes, I am perfectly capable of doing one myself with professional products. BUT it is NOT the same thing as going to experience it as a client.

I've had so many experiences. Amazing, glorious ones (like the 2 hour one I had in San Diego - heaven must feel that good) and the 'apply the products with no passion' ones (I won't rat those places out here). Each one reminds me of why I do what I do. And regardless of which treatment I get for the month, my skin thanks me by the healthy glow that lasts for days. 

When you find your passion, I hope that you will continue your education and always practice what you preach!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley facials, services, treatments Zoey Jolley

What is Cryotherapy?


Cryotherapy is essentially cold therapy. This is used in many different services and is now being used in facials. You can put different tools in the fridge, ice water, etc and then use them in the facial massage portion of a facial. I’m excited to bring this therapy into the treatment room at Essential Esthetics by Zoey. If you are like me, you’re thinking, that’s cool (literally), but what are the benefits?

First and foremost, you are using extremely cold tools on the skin. This will immediately help puffiness, redness and inflammation. Chronic inflammation can cause many problems in the skin. I see this in most acne clients where the acne is red, inflamed and irritated. Soothing and calming down the inflammation can speed up the healing process with acne and reduce breakouts. Inflammation also speeds up the aging process. Our goals are always to slow down the aging, not to speed it up.

One of the most requested goals for clients that I see is to hep in the eye area, where you can see the stress, lack of sleep, etc. This type of massage can reduce the puffiness in the eye and sinus area.

When using these amazing cryotherapy tools, you can sculpt the face, working from the center of the face to the outer edges and up. This not only feels amazing and looks great for you, but it can also increase circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system to work better. This promotes healing in the skin.

Benefits to any type of facial massage include a stress relieving component!!! Lessening stress in your life through regular facial, massages or other spa treatments helps to slow down the aging that happens in the skin. If you have massage tools at home, I recommend you try it on yourself. Put your tool in the fridge for 20-30 minutes prior to using. Then use gentle and flowing movements from the center of the skin to the outer edges and working in an upward motion. Like a cold shower, it may take some getting used to. But the benefits of removing inflammation, increasing circulation, and relieving tension will have you believing too!!!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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services, treatments, Products Zoey Jolley services, treatments, Products Zoey Jolley

5 Best Mother's Day Gifts 2021

Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.


Did you know that Mother’s Day in the United States is the day where most phone calls are made? Yes it is and YES! We love the moms and wives in our lives. They are truly special and it’s just fun to recognize them. The grocery store aisle will be filled with random knickknacks you could buy her. She’ll love anything you pick out because it comes from you … but here are 5 of my favorite ideas.

#1 – Cards with personal notes

Yes, cards really are still meaningful if they come from the heart. Don’t wait until the last minute to pick out the card. Also, really think about something that you could say that would touch her. Let her know you care and that you love her in writing and also in words.

#2 – Time together

Spending time together, making memories and sharing your love is the best. I love scheduling a lunch date or even getting pedicures done together. Or hey! Maybe both on the same day.

#3 – Wish list

Did you see her eyes light up when she say that shirt at the mall? Or put something in the Amazon cart that she has no intention of purchasing for herself? These are fun gifts because you know she’ll love them … and will still be surprised. Pay attention to what she says (and then keep a note on your phone that lists ideas. You can also use these for her birthday or Christmas!)

#4 – The spa day

Each mom wants to have an escape and a day of relaxation. Gift certificates to the spa make amazing gifts for moms because that creates a reason to make an appointment. Self care is the gift that keeps giving. She’ll come home refreshed and ready to tackle the daily to dos that take over in her life. My favorite, of course, is a heavenly facial. I also enjoy massage. The relaxation and time to breathe really does make a difference. I’ve seen the power it’s had in my life and hope that others give it value.

#5 – Personalize with her interests in mind

Pay attention to what she really loves and get a gift that is centered around that. Flowers, crafts, running, etc. You can find a gift card or a gift subscription to really make the day special. Using google, you’ll find all sorts of things that you never knew existed. A big bonus if it includes a small, local business that you can help support too!

Thank you to all the moms who made us who we are! You are the best and we don’t tell you enough! I love you!

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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What is LED Light Therapy?

LED stands for light-emitting diode and has been studied for decades. Each light color corelates to a different depth in the skin called nanometers. Depending on the equipment used will determine the number of nanometers, but there is a gold standard. These usually include the wavelengths that have been studied more frequently to get the best results for the client.


LED stands for light-emitting diode and has been studied for decades. It was first studied by Niels Finsen and was call photo therapy. Later, it was also researched by NASA who found that LED improved human tissues in the areas of healing and tissue growth. Each color of light reaches a different level of the skin and also helps with something specific in the skin. Simply put, LED stimulates cell function. Examples of the different cell functions would be to help reduce the amount of bacteria, stimulation circulation, increase production of collagen and elastin, and more.

Each light color corelates to a different depth in the skin called nanometers. Depending on the equipment used will determine the number of nanometers, but there is a gold standard. These usually include the wavelengths that have been studied more frequently to get the best results for the client.

Here is a quick breakdown of the colors, range of nanomenters, and benefits to the skin

Red light - 630-680 nm

  • Increases cellular processes

  • Boosts collagen and elastin production

  • Stimulates wound healing

Yellow light - 590 nm

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves lymphatic flow

  • Detoxifies and increases circulation

Green light - 525 nm

  • Lessens hyperpigmentation

  • Reduces redness

  • Calms and soothes

Blue Light - 405-420 nm

  • Improves acne

  • Reduces bacteria

  • Can be used with medications by a dermatologist for precancerous spots

Infrared - 800-900 nm

  • Heats tissue in the skin to promote healing

  • Known for pain management

  • Stimulates Collagen and Elastin

Some of the latest technology is also showing great advancement with using Green Light Therapy to treat acne and shows that perhaps using Blue Light is actually the less effective option of the range. If you’d like to check more into that, search The Skinny on Green Light Therapy by Shelley Hancock.

I love utilizing this technology. Easy, non invasive, it works for every skin type and every skin condition. Doing a series of two to three treatments for four or more weeks in a row will show best results. Sometimes using just one light. For others, utilizing more than one type of light is effective. The number of joules and number of lights will also increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your treatments.

This skin modality of LED Light Therapy is here to stay! And I’m sure that we will continue to learn more in years to come.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Sunscreen and Vitamin D

So, if you know you are lacking in Vitamin D and you know that sunshine converts to Vitamin D in the skin, how do you get the right amount and still protect your skin? Is there a win/win scenario here?


So you are educated and savvy, knowing that wearing your sunscreen daily helps protect the skin from the dangers of sun and skin cancer. But you also know that over 60% of those living in North America (studies range on the percentage) are Vitamin D deficient. Our body converts the sunlight into Vitamin D. D3 is stored in the fat cells and isn’t released into the body to be utilized. Melanin blocks Vitamin D, so the darker your skin, the more likely you are to be deficient. With the recent Covid pandemic, there has been additional light shed on Vitamin D.

So, if you know you are lacking in Vitamin D and you know that sunshine converts to Vitamin D in the skin, how do you get the right amount and still protect your skin? Is there a win/win scenario here?

Low levels of Vitamin D contribute to thinning and fragile skin, a decrease in the elasiticty, suppleness and structural support, and dryness and wrinkles due to loss of hydration.

Having adequate Vitamin D levels protect the telomeres and dna damage. Telomeres are like the end caps of the shoe laces. When damage occurs, these plastic sleeves come off and start to shorten and fray. This shortening process is directly correlated to biological aging. Vitamin D combats against free radicals and oxidative stress, enhances skin’s immunity and healing capabilities.

The good news is that multiple studies show that use of a daily sunscreen does not lead to Vitamin D deficiency. Rarely do people use enough sunscreen to block all of the sun’s rays. Since the skin receives the leftovers of each nutrient, it’s always helpful to treat the skin topically versus internally.

So the answer is, yes! Please wear your sunscreen daily. And yes, treat your skin with amazing skin care that has great ingredients that the skin can recognize and absorb. If you believe that you are low in Vitamin D, check with your doctor about receiving your labs to determine your number. Then listen to his/her advice on how they would like to address your situation.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Understanding Skin Care Buzz Words

There are so many buzz words these days, especially in skincare because ingredients, technology and science are always changing. Here is an overview of some of them you may have heard floating out there - acids, anitoxidants, plant sources, proteins, and vitamins.


There are so many buzz words these days, especially in skincare because ingredients, technology and science are always changing. It’s exciting to see the development in products, but that may leave you feeling a little confused and unsure. Here is an overview of some of them you may have heard floating out there - acids, anitoxidants, plant sources, proteins, and vitamins.


Acids are wonderful ingredients that help exfoliate the skin, keeping the skin looking and feeling healthy and glowing. You might be thinking that acids are just in chemical peels, but you’d be surprised to know they are in many cleansers, serums, and moisturizers. Different acids target different areas of concerns and reach different levels in the skin depending on the molecule size.


Antioxidants protect the skin from free radical damage and other environmental pollution that we encounter on a daily basis. Have you ever seen an apple turn brown once you cut it? Well, the same thing can happen to our skin. Antioxidants prevent sun damage, help the skin repair itself, and they can even out your skin tone, making it appear brighter and healthie

Plant Sources

Plant sources are directly linked to natural botanical extracts. Many skincare lines have found that sources in nature are easily accepted into the skin, especially when using high quality, lab tested ingredients. They help fight inflammation and protect your skin from damage and early signs of aging.


Proteins are chains of essential amino acids that act like the building blocks for protein in your skin. Peptides are also included in this category and act like little bosses that tell the skin cells what to do and to do those functions properly.


Vitamins are essential for cell functions, helping to boost the immune system, suppress pigmentation, stimulate collagen and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

While using one of these ingredients is good for the skin, just one is not going to give you the results that you are looking for to keep your skin healthy and youthful. It’s important to choose quality skincare that uses ingredients that work synergistically in the skin. Also, ingredients that are not recognized and absorbed in the skin are not going to be able to perform their claims. Work with your Esthetician in first communicating your personal skin care goals, and then to find the right products that contain ingredients to get you to your goals.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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How Does Diet Affects Our Skin?

Diet is an ongoing debate in dermatology. I am a firm believer in treating the whole person and not looking for a quick fix. The things that we do over and over and over again, surely affect our body and mind. Since the skin is the largest organ, it stands to reason that the fuel we put into our system affects our skin. Today, we will take a closer look into sugar, alcohol, caffeine and iodine.


Diet is an ongoing debate in dermatology. I am a firm believer in treating the whole person and not looking for a quick fix. The things that we do over and over and over again, surely affect our body and mind. Since the skin is the largest organ, it stands to reason that the fuel we put into our system affects our skin. Today, we will take a closer look into sugar, caffeine, alcohol and iodine.

Sugar and glycation

If you’ve guessed that sugar can cause breakouts in the skin, you are correct. But what is more frightening than that is what happens underneath the skin that you do not see. The excess sugar in the skin binds to the collagen and elastin in the skin, causing it to become hard and rigid instead of supple. When your face moves, the bounce back effect slows which is when fine lines and wrinkles begin.

I always recommend a balanced diet; low in the white stuff (sugar, processed, starches, etc.) and more in the colorful stuff (fruits, veggies, etc.) That being said, I heard recently that it’s important to have a healthy diet, but that cookies are good for the soul. If you like to indulge in sweets, just remember that moderation in sugar is a good thing.

Caffeine and hydration … Alcohol and redness

It’s not all about what we eat, but what we drink. We know that both caffeine and alcohol are stressors for the body. Caffeine (for many is the nice little perk in the morning) can dehydrate your body. Water is very healing and a large percentage of what we are made up of. The skin gets the leftovers of everything we ingest, but it also is the first place that can be taken from when the body needs something. I am the first to have dry lips. Part of this can be curbed by being mindful of the amount of caffeine you consume as well as the water that you intake.

Alcohol has inflammation effects in the skin, causing redness, puffiness and also dryness. It too can also cause acne. If your skin has a tendency already to be more red or your have rosacea or flushing in the cheeks, it’s my recommendation that you limit alcohol. After you have a night of drinking, you’ll also need to step up your hydration game. Carry a water bottle with you and continue to drink as much water as you can the next day or too.

Iodine and acne

This has been a long debate that is ongoing. Dr. Mark Fulton shared that there was a correlation between acne and iodine in the production of acne. Since then, Laura Cooksley has also shared the same thought. However, Dr. Mark Lees has challenged that thinking and believes that you would have to consume A LOT of iodiode food, such as sea kelp several times a week.

My thought is that it is relatively easy to keep this low (by using Himalayan salt instead of iodized salt, choosing low sodium foods, and not eating too much sea weed), so why not give it a try IF you are having issues with acne. Salt is also going to increase the puffiness in the skin, so if you are looking to rid yourself of those bags under your eyes, this will be a good idea too.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE 

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

What Causes Wrinkles? Preventing Aging by Slowing the Clock

Over time, our muscles continue to make contractions when we smile, laugh, frown, or wink! This movement in the muscle will eventually form a small fine line. The fine lines over time become deeper and create a wrinkle.

So now that we know the basics of how a wrinkle is formed, let's dive into how we can slow the aging clock, but externally and internally.


Every year, the cake comes complete with candles, family and friends, and the traditional song, right! And each year, we are aging. <clear throat> Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear beautiful! Happy birthday to YOOOUUUUUUUU! As we see the numbers go up, we also see a loss of the fat pads in the face and additions of the wrinkles. Other things also become more noticeable. 11s in between your brows, the long horizontal lines on your forehead, short lines around your twinkling eye, and the marionette lines around your mouth. Simply put, wrinkles are caused by a breakdown in the elastin and collagen fibers. Over time, our muscles continue to make contractions when we smile, laugh, frown, or wink! This movement in the muscle will eventually form a small fine line. The fine lines over time become deeper and create a wrinkle.

So now that we know the basics of how a wrinkle is formed, let's dive into how we can slow the aging clock, but externally and internally.

Three External Slowing Recommendations

#1 - Sunscreen/SPF

The sun is the number one external aging factor, so it stands to reason that the number one suggestion should be using a quality sunscreen or SPF. You need to apply daily (and repeat applications if you are outside.)

#2 - Antioxidants

Antioxidants in skin care help protect the skin against free radicals and pollutants that are found in our environment. One of my current favorites is Vitamin C. While this ingredient may be in a lot of over the counter options, this is one not to skimp on because many are not shelf stable, can be pore clogging and inflammatory in the skin.

#3 - Retinols (aka - vitamin A)

Yes, you’ve heard my back and forth through the years on this ingredient. But the skinny is that if you find a high quality product that contains retinol and doesn’t irritate your skin, USE IT! When you start using a Retinol product, let’s ease your skin into the routine. Definitely get with your Esthetician to find the right product and routine for you!

Three Internal Slowing Recommendations

#1 Reduce your stress

Again, since stress is our number one internal factor of aging, reducing this component of course would be number one! Find what helps you to reduce your stress - like meditation, yoga, breathing, etc. What works for one person, won’t necessarily work for you, so keeping trying and looking.

#2 Low stress diet

Yes, you read that right! Think high in fiber and greens and low in white stuff. Sugar creates glycation in the skin and makes the collagen and elastin brittle … which causes fine lines to become wrinkles, etc. So pay attention to what goes into your body. It will thank you for years to come in many aspects!

#3 Pay attention to your cues!

If something doesn’t feel right in your body, don’t ignore it! Address it! See your doctor, read quality articles about it, and then figure out what you can do to make small and simple changes that will help. Again, added stress in all formats will lead to faster aging.

Using both external (SPF, Antioxidants, Retinols) and internal options (stress, stress, stress - haha), you can definitely do your part in slowing what your mother and father passed down to you. Let’s do our own evaluation and see what we can do better, and then start today! I look forward to pointing you to the right direction for skin care that will work to slow your aging clock.

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, Le

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Products, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley Products, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

How Long Will It Take For My Acne To Clear?

How long will it take for my acne to clear? Wow! That's a loaded question. But I will do my best to answer your question and help you get to your goal of clear, glowing skin. Let's dive right in on what we need to do to get you there as quickly as possible.

jen-theodore-7A4TvZEW8zY-unsplash (1).jpg

How long will it take for my acne to clear? Wow! That's a loaded question. But I will do my best to answer your question and help you get to your goal of clear, glowing skin. Let's dive right in on what we need to do to get you there as quickly as possible.

There are many factors on why you may be experiencing acne, one of which is the build up of dead skin cells. Babies skin cells turn over every 14 days. This process happens so quickly that you rarely seeing flaking or peeling on their precious skin. As you begin to age, the process of the dead skin cells sloughing away takes longer and longer. The optimal amount of time that we aim for in adulthood is 28 days for that process of the dead going away and the new skin cells reappearing. Our skin however will not be able to do this process and it's own and needs help. Exfoliation is a great way to help speed up the process to try and achieve the 28 day cycle.

What we put on the skin also affects if the skin can get rid of acne or if it makes it worse. There are many products that say that they are FOR acne that can actually aggravate acne. A couple of the ingredients that are NOT good for acne prone skin are: coconut oil, isopropyl myristate, butyl stearate, PPG2 myristyl proprionate, and D&C pigments to name a few. When looking at your skin care products, you'll want to focus on the first 8 ingredients in a product. These are the most important because they are the bulk of what the product contains. Cosmetics are also many times like poison on the skin and should be avoided if possible. 

Internal factors are also key here! Think stress, diet and even vitamins and supplements. Stress is the number one factor if our skin will respond to the treatment that we can do on the outside with products. Many times, clients are in school, have small children, or are experiencing a rough time in life. Our whole body responds in different ways to stress! Diet is also a contributing factor. Many will think chocolate or greasy foods, but in my research, the most important factor is the iodine content in the foods. Dairy is also considered to be a big culprit here. Vitamins and supplements are taken by many to help the skin, but too can have a negative impact. Biotin and skin vitamins are highly discouraged as they may fuel the acne to continue.

After explaining all of this to you, hopefully you understand that we become detectives in figuring out what some of the triggers may be to your skin. We work together to check every nook and cranny and to experiment. Changing up products and make sure that you include the right type of exfoliation, learning meditation to combat the stressors of life, switching vitamins and perhaps your diet and more may be part of the solution for clear skin.  Because it can take 90 days for a pimple to reach the surface of the skin, it takes a minimum 3 to 4 months to clear up the skin (if we figure out all of the triggers and can make the necessary corrections)... because each skin cycle is 28 days! Receiving regular treatments with your esthetician can help to speed up the process, perform extractions on whiteheads and blackheads, and help to guide you as a mentor through this process.

If you would like to set up a consultation to review what we could do for your skin, please use the book now button. We'll go over where to start and get you a free acne booklet as a cliff notes of the right things to do and the things to avoid. Here's to the start of beautiful, clear skin with more confidence than you ever thought possible.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

How Can I Combat Redness?

Every face tells a story. A story of fun summer days, memorable trips and numerous smiles with laughs along the way. Your skin also will tell you what it needs, but often we are not paying attention to the cues that it gives us. If your skin looks (or feels) red, it’s time to start addressing what it is telling you. Below are four of my top suggestions to help your skin heal and take on that normal color again.


Every face tells a story. A story of fun summer days, memorable trips and numerous smiles with laughs along the way. Your skin also will tell you what it needs, but often we are not paying attention to the cues that it gives us. If your skin looks (or feels) red, it’s time to start addressing what it is telling you. Below are four of my top suggestions to help your skin heal and take on that normal color again.

First and paramount is sun protection. Since the sun is the skin’s enemy number one, it’s important to use sunscreen everyday. Yes, each and everyday, and not just on the days when you are out. Regardless of how simple (or complex) your home care routine is, this will be your very last step. When you are regularly using SPF and continue to do so, this alone will help with the red ‘tint’ that our skin takes on.

Second is hydration! So many clients will tell me that they drink 8 glasses of water and eat all the right things. Wahoo!!! This is SO important, but the skin will get the left overs after the other organs have taken what they need. Simply put, the best way to address the skin’s needs is to apply it topically. Using professional products with high quality ingredients is exactly what the Esthetician ordered!

Third is an elimination diet (so to speak.) Remove any products that may be irritating to the skin. Specifically, if you have redness, you’ll want to remove the scrubbie exfoliants, any product that has added fragrance, and hot water to wash off your cleanser, exfoliants, and masks. Use tepid water instead (trust me on this one.) If one of your skin care products feels tingly on the skin, you may also want to consider removing it from your current line up and see if your skin does better without it.

Finally, you may want to add in a serum or concentrate that helps with redness, especially if this is your top skincare concern. Making sure that it is gentle and soothing is a must. Some may find benefit in adding a serum that works on the blood vessels of the skin, ensuring that they are not in a dilated state all of the time. Your Esthetician can help direct you to something that will fit your needs.

Did you find which one of these you need to do? Or maybe it’s all four! Let’s get your skin back to its natural baby coloring again. Are you ready?

Don’t forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

The Top Three Hardest Skin Concerns to Fix

While we each would like to improve the appearance and health of our skin, I've found over the years that there are three concerns that are the hardest to fix. They are: Hyperpigmentation, Acne, and Dark Circles under the eyes. Below is a brief overview of why I have selected these as my top three.


When you fill out the Client Intake form as a new client, you'll see that I ask you this question. What would you like to change about your skin? There are options of common ones to address as well as a fill in the blank spot too. I really like to tailor each appointment to your skin care needs. Say you are coming in for waxing, but have something you want to ask me about your face. The time is yours and we can definitely use it to help you get ideas on things we could do inside and outside of the spa.

While we each would like to improve the appearance and health of our skin, I've found over the years that there are three concerns that are the hardest to fix. They are: Hyperpigmentation, Acne, and Dark Circles under the eyes. Below is a brief overview of why I have selected these as my top three.


Sun spots, liver spots, melasma, and pregnancy butterfly masks... I'm going to group them all in this spot under hyperpigmentation. The changes that occur with the melanin (the color) in the skin are connected to hormones. This is an internal issue and takes time to ease them away ... and then trying to keep them at bay is a whole 'nother ball of wax. In short, make sure that your hormones are balanced, then choose to either suppress the spots (products that contain more natural or more chemical ingredients) or bring them out (think laser treatments and deeper chemical peels.)


This issue and skin problem is one of my very favorite. The type of acne and the causes range greatly. I love becoming an acne detective with each client. The roots of the problems may not be able to changed. For example, 83% of acne has a genetic link to it. But, the aggravators can be eliminated or minimized. However, some acne clients will take steps to correct their problems, but after the skin starts clearing, they will not continue those actions that worked so well. This makes it one of the more difficult condition to treat.

Dark Circles under the eyes

This is the third condition that I see a lot of and that clients would like to change. This one as well can be genetic ... but diet can also play a role. Making sure that your digestion system is working properly is a key here. Also, using eye serums and creams that continue vitamin k and caffeine can also help to minimize the appearance of having dark circles (and even puffiness) under the eyes. 

If any of these skin conditions hit home with you, let's discuss your concerns and the best solutions for you at your next appointment. I know that as we work together, that we'll help you make progress to reach your skin care goals.

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

How Did I Start Brazilian Waxing?


Many clients come in for their first Brazilian Wax (or their hundredth Brazilian), and while we are waxing, chatting about the process of hair growth, the after care recommendations, and just about life, they ask me this question. So, how did you get into intimate waxing?

I laugh of course, only because I would ask the same question, and my choice of specialty might seem odd. But here's why it makes sense and how I got started into Brazilian waxing.

First, I like doing tasks that are detailed oriented, and I like to the be the best. I have always been one that is up for a challenge. I seek to improve myself on a regular basis and love continuing education. Just because I've done something a certain way for years, doesn't mean that I won't change it up, try a new technique, etc.

Second, I am hard wired to be a results seeker. Sure, I love the list making and crossing off, but at the end of the day, I want to see that I actually 'did' something. With Brazilian waxing, I can immediately see the results of the labor that we accomplished. There is nothing more satisfying than to see the wax strip with all of the hair, and look back at the skin to see no hairs left behind. Can I get a high five?! Haha!

So when I first started in the world of Esthetics, I did it all! I loved the challenge and variety of offering all services. But soon after, I learned that there was a knack for Brazilian waxing and not every Esthetician could (or wanted to) do a Brazilian Wax. I pride myself in offering this service in a short period of time, efficiently, and with little pain associated. I also keep a very clean and sanitary wax station. I wanted the challenge and dove right in to trying 17 different waxes (oh my! That's a story for another day) and taking all sorts of courses (which I still do because you can always learn something.) It's been my passion and I love helping women with this intimate service and helping them feel comfortable, especially for first time waxers.

I'd love to help you achieve smooth skin with any body waxing! Can't wait to meet you at the treatment room!

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

The Quick Prep List for a Brazilian Wax


Are you new to Brazilian Waxing, but don't have the time (or desire) to read a couple articles on how to best prepare for your wax? Then this article is for you! Short and to the point! If you have further questions, reach out to your Esthetician for the right guidance!

The Do's List

Exfoliate the day of your appointment

Wear comfortable, loose clothing

Wear clean underwear 

Try to be relaxed and calm

The Don'ts List

Stay away from the horror stories on the internet

Avoid or limit caffeine intake that day

Don't exercise immediately before your appointment

Final notes.

Ask the questions. Your Esthetician has been asked everything under the sun. Once the pants come off, there are no questions waxer haven't been asked before. 

Listen to the post waxing instructions. They are given for a reason.

Plan to purchase the aftercare. This helps your skin and hair down there be happier. 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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Products, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley Products, skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

February Delight - Chocolate Masque


One of the things in our skin care line up that is highly underrated are facial masques (sometimes spelled masks.) In general, masques are products that you leave on the skin for up to 20 minutes. They are packed with ingredients that help with your skin concern, whether that be acne, large pores, rosacea, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, dryness, oilness, etc. This list goes on and on. Truly.

Often, we skip this step, because who has 20 minutes. Or even 10 minutes these days! Or do we. If you have watched one episode on Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, or Amazon Prime, then I know you have time!!!

This month, I invite you to try something fun for the holiday. It's called the Chocolate Power Skin Rescue Masque by GlyMed Plus. This masque increases firmness and elasticity, reduces pigmentation, plumps, and lifts and firms. It is incredible for those seeking anti-aging. It also smells DIVINE and I would consider this to be a fun one to try just because it's FEBRUARY. It can be used for normal, dry, oily or combination.

It's best to be used at night (due to the thermal benefits that heat up and then cool down, increasing the blood flow) and will give your tired skin a kick start and boost! It includes cocoa, acai, reservatrol, jojoba, and papin. This masque is only left on the skin for 7 to 12 minutes. You may want to start with 7 minutes and each time you put on go up a minute or two. More is not always better, so please don't exceed the 12 minutes. Also, do not use it more than 3 times a week. 

Make time for things that are important to you! Make time for self care and self love! This extra step on a regular basis could show your skin what it's been missing out on. I challenge you to try a mask and watch your skin improve.

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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waxing Zoey Jolley waxing Zoey Jolley

Confessions of an Esthetician - Performing My Own Brazilian


Did you read the title? I could just tell you that you shouldn't do it on your own and walk away nicely. But I know you want to get comfy on the couch and grab some popcorn, don't you? Okay ... here goes!

I have been a long term waxer, and while I know how to perform Brazilian waxes (heck - I've performed as many as nine of them in one day,) I still pay my Esthetician for this service. It is 1000% worth it! But, during quarantine, I had to resort to desperate measures. 

So, I decide after waxing my legs and underarms that I just need to do it (advice I often give clients that want to try Brazilian waxing for the first time.) I have developed a pattern for waxing that is quick and efficient, but balanced by comfort. Knowing that I would have to be pulling my own strips (and also knowing what the rips feel like), I opted to follow that same pattern, but do slightly smaller strips. 

I start on my first section and place the wax ... almost wondering if I am that crazy that I decided to do it on myself. I wait for it to set up, go to pull, and then chicken out. I know I can't leave it on too long, so I keep breathing like I'm going to have a baby and then take the plunge. The strip was removed and I checked to make sure that not only the wax came off but the hair did too. Success! Instead of placing several strips of wax at a time, I keep it slow and steady. I call it a success because I didn't swear and I was able to remove all of the wax that I placed. I deserve a gold star! It took me way longer than waxing a client. But sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do. 

Did I die? Haha. Nope.

Was I drenched with sweat at the end of it? Yep!

Was I able to wax my own bootie? Nope! I'm not that flexible.

Did I immediately message my Esthetician to set up my next wax appointment? You bet your bottom dollar I did!!! And I'm still seeing her every month!

Leave the professional services to the professional! I promise you it's worth it. 

Don't forget to

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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skin, skincare Zoey Jolley skin, skincare Zoey Jolley

Am I Over Exfoliating My Skin?


Exfoliating the skin has many benefits. As you remove the dead skin cell layer, you reveal the fresh new skin underneath. This skin has a healthy glow and appears more youthful. Products penetrate the skin better. Makeup application glides on much easier. The texture of the skin also feel much more smooth to you and your Esthetician.

But what happens if you do more exfoliation? Can there be too much of a good thing? 

Are you guilty (like I have been) of knowing that you don't have to 'feel' a product on the skin to know that it's working but still wanting to 'feel' it? We, as Americans, get sucked into that trap of wanting to feel the tingle or the burn. Or maybe this describes you... If your Esthetician recommends that you let the product sit for 10 minutes, you do 15 minutes just to make sure it was enough. Or if you are instructed to use twice a week, you do four times for good measure. If this is you, I'm here to share some exciting news! More is not always better. This is one of my skin care philosophies. Do not be fooled into thinking doing the steps for longer or more frequent is helping your skin.

In fact, it can be quite the opposite. The acid mantle of the skin is delicate and needs to be balanced. As we age, our own exfoliation processes slow down and needs more help from us to remove the dead skin cells. But if we exfoliate more than our skin needs, it may turn red, feel irritated, break out, etc. 'Listen' to what your skin is telling you. Do you actually need more? Each skin type will benefit from a different type of exfoliation as well as a different schedule for exfoliating the skin.

In general, here are some key points:

Younger skin needs less exfoliation

Those with acne will want to avoid harsh scrubs

Sensitive skin types need to be extra choosy about what type of exfoliation that they use

Follow the recommended exfoliation schedule (both how often and how long when applying to the skin)

When you are tempted to put on that exfoliator for longer or to scrub harder, just remember 'More is not always better.' Stick with what you know you need and you will see improvements in your skin! 

Don't forget to 

Breathe. Let Go. Relax.

Zoey Jolley, LE

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